What kind of Snow (Grass) do you have?

I have Triangle Grass/Square Sn0w =D I didn't know bout it until I realized the different from people's town~ But I don't really care as my town is already very nice with whatever pattern it is, doesn't matter xD
i have circle grass/star snow! i was not even aware that there were different patterns for ground/snow?? cool beans
Triangle Grass/Square Snow, I used to think it was triangle/star, square/square and circle/hexagon and my sister and I got in a row screaming "IT IS SQUARE GRASS BECAUSE OF SQUARE SNOW!!" and "NO, YOU HAVE STAR SNOW." etc. it got boring. tumblr_inline_mzgdxl0ZTC1rw12xc.gif
Whoa. Noob here doesn't even know how to tell lol xP I didn't know there were different possibilities xD
I have triangle grass/square snow <3
It's my favourite, but i didn't reset for it. I was lucky to see that the town layout I wanted had this grass pattern :)
I have circle grass with star snow. I like it, but did not reset to get it because I didn't even know until after I had my game a while that there were different kinds of grass.
I had no idea until today that there are different patterns. :O

Square Grass/Hexagonal Snow here.
I have circle snow, I don't know what grass I have.

In my old town I had triangle grass.
I have circle grass/star snow. That's neat, I didn't realize they could be different depending on your town.
I didn't know there was different grass!! this changes everything! resetting town now.
Triangle Grass/Square Snow

I'm not a fan of triangle grass and would have preferred square but eh