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What do you think that AC Community needs to come back?

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Vasea Mayor, Zenda Islander and Borelia Villager.
Jul 3, 2015
Hey there!
I was thinking about this the other day, what does the AC community needs to come back to play Animal Crossing.

-Not just talking about New Leaf, i mean... The update bring back some people, but not at all, not like ACNL making a comeback.

-Then we have a Spin-off called, Happy Home with Amiibo Cards! Even when lots of people buy it, just don't feel like the community made a comeback. Maybe because of the ?just customizing? mechanic.

-Amiibo Festival. Nothing to say here...

-Animal Crossing Pocket Camp: Sounds promising like having the first AC for a mobile device, but it doesn't had the impact that New Leaf had.

Don't misunderstand me... I like all these Spin-offs we had as Fan of the AC Series all of these was great for me, but what you think Nintendo have to do in order to bring back together like they did with New Leaf or City Folk or Wild World?

The answer of course is simple... Animal Crossing Switch. I just don't want that Nintendo take a path with Animal Crossing thinking we want Spin-offs more than a new game.

What you think?
I have never left the community, lol. I am still just as involved as ever. What does that say about me? Who knows? Maybe i just love AC. I played HHD for a few weeks until I completed it. But it was just too much busy work. There was no time to wander around and just relax. I gave Camp a try, but I am still so involved in NL that I just couldn't find the time to truly settle in and give it my all. If there is an AC for the Switch, I won't be playing it. The Wii U was my last console purchase from Nintendo and I won't be buying another.
I think a full new AC game would be needed too.
It makes me kind of sad, because I am the type to practically play in my towns forever (with breaks here and there, but I always pick them back up again). I recently finished my Dream Town after close to 5 years of having my town, but I feel like hardly anyone will visit compared to the dream visits I got in, like, 2014.
The spin offs get some attention -- many are still playing pocket camp, and some are still making happy home designs -- but for many, there's not enough meat on the bones of those games. Something like New Leaf has a lot more depth of an overall experience, but it's almost 5 years old, so... Yeah, I wish the community was more active too. But if you hang around forums like this one, or even follow the right active blogs on tumblr and the like, it can give the illusion that the community is still very active. But the numbers won't be quite like they were in 2013 til the next full AC game, probably!
The answer can't just be the Switch, because not everybody can afford one, and it would have to be one hellova good game for me to part with that much money.
I agree, I can't afford to spend that kind of money on a consul just to play a new AC game.

But I am still quite happy playing New Leaf. It will be years until it comes out in the UK anyway if ANCL is anything to go by.
These boards are still fairly active even though there hasn't been a new mainline Animal Crossing game released in five years.I think if Nintendo released a new AC mainline game on the 3DS,the fans of the series would be just as happy as they would be with a Switch release......probably even more so because the 3DS still has a much larger installed base than the Switch(even though the Switch is selling really well).I wonder if Nintendo will do just that....a 3DS release only.Nintendo doesn't really need an AC game to sell the Switch,unlike the slow-selling Wii U.Maybe they'll make some kind of announcement at the next E3.
Definitely an Animal Crossing Switch. I think just about everyone is tired of all the spinoffs at this point.

I think the only reason this site is still fairly active is that we aren't just about Animal Crossing. You can always play Mafia or talk in Brewster's Caf?. I'm pretty sure outside of here, the community is fairly dead at the moment.
Too many spin-offs.

In each of those spin- offs there has never been enough to bring the ACTUAL community together the way Wild World, City Folk, and New Leaf did.

In my metro area, people were collecting the Amiibo cards only because they collected the Smash Amiibo. It was really weird. Sure they played some Animal Crossing since 2002, but 90% of them were in it only for collecting, not even playing any of the AC series.

Now with Pocket Camp it seems similar to that summer of Amiibo cards. People only in it for collecting. Globally I see people into Povket Camp but mostly the actual COMMUNITY is not there. It is a ?what?s in it for me? vibe.

Oh please let the AC switch fulfill our greatest hopes and dreams and bring the community back together again.
The answer can't just be the Switch, because not everybody can afford one, and it would have to be one hellova good game for me to part with that much money.

I totally agree with you too!
Honestly, I took a break from New Leaf until pocket camp came along... Playing that reminded me how much better New Leaf is so I bought another cartridge and started fresh.

A cartridge I can afford. I agree with the folks that say they can't afford a new console just for a new AC game...
I think there is enough hype and excitement for an AC for the Switch that its release would revitalize the community, despite the price of a new console. In the past, it was tradition that there is one main series AC game per console/handheld (though WiiU broke that tradition), and the price of buying a new console didn't prevent those releases from being successful. Some AC fans already have Switches because they are Nintendo fans in general. For me, I plan on waiting until I see what the AC Switch game looks like before I make any sort of investment. And if it looks amazing, I won't hesitate to save up for a Switch, even for just one game, because of the hours and love I put into AC. I've put thousands of hours into New Leaf and consider my town priceless because of all the work I put into it, so my investment was more than worth it in the New Leaf generation. There's no guarantees for the next generation, though, so that's why I plan on waiting to see how it looks. If it looks flat and empty like pocket camp, or rushed, I may hesitate!

I'm not even dying for AC Switch like some people though. I'm still so in love with New Leaf. The graphics haven't aged for me, I love the 3ds system, I love seeing my main town pass through the seasons and working on new towns, I love the Dream Suite and seeing others' creations so easily, how fun multiplayer can be on the island, how peaceful simply spending time in your town can be, and so much more. New Leaf is like the ideal AC game for me, so AC Switch will have a lot to live up to and to bring to the table imo! x3 But I'll be hopeful and watchful!
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More rv cards? Maybe make your pocket camp rv, that you decorate, be able to visit the New Leaf rv camp for furniture ordering?
These boards are still fairly active even though there hasn't been a new mainline Animal Crossing game released in five years.I think if Nintendo released a new AC mainline game on the 3DS,the fans of the series would be just as happy as they would be with a Switch release......probably even more so because the 3DS still has a much larger installed base than the Switch(even though the Switch is selling really well).I wonder if Nintendo will do just that....a 3DS release only.Nintendo doesn't really need an AC game to sell the Switch,unlike the slow-selling Wii U.Maybe they'll make some kind of announcement at the next E3.

I for one would be pretty upset with a new AC on 3DS. They released a spinoff for the Wii U and they've released a main AC game for every home console up until the Wii U. With the success of the switch, anything but a switch release would tell me that the series is in a worrying trend of spin offs and active avoidance of the home consoles, and most importantly, nintendo seemingly just not giving a **** about the series except to milk cash.

Like, I get it, not everyone has a switch, but why release a brand new AC on a 5-6 year old console when fans are constantly demanding a Switch release? If Nintendo did that, they'd be showing just how backwards and tone deaf to the community they are. An AC for 3ds would be an easy, lazy cash grab when they should be making a next gen, full HD game for the switch.

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For people who don't want to buy a switch "just for one game," there's a decent number of good games on there and more to come, plus smash for switch down the pike as well.

I think in order to revitalize the ACNL community, a rerelease of the amiibo cards (old series and WA) would be warranted, given the acute shortage there is going on now. To revitalize the AC community in general, a new AC switch is I think the only thing that can rouse the community to 2013 levels of activity - no number of spinoffs can do it, and a new AC on the 3ds will alienate more people than bring them in, IMHO.
I have a theory on why they keep making spin offs of this series

They're trying to find a new art and animation style, testing it on games like Amiibo Festival and Pocket Camp. It's like how ACNL made animals and human characters more proportionate, bears, hippos, and other towering animals are taller than their smaller counterparts, and the humans have longer legs than its predecessors. Especially because of Satoru's passing (you will always be missed, Mr. Iwata) he was the guy who basically created this franchise and now they have to adapt to their present situation, so it only makes sense it's taking them a long time to release this long-awaited game.

At least this is my take on the "AC Switch: Will they or Won't they?"
I for one would be pretty upset with a new AC on 3DS. They released a spinoff for the Wii U and they've released a main AC game for every home console up until the Wii U. With the success of the switch, anything but a switch release would tell me that the series is in a worrying trend of spin offs and active avoidance of the home consoles, and most importantly, nintendo seemingly just not giving a **** about the series except to milk cash.

Like, I get it, not everyone has a switch, but why release a brand new AC on a 5-6 year old console when fans are constantly demanding a Switch release? If Nintendo did that, they'd be showing just how backwards and tone deaf to the community they are. An AC for 3ds would be an easy, lazy cash grab when they should be making a next gen, full HD game for the switch.

- - - Post Merge - - -

For people who don't want to buy a switch "just for one game," there's a decent number of good games on there and more to come, plus smash for switch down the pike as well.

I think in order to revitalize the ACNL community, a rerelease of the amiibo cards (old series and WA) would be warranted, given the acute shortage there is going on now. To revitalize the AC community in general, a new AC switch is I think the only thing that can rouse the community to 2013 levels of activity - no number of spinoffs can do it, and a new AC on the 3ds will alienate more people than bring them in, IMHO.

You already sound upset. Nintendo are known for doing the unexpected, yet I expect more spin-offs.
I mean, for me at least, I feel like not only is the AC community dying, but even the DS/3DS/3DS XL community. I was out with my 3DS a few months ago and someone came up to me and was like, "Oh wow, who still even plays those?" And even though that comment made me a little indignant, I realized they were right. I only have ever had 2 friends, out of all friends that I've ever had, who even have a 3DS/3DS XL, and I feel like since Nintendo announced (at least I'm pretty sure this is accurate but oh well don't kill me) that they released their last Pok?mon game for the 3DS, that there may become an even smaller community of those of us who still play ANYTHING on the 3DS. I mean, some of us are hardcore AC players, but even that *could* end sometime, and then there goes one more person of the community. I just feel like there's no hype anymore. (Side story: I was talking about how much I love ACNL with my cousin, and what he said to me almost killed me: "Wait, you play THAT game? That game is so stupid and boring." Mind you, he's only a year younger than me, and he plays games like COD and Fortnite and whatever games I'm not interested in so I feel like he's biased. But this isn't about him.) I get AC appeals to only a certain group of people, but I feel like those people who are too young to have ever experienced the "Dawn of AC" era (2002-2013ish) fully aren't going to even consider playing if there's no reason for them to. Like I said, we just need more hype. More commercials, more Target posters, whatever we need to catch people's eye in stores so we can rebuild the fan base and draw old players back in.

-H?LY HECK this post was long-
You already sound upset. Nintendo are known for doing the unexpected, yet I expect more spin-offs.

(A) I’m explaining why it’d be a bad idea and what I think, so yes, I’m sure a lot of my upsetedness at a potential dumb decision like that came through. :p
(B) I know that Nintendo loves to screw over certain franchises when for whatever reason, said franchise doesn’t cut the mustard for them. I really hope AC doesn’t go down the path of how they treated Metroid for a long time until recently and how they’ve treated F-Zero since practically the GameCube. It doesn’t make much sense for them to - ACNL was wildly successful. But maybe Nintendo is seeing fan responses to the spinoffs and misinterpreting that as us not wanting ANY AC which is not the case
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the game is 5 years old, this forum was thriving a few years back but now it feels like a ghost town to me.
until AC Switch comes out, i don’t think the community will ever revive. spin-offs are spin-offs, they are never as good as the original. I’m not sure why Nintendo keeps stalling and making switch games for other series instead of the next AC game, but until they do, this community will keep dying.

i can’t afford a switch and don’t really care about that. i just miss how happy and popular animal crossing was.
I for one would be pretty upset with a new AC on 3DS. They released a spinoff for the Wii U and they've released a main AC game for every home console up until the Wii U. With the success of the switch, anything but a switch release would tell me that the series is in a worrying trend of spin offs and active avoidance of the home consoles, and most importantly, nintendo seemingly just not giving a **** about the series except to milk cash.

Like, I get it, not everyone has a switch, but why release a brand new AC on a 5-6 year old console when fans are constantly demanding a Switch release? If Nintendo did that, they'd be showing just how backwards and tone deaf to the community they are. An AC for 3ds would be an easy, lazy cash grab when they should be making a next gen, full HD game for the switch.

- - - Post Merge - - -

For people who don't want to buy a switch "just for one game," there's a decent number of good games on there and more to come, plus smash for switch down the pike as well.

I think in order to revitalize the ACNL community, a rerelease of the amiibo cards (old series and WA) would be warranted, given the acute shortage there is going on now. To revitalize the AC community in general, a new AC switch is I think the only thing that can rouse the community to 2013 levels of activity - no number of spinoffs can do it, and a new AC on the 3ds will alienate more people than bring them in, IMHO.

I agree with a lot of what you're saying, and yeah, I feel like releasing an AC game for the Switch would be great. It would bring back the curiosity factor of the game to newer players who haven't had the care to even notice the game before. All we need is one person saying, "Oh, what's that? That game looks fun," and suddenly their friends play it, then their friends play it, and so on.

Meanwhile, that could even possibly bring back some old players who forgot how fun AC was in the first place. They'll sit down on their couch with their brand-new Switch and be like, "Oh yeah! I forgot about that game!" Suddenly we see an *initial* minor increase in the NL community, and who knows? We may get more people who want to start up a NL town of their own, just to say they did, and then we have a bunch of new faces around the island and such that we never had before, or would have had in the first place, had Nintendo not released the Switch version.

. . . And this is what I lie awake thinking about every night, ladies and gentlemen.
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