What Did You Accomplish On Your Island Today?

So today I had a plan. It's been days since I've done any meaningful work on my island, but today was different. I felt a renewed determination and drive to actually finish up my island. I was going to move ALL of my flowers and organize them accordingly, but reality hit a bit differently...

I booted up my island just now, took a long look at all my mountains/waterfalls with random flowers I have strewn across them and I immediately felt exhausted. Promptly put my game down and now I'm here crying about it. I'm very productive, I know.
This. I feel this. You get a sudden drive after feeling like a lazy bum for a while--then you see how much work there actually is and your drive gets in the driver's seat, fastens its seatbelt and floors it. :(
- Finished my paths in front of villagers' houses.
- Built fences for both neighborhoods and replaced mine to fit better.
- Found my first purple windflower. It happened on its own.
- General chores: cleanup, fossils, check on villagers, etc.
- Set plot to move Roald in line with the "street". I'll move Cherry tomorrow and I'm done moving buildings.
- Talked Molly into moving in. She'll hold Snake's plot until I get him back.
- Paid off the stairs to my secret beach. One more set to build and that'll be done, too.
- Passed a fashion check from Label. The theme was "theatrical".
- Placed a few outdoor items to spruce things up.
  • Commissioned art from Flick + sold him some bugs
  • Moved Peaches' house into the neighborhood - it's placed wrong though so I need to pay another 100k to fix it yay (have I ever mentioned how much I absolutely hate myself) 🙃
  • Didn't do anything else because of how mad I was at myself and I don't deserve nice things in my town today
Decided yesterday that I wasn't very happy with my town name of "Paradise", so I reset it for the last time. Decided to go with my original town name of Lollilia, the name I was planning on using months ago, and now I'm much more happy with it. Spent all day getting the events done and I'm happy to report the museum is going to be built tomorrow, got all three villagers from the mystery tour islands to want to move in, donated all the materials for Timmy and Tommy's shop and paid off my loan of 98,000 thanks to the help of a dear friend. Other than that, caught a few more fishies today, including that of an oarfish. (Was hoping that it was a pier fish and not that, but it will work too). So good day today. 😉
I finally decided to embrace the path maker function. I just don't see myself ever making my island feel too overly paved and "developed" but I began to see how I could include a rustic pathway system around my southwest quadrant (my starting point) and I started developing it yesterday and finished (I believe) today. Though I'll need a few days for the flowers to fully bloom to get the real feel of it.

It's been a big project but I'm fairly pleased with the results.

Plus it was nice to do something not involving the giant hybrid garden I spent the previous two days developing.
Nook's Cranny was closed today and will be open tomorrow, newly upgraded! Decided since I'd not be able to sell anything I caught or dug up, I'd use the downtime to terraform and I got A LOT done.
In Reviled:

- Dug up all the fossils.
- Sold all the seashells and saved some for my villagers.
- Shook all the trees.
- Watered all the flowers.
- Paid more of my loan.
- Checked up on and talked to my villagers.
- Donated anything new to the museum.
- Checked on Nook's Cranny and bought anything new.
- Checked Nook's Shop and ordered five of anything new.
- Checked the Able Sisters and bought anything new.
- Changed my home slightly.
- Caught some more bugs and fish I needed for models.

I do a lot of the same things, but I still like posting these.
It is still nice to reflect on your daily accomplishments, no matter how menial you think they are!
-Changed my house exterior
-Demolished my bridge for terraforming
-New Bridge built
-Gave 3 Atlas moths to Flick for a model and sold bugs from him.
-Nooks cranny is currently upgrading.
-Dug fossils
-Bought clothes
I got my second australopith aka ancient human skull and decorated it around my house as a warning to visitors. And theen, I scattered tombstones outside my fence. Finally, stranded a poor gnome to his doom.

Good day, I must say.
Zell got sick, Zell got medicine, Zell got better
Ankha asked to move out, I said no. I'm not giving up my dreamie
Tammi (I think) gave me a wooden table recipe
Nooks Cranny is upgrading tomorrow
Flick visited and I commissioned a common bluebottle model
Reneigh got fleas, and I saved her from them, earning applause from Tammi
A bell tree produced bells allowing me to shrink my loan down to smaller than the last one started at
I'm still a bit annoyed that I can't get any new fossils to donate to the museum, despite sixteen missing fossils in my museum
Pianta Bay ~ 4-21-20
  • Checked mail
  • Passed Label's fashion check
  • Dug up all fossils
  • Checked Nooks Cranny and bought anything new
  • Checked tailors shop and bought anything new
  • Watered flowers as I am now trying to breed hybrids
  • Donated anything new to museum
  • Sold fish to earn bells
  • Planted more fruit trees
  • Moved Agnus house
  • Talked to all villagers
Here's what happened on Shione Island today!

• I got two tailors tickets from Label this time! Sweet!
• My third room was finally finished! Now to figure out which room it's going to be... (decided it would be the kitchen)
• Maddie showed me how to make a shell rug.
• Someone lost a bag! After showing it to Rex, he pointed me towards Kitty, who turned out to be the owner.
• Gulliver was sacked out on the beach again! I helped him out once I finished up my daily chores.
• Poor Kevin had fleas! :(
• I unlocked door customization for my house!
• Plucky showed me what a "Cold Chill" was.
• Plucky had fleas! :( Did she get them from Kevin?
• Took a trip for the shell arch recipe.
• Did some serious work on my makeshift kitchen.
• Celeste stopped by today!
• Rearranged a lot of flowers in patterns so to (hopefully) breed more hybrids
• Finally caught an ant!
the last few days, the only things i’ve done are fossil hunt, shake trees, check the shops and talk to my villagers ;u; i’ve been busy lately and haven’t had the time nor energy to play properly which sucks lol
Relocated my house and the museum after the announcement of the update. The museum is now connected with the other buildings while my house got a nice spot on it's own on a little "hill" I made. I also build a ramp to get easy access to the secret beach now that this spot becomes more important thanks to Redd. Also found Pietro on a Mystery Island and invited him to my island, he moved in yesterday and I'm gonna check out his house today as I didn't saw it yet from inside.
Relocated my house and created a cute little area around it; I found out how to make the preset paths a different color so I've been taking huge advantage of that. I built a moat around my Resident Serves and started terraforming my airport entrance (finally lol). I've been going kinda slow but I'm really having fun haha
Well, this happened...

I noticed a Lily of The Valley:


I ran to Residential Services and lo and behold:


I was shocked because my island is hardly 5 star worthy.😱😲 Lol
It was raining pretty much all day on my island, so I tried my hand at getting a coelacanth. And I got one after about two hours of trying!

I’m really happy about it. I’ve never gotten one before, not even in New Leaf.

I also got some cute photos in the museum of Rocco looking at the coelacanth tank.