what is your favourite youtuber?

JonTron, Game Grumps (except I don't really like Arin tbh), Vinesauce (I usually just watch the streams/videos on YouTube since I never really get chance to watch the livestreams) and Smooth McGroove xD But even then I will only watch those videos every now and then when I'm bored.
Game Grumps
Ninja Sex Party
Nostalgia Critic
any channel with YTP's are pretty enjoyable when I want to watch somthing stupid.
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Franku senpai
Vinesauce (Vinneh, Jobel and KY Jelly)
Big Man Tyrone
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#1 Fave youtuber is IISuperwomanII <333
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Youtube Poopers like WalrusGuy, Deepercutt, QuibbyJibby, TimoteiLSD, or SwishFilmsInc. I don't really think I have any specific Youtube Pooper I like the most, but I basically like any sentence mixing Youtube Poopers.

... don't blame me, youtube poop was really popular back in '09, so...

omfg youtube poops used to be the best.
My favorites were DinnerWarrior and cs188.

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Mygod zanessa i see u at every andrew arcade stream sometimes B)

But anyway, probably cryaotic, bubzbeauty, uh im really not sure since i have so much uwu

Hehe, yep! That's me!
You should say hi!

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PewDiePie. I don't care what anyone says, but, he's a really nice person. Sure, he may scream a lot, and make silly jokes, but, he donated a lot of money to charity not too long ago, and, it really feels like there's a connection between him and his fans. His community is, generally, full of equally nice people, and, I think he's very misunderstood.

Same. I really like him too.
I have too many favourites...
  • Danisnotonfire
  • AmazingPhil
  • Emma Blackery
  • Yogscast (Yognau(gh)t for life! :D)
  • Paint (I love him too much xD)
  • The Slow Mo Guys
  • Bad Lip Reading
  • LDShadowLady (Shadow Cadet for life! :D)
  • PewDiePie (Bro for life! :D)
  • CutiePieMarzia (Marzipan for life! :D)
  • IISuperwomanII
  • Brizzy Voices (Absolutely LOVE her impressions)
  • ForneverWorld
^ Not in any particular order ^
TotalBiscuit, Angry Joe, Pro Jared, Zero Punctuation, Jim Sterling, GamingBritShow, Caddicarus... So yeah..
ADoseOfBuckley, Cr1tikal, Geme Frumps, VSauce, JaboodyDubs, Game Theory and Kingsley. I end up on the animation side pretty often, so OneyNG, psychicpebbles, those sorts of things too.
My Top Three :3
  • chuggaaconroy (He got me into Animal Crossing and Gaming in general!)
    [*]Pewdiepie (He made me the gamer of who I am now)
    [*]BlueXephos or Yogscast in general (Same as Pewdiepie~! Made me the gamer of who I am now)
You're the type of "gamer" that screams at video games and makes offensive comments?

This applies only to COD,Battlefield, basically FPS in general hehe
Oh and some jumpscares in horror games :p
He was basically the reason why I kept on playing games, same goes for the Yogscast!

Chuggaaconroy is who got me to start gaming, his bad puns and lets plays were why I started

They were the few who I watched when I was a bit younger so they really stuck with me through and through ^_^
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He's so obnoxious but then again, so are almost all popular youtubers.

Yeah I guess, but I don't find him funny AT ALL. He literally screams all the time, overreacts and says stupid immature things. People, penguinz0 is such a better video game player and commentator!
I don't go on YouTube very often, but when I do I usually watch videos from: Grav3yardgirl, the fine bros and ERB (epic rap battles of history)
Yeah I guess, but I don't find him funny AT ALL. He literally screams all the time, overreacts and says stupid immature things. People, penguinz0 is such a better video game player and commentator!

Well you're not a 13 year old girl so of course you wouldn't find him funny. :x His audience seems to consist of 13 year old girls anyway. Not to offend anyone who does find him genuinely funny, but I just... I don't know. I don't see what is so hilarious about someone screaming and shouting at a videogame. I only really find someone funny when they actually... You know... Say funny things and have a sense of humor... Penguinz0/Critikal is brilliant; I watch his videos every now and then. I really enjoy his Pepsiman playthrough and his attempts at The Impossible Game. x3