What is your favourite kind of donut?


Legends Z-A Hopeful
Nov 29, 2019
Dragonscale Easter Egg
Chinese Dragon Head
Chinese Dragon Body
Chinese Dragon Body
Chinese Dragon Tail
Mermaid Scale Halloweaster Egg
Oarfish Head
Oarfish Body
Oarfish Body
Oarfish Tail

There are many kinds of donuts! My favourite ones are the classic glazed and cake donuts. I don't eat them as much as I used to in the past because of health reasons but they are delicious!

Which donuts are your favourites?
(Cue “DO-NUTS!” in Charlotte Katakuri’s voice. 😂) I haven’t had donuts in a while, but I like a few kinds of them:
—Chocolate long john (or eclair)
--Chocolate with sprinkles
—Classic glazed (any form)
—Cinnamon twist
—Tiger tails
—Apple fritter
—Blueberry muffin
What I dislike are donuts with any kind of filling, like custard or jelly. But overall, I like them as a treat.
Cake doughnuts!
The best tasting cake doughnuts I've ever had are Entenmann's Doughnuts. It is an American company and I don't know if they export.
But I also like simple glazed yeast,
, and yeast with minimal flavored icing. Like this maple yeast doughnut:
I also like crullers (tractor tires).

🙊I don't like cream filled, jelly filled, or just over the top loaded doughnuts.
Glazed or sugar for me! I also love cinnamon donuts. Although I usually only see those for sale at coastal resorts and carnivals.
Jelly filled (raspberry only please) and cinnamon powdered sugar. Though, we have this gourmet donut shop called Duck Donuts and they have THE MOST AMAZING DONUTS. I plead everyone to go look at their menu and just be in awe.
I love any frosted donuts with sprinkles. I do like cinnamon donuts or donut holes, but I have to be in the mood for those.
I love doughnuts! I like chocolate with sprinkles, Boston Cream, vanilla with sprinkles, glaze, donut holes, I like a lot of them. Except French crullers and jelly. I think jelly is better than crullers, just that I'd definitely avoid them, but I would rather starve than eat a French cruller.
I like the chocolate frosted doughnuts :p My favourite doughnut is a Nutella filled one I love it :love: I want one now with some tea hahahah
I like the cake-like devil's food chocolate ones with a glaze, sprinkle donuts, and classic plain glazed fresh and warm 🥰
My favorites are relatively simple: jelly filled, old fashioned, and a good ol' white with sprinkles. I love cake donuts more than the lighter kind that's typically used for regular glazed and the like, but honestly it's hard to go wrong with any kind of donuts. Unfortunately the only places around where I live where you can get cake donuts are local donuts shops that are always closed by the time I'm normally just waking up, so those kind are a rare treat for me.
Probably either the chocolate frosted or a strawberry jam/jelly donut or if I want something a bit lighter then can’t go wrong with the classics like a typical glazed donut.