What did you dream about?

Not a recent dream, but I once dreamed about getting with David Bowie in Brazil. He took me to dates, wine and dined me, and we cuddled together under his uncomfortably silk bed. For some reason I said no to him over his advancements after awhile, and he got mad.

As in 'put me in an aquarium death trap filled with metal wire, electric eels, and zombies' mad. I don't know if I survived it or not since I stirred awake after I was submerged in. I really wish I didn't wake up!
i got banned from ffxiv for harassment but the notification was a sticky note pasted onto my stats class door and my professor asked me what i did and i didn’t answer then i woke up
I had a dream the water was rising so I was trying to put as many people as I could into this boat, but I only managed to save a couple dogs, a handful of people and the gingerbread man from Shrek. Idk why the gingerbread man was there but I was so relieved when he made it to the boat lmao.
my dreams have always been very vivid, and some of the time im aware im dreaming which is pretty fun. its also helpful if something scary happens because i can just get outta there by waking up. sometimes my dreams have multiple levels of dream where the base dream world is one that i will fall asleep in/wake up in and ill have a deeper dream in a different dream world.

this happened last night, and i was having fun exploring the second level of dream world sort of like a video game. since im aware that this isnt the real world i didnt have a problem eating snacks i found in this old building store or taking out a small boat i found into the open water and diving out into the water leaving the boat behind. well this fun went on for a good bit, but then i started being chased by a few people. i was running away for a bit, but then i was pretty much set to be caught so instead of waking myself up into the first level of dreaming, i was curious about why i was being chased and what these people planned to do with me. so i just stopped and this lady grabbed me and pulled me to some upstairs room in a building (i think it might have been the same building where i took some snacks). she told me that i had been causing a lot of trouble running around and taking peoples things with total disregard for everyone else and she put a handcuff on me. another one of the people that had been chasing me walked up. i was surprised and asked if everyone there was sentient and had their own lives and both agents looked at me like i had 3 heads and said yeahhh???

i woke myself up from that dream and into the next and then shortly after woke up entirely and i was just so blown away by that response. i feel a little bad now lol! i guess i cant do whatever i want even in my dreams. side note: ive always felt a little bit off about the people in my dreams. if i realize im dreaming, sometimes im tempted to tell other people that this is a dream, but i get really afraid of it haha. i cant even look passers by in the eyes because its just too intense and freaks me out a little. i have social anxiety in real life but its not exactly the same. i get more scared of the normal people turning into something creepy and unexpected if i tell them im dreaming lol.

well thats it for my really weird dream tale. i guess i need to be more respectful of others while im dreaming or else the dream police will come after me
All that I remember was that I was walking to a train station with my bed comforter wrapped around me lol. I don’t remember why any of it was happening.
Last night I had a dream that felt very real. I was lying in bed in my house, trying to sleep, but I couldn't get comfortable because there were raw burn marks around my wrists and ankles as if I had recently been shackled. It was so realistic, but definitely a dream.
I thought this would be a fun thread to start :D

Last night I dreamt I broke my arm and aziz ansari diagnosed me with type 1 diabetes :,^)
i actually dont remember if i dreamt somwthing today, but yesterday i dreamt that my mom gifted me a hachi (from nana) figma i dont even know if it exists hahaha and then she also gifted me a rin hoshizora nendoroid but sadly it was all a dream
honestly started to believe that maybe my semi-romantic/platonic crush on my friend was just a passing phase but i had another dream abt him last night. it's not even really romantic in nature (not surprising considering im aroace), I just keep dreaming about hanging out w him and sitting next to him and playing games and everything else.

I'll never have the courage to express my feelings though ;w;
i don't remember everything but it featured me walking around someone's acnh island and they had light blue lilles and hyacinths i think? and i wanted some but they wouldn't give me any heh-
The last dream I had, for some reason I was in my old apartment and these guys were trying to break into my apartment lol. The other night I dreamt of these UFOs too, one with orange lights (which I dreamnt about like 3 times before too for some reason) which was all janky and dysfunctional, and then a UFO with white lights that was more stable and seemed more powerful or something. I have all kinds of insanely strange dreams lol
I dreamed that my old piano teacher was pregnant and had adopted 2 kids, one of which was not doing well in school so she was mad.
I also dreamed that I was with my online friend, but his house was very dirty (this is connected to a dream I had a while back) his shower had a toilet in it and it turns out we are in a mental facility.
I had a strange dream which took place in around 2009/2010 when i was 4 or 5. In this dream, my father was telling me a story about how the Navy had to give this huge presentation to Washington D.C. and they were attacked while presenting or screwed up and blew themselves up by accident, I can’t really remember. Well anyway, because of that, my dad thinks there’s going to be a nuclear war and he’s preparing for it. When I woke up I actually thought my dad had told me this story and I forgot but the memory came back in dream form.
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Last night I dreamt I went to pick up my cat at the vet and they were like, we're not sure we can give her back to you just yet! we are not sure if the vaccine is going to cause any side effects! and they pulled her out of the cage and that was... not my cat! it was like a ragdoll kitten! (very cute but most definitely not my cat) and I was like, my cat is actually a tortoiseshell cat! and they pulled a calico cat (like my profile pic), and again I was like no! that's not Romina! and when I took a closer look, half of the cages had tortoiseshell cats! I was so confused, how was I going to find my cat when not even the vet staff were sure of where she was! and I kept calling her name but she wasn't responding. I woke up shortly after and I was just laughing about it.
I had a dream that I saw one of the overweight, bald guys at my work. Except in the dream, he started dancing to the Minecraft parody song “Griefer” with his arms, hips, and legs moving around everywhere while he sung the song. I’m not quite sure why I dreamed that, but LMAOOOOOOOOO :LOL:
ive been having lots of nightmares lately to be honest. its pretty annoying lol i could do without zombie apocalypse and general apocalypse type dreams, brain
Every dream I have is weird and screwed up. I don’t know if that’s just a personal thing.

I was exploring an old house. I guess it was an Open House sort of situation. A lot of rooms and areas were blocked off though. There were people making sure you didn’t go in them. I went down a hall and someone yelled “Don’t go in there!”at me. The whole place was just giving me weird vibes. I went into another room and there was a blonde girl sitting there. I don’t know what happened after that but I know the dream ended up with a needle being injected in my neck and then I woke up.