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What is one thing that you love about about New Horizons and one thing you hate?

I love how you can place furniture outside and terraform, opening up vast amounts of customization options compared to previous games.

I hate the absence of so many beloved characters and features; swimming, Kapp’n, Tortimer, Brewster, Dream Suite, etc. I get that we may see them again in future updates, but the worry is still there for me.
Love :

- Villagers are more alive. They’re more interesting and interactive. They sing, they eat and they play. Dialogues aren’t repetitive and they can interact with objects and comment about a lot of things. They even seem to have memories.
- Villagers have actual outfit changes. They have sportswear, formal wear, casual wear, rain gear and they change constantly.
- I now actually use my slingshot. Balloons have actual stuff you’d need or want. Bye bye to that tacky, horrid balloon furniture series. I don’t want them. Pietro can keep them all.
- Speaking of furniture, they’re now more down to earth and practical. They might not be sets or series but they look like something I might furnish my real house with. ‘Cause I would NEVER furnish my real house with matchy matchy series which has the same prints or design all over.
- No grass deterioration. ‘Nuff said.
- No need to plot reset. You can put buildings anywhere you want anytime. Then move them again if you’re not happy.
- No need to farm / wait for PWP suggestions. Just make them or order them from Nook and bam you’re free to decorate your island.
- Landscaping heaven. Fill your island up with flowers or trees in hours. Buy all the saplings and seeds you want and plant them all! Or eat a fruit and relocate your trees. No more waiting the next day just so Leif can sell you ONE MORE sapling. If you don’t TT in NL, I swear it’ll take you YEARS to make a forest. Plus, THEY DON’T DIE here. They’re immortal. No wasted saplings or flowers.
- Rocks in your way? Break that thing. It’ll grow back tomorrow. Hate it again? Break it again.
- Furniture outside. Furniture on paths. Furniture everywhere.
- Furniture can be placed together as near to each other as you want. You can place a lamp beside a bench close together like they’re supposed to. No more Isabelle telling you you need 2 spaces on the side, front and back blah blah blah.
- Paths. Paths are adjustable. They’re straight. They’re curved. You can make it as thin as you want or as thick as you want. They can be stepping stone circles, or squares. Or hearts. If things from the trees fall on them, no problem. They don’t disappear. So you can design your island to death and still play the game at the same time.
- Terraform to your hearts content. You can make your island as simple or as complicated as yourself. Lol.
- Nook miles plus. Makes you play the entire day. Those mini tasks rack up miles fast so you can go...
- Mystery island hopping. Look for your dreamies. Control who moves in. Make sure it’s not someone you hate. Plus, you get rich from the island resources. Exploit it to the core so you get your tickets’ worth.
- You can still invite campers even if your island is full. YES!!! No more dreading seeing someone in the campsite knowing you can’t get them anyway BECAUSE NOW YOU CAN!!! So go and check that campsite. It may be someone you’re dreaming of. Invite them. Kick some loser out.
- No need to run after villagers trying to get a gossip on who’s thinking of moving out. Because they won’t move out without your approval. No stress.

Hate :

- No mass crafting. I wanna be able to make ten fish baits in one go. Or anything in one go.

That’s about it, really. This game is more suited to my play style than the others in the franchise and I’m very satisfied. :) I don’t even have the time to miss missing NPCs because I’d take the overall better gameplay experience and convenience over just seeing them...be there.
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I love that I can put furniture outside on the island now!
I hate the missing of Dream Suite and color-locking for furniture as I want the different colored one and I'm starting to get tired at seeking catalogue all the times haha
I love the amount of customisation in this game and how easy it is to change up outfits and home interiors and of course terraforming!
However, I hate that so many furniture sets were left out of this game. I know there’s hope with future updates, but it’s just such a shame.
LOVE how nice the graphics are in this game, the water, the sky, the villagers, the furniture- i love it.
Not a big fan of the crafting system- aka not being able to craft multiples and having to put things into your inventory first- I just think they could've made it more fun and efficient
I love how villagers interact with their surroudings and each other more yet at the same time I feel their dialogue is extremely repetetive and gets old quite quickly...
I love the customization of the island. You can make anything you want if and if anything gets in your way you can move it or destroy it. There’s no more accepting and working around the flaws of your town. Plus there’s so many cool and cute things you can decorate with.

The villagers are more animated and lively. They don’t just walk around aimlessly anymore. They’re eating, sweeping, singing, working out, etc.
I like that however I feel like their dialogue isn’t as good as people think they are. Especially around this time with the Bunny Day event coming. My villagers are just constantly talking about eggs and how they’re excited. Plus even before the event, the dialogue was pretty bland.
Also I’ve only gotten one request from a villager so far. At almost three weeks in the game, I’m pretty disappointed. I always looked forward to helping villagers especially since it meant I was one step closer to getting their picture.

Now I have no idea how long it’s going to take to achieve max friendship because there’s only so much I can do for them if they won’t let me help them.
Absolutely love being able to decorate OUTSIDE. So happy they carried that over from Happy Home Designer.

Absolutely hate loading screens when visiting others or them visiting you. Just have some message pop up that says "Someone's coming!" and run the loading in the background.
Love: We can change the terrain! Rocks aren't permanent! We have the ability to change so much, instead of being forced to find a way to work around it. I remember laying down paths in New Leaf and having to go around rocks, and being so annoyed about it because that one square wouldn't look the way I'd have wanted it to look. Oh also - being able to choose villager plot locations is such a HUGE step up! I also remember spending literal hours resetting for certain plot locations in New Leaf and I'm thrilled I won't have to do that anymore.

Hate: The majority of 'series staple' furniture sets (and bush starts, etc) are missing from the game and frankly, they shouldn't be. There's no reason to be gating that content or put it on a staggering release schedule. I'm not digging the sheer amount of games that are released in an unfinished state and then later patched (or god forbid, given paid DLCs) to give us stuff that should have been there from day one.
I love that the animals have more life to them. A lot of them seem to have quirks "unique" to them as well. For me, Flurry loves flowers, and I'll always find her near a patch. Zell is vain and loves singing and dancing whenever he can. Elvis seems to visit Flurry's house every morning (and Flurry will follow him around and smile - it's so cute omg).

Dislike that the starter villagers do not have their true houses. I thought maybe they'd add pieces in over time, but it doesn't seem to be that way after playing since launch. I've been slowly gifting them items (Sprocket's home has been so threadbare, it's really sad) to help make the homes have a bit more personality. I don't want to move them out and back in to fix this.
- It's a mainline Animal Crossing game.
- Furniture outside.
- Larger inventory - better than the typical 15(25) we normally had.
- Larger mailbox
- Can change hair whenever you want.
- Changing outfits in wardrobes is awesome
- Terraforming lets us hack our maps in a legitimate way.
- Path making.
- Moving buildings
- Changing outfits at Able Sisters is awesome.
- The storage in house is awesome

- Hourly music not available for a week.
- Can't move furniture when guests are over. Nintendo thinks it's "Rude". My guests think otherwise.
- Multiplayer still takes too long to set up. (Too much character dialogue and prompts)
- Tools break
- Gold Tools break
- Tools take up a lot of inventory making the extra space almost worthless.
- Tools break too easily. The iron fishing rod breaks after 30 fish, which is unacceptable to someone with 30+ inventory slots.
- No way to check tool durability percentage. I never know if my axe, shovel, or slingshot are nearly dead.
- Some fish only spawn in the cliffs... This means you cannot have a flat town with terraforming.
- Can't craft in multiples.
- Too tedious to buy every color of a clothing item at Able Sisters
- Sending mail is too much of a hassle
- Multiplayer uses dated Wild World mechanics. Right down to only sending 24 character messages
- Native flowers
- Locked furniture colors
- Amiibos take 4 days to move in. (3 days in camp)
- Touchscreen is under utilized. We should be able to use it to tap through menus.
- NMT are tradable and destroying the community.

I'll probably update this later. This is from the top of my mind.
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  • I love that the villagers have a personality, more so than before
  • Whitney remembered giving me something and noticed i had it on
  • I love the customizing
  • Putting villager homes wherever i want instead of having Wolfgang plot his home right in front of townhall
  • Blathers goes into detail about what you're donating again
  • decorating my front door
  • So many clothes
  • I miss Pelly & Phyllis running the post office
  • I miss all the npcs honestly
  • no Paintings in the museum
  • Tools break constantly, it's getting annoying
  • They should have a whole separate wheel for tools that you don't have to have in your inventory
  • same for building supplies like wood, clay, iron, etc
  • Too many bunny day eggs and not enough cherry blossom diy
The music, apparently. So many people seem to hate it. As for what I hate? Probably the online. So clunky and slow.
Love: The graphics. Everything looks excellent, well still having the feeling of Animal Crossing.

Hate: Tools breaking. It's an annoying feature that, unfortunately, doesn't feel like Animal Crossing.
i love the terraforming! such a unique idea and really helpful so that random custom designs don't take up your design space all the time :)

i hate the lack of special characters, like reese and cyrus, tortimer, dr. shrunk, kapp'n, etc. maybe we'll see them in future updates though!
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I love Fuchsia (new nose job) and I absolutely hate Raymond (not him personally) but what he doing to the AC community. All the bickering, micro-transaction, and greed.
the raymond one i totally agree with. as much as i love him and i find him one of the only smug villagers i like, i feel like people, how do i appropriately say this? are sorta s****lizing him in a way? like with the maid outfits and some fan art, i don't like it at all. not for a wholesome game like animal crossing.