What are your opinions on Deltarune/Undertale?

It's a clever take on classic RPGs where you kill creatures for loot (also see Mario games where no proper form of due process is carried out). I like clever ideas, and Undertale has it in spades, especially with how you get to choose to be good or evil, offering an escapist experience should you ever want to take out cute little critters just for the fun of it.

Well, by fun, I really meant putting yourself through the grinder and take on one of the most challenging games of all time, because that's what the Evil Path is like in the game.
I liked Undertale mostly because the boss fights were funny and it had good music. I've been kind of disappointed with Deltarune but I liked chapter 2 better than chapter 1 so I'm hoping it gets better lol. One thing I'm enjoying with Deltarune is, because it's being released in chunks, a lot of people are posting their craziest theories on what they think is gonna happen next. Reminds me of the days before a new Metal Gear would be released. I think the speculation was my favorite part of those games.
i love undertale and deltarune, i found out about undertale in 2017 after everyone at my school was talking about it, it was relatively new and it was at its peak. i watched youtube gameplay videos on it and i became obsessed. i like the storyline and i appreciate the music more than i did before but i think some of the humor is kind of childish at times. also the fandom can be kind of disturbing for both games. i kind of prefer deltarune over undertale even though i thought the characters in undertale are more memorable than deltarune’s, it’s hard to explain. what’s amazing to me is that this game is still in its demo phase and it’s already good enough to be a full size game. i’m excited for ch 3, i already have theories forming about what’s going to happen.

kris becomes evil and susie has to become the leader. we already have seen tremendous character development but Susie’s going to have to be like kris and lead everyone else, you’ll understand if you played both ch 1 and 2. also i think ralsei is asriel, this is a common internet theory though, ralsei is a lightener because he doesn’t become stone when the fountain seals and that lightener is asriel.
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Yeah Ralsei is definitely up to something, I don't trust him for a second.. Though I don't think I agree that he's Asriel, I'm partial to the theory that he's Kris's headband turned into an npc or something along those lines. I can see why people think he might be a lightner though so it wouldn't be surprising if there was a connection to Asriel.
Undertale changed me from a completionist into someone who only does things in games when I enjoy them. I used to go for all the achievements, no matter how tedious or frustrating. But after Undertale, I came to realize, as the game tells you, that just because you can do everything possible in a game, it doesn't mean that you have to. I used to be really bothered if I didn't have that 100% on my save files for pretty much every game I ever played. But after seeing Undertale (yeah, I only ever watched people play it, never played it myself other than the demo, I was too unsettled by the game's art style and overall tone to want to be alone with it XD) I became totally okay with having an "incomplete" save file in a game.

It's very freeing. I don't feel "forced" to, say, catch several thousand fish in Animal Crossing just to get a stamp. There was a point in time when I would have felt like I "had to." But Undertale made me realize that I never "have to." And that's a really big deal for me. I can feel done with a game even if my save file says 99%, or 85%, or 50%, or whatever percent when I feel like I've done everything I wanted to. If I'm given multiple choices for how to treat a character in a video game, I used to go back and try them all, because I "had to" see everything the game had to offer. But now, if I would feel bad for picking certain choices offered to me in a game, I just don't choose them.

Overall, Undertale makes me uncomfortable. There are some pretty dark, unsettling, disturbing parts in the game, and I'll readily admit that I tabbed away from the videos I was watching when scary things appeared, just listening to the Let's Players crying out, "AAAAH, WHAT IS THAT?!" and feeling glad that I wasn't looking more closely. But I freaking love Papyrus. And the music in Undertale is a gosh darn masterpiece. I never played or bought the game, but I bought the soundtrack, because that's just how good the music is.

As for Deltarune, I didn't play that, either, though I watched a video of someone playing the first part, and, like Undertale, I found it too unsettling to want to play it myself. But, unlike Undertale, none of the characters endeared themselves to me, and I wasn't curious enough to find out what happened next, because it was actually pretty disturbing to me.

Wow, that was a lot more than I was expecting to say. I hope you enjoyed my wall of text. ^o^;>
I wasn't a big fan of Undertale when it was really big in 2015-2016, but I did give Deltarune part 1 a try when it was new and I gotta say, I really enjoyed it! I played through it again late last year on my switch just to get a refresher on it since I hadn't played in 2 years before that point, and now that part 2 is out, I'm itching to play that whenever I get the chance
Hope this isn’t TOO old of a post, but I remember really liking Undertale. I was one of the backers even.

Deltarune is really great! I loved chapter 2, really excited for chapters 3-5 (whenever they happen)
Yes a big undertale fan ^_^ I've played Undertale both Pacifist and Geoncide. Watched Jacksepitceye's playthrough as well. Have played Deltarune 1st run, but haven't tried the second part. Watched also Jack's playthrough. I

Other Au's I like would be Underswap, Underfell, Flowerfell, ect.

I really like Au versions as well, one of my favorites is Underverse and X-Tale that I watch on youtube and also there is a comic as well by the same person who made the Au (Creator- Jael Penaloza or Jakei)
I also like Glitchtale (Creator- Camila Cuevas)
Big undertale fan, but everytime I see it I think of Etika.
I don't know about Deltarune, haven't tried episode 2, but I weren't a fan of the fist one.
I'm a huge Deltarune fan, I'm fairly certain that I like it more than Undertale, even. Of the two, it's the game that I bothered to make an oc for and my ACNH island is loosely based off of it!

also i don't care where his story ends up leading ralsei is and always will be best boy
It’s okay, the music slaps and the characters are fun.

Personally I don’t like how preachy the games feel occasionally, moreso Undertale but eh. I know the whole point is “kill bad friends good” but I don’t like being punished for trying to play an RPG lol.

Deltarune is fun though, I think the improved graphics and more focused character cast improves it over Undertale. Plus, Spamton and the Queen are both really fun characters lol.
i love undertale. been smitten with the game since it dropped in 2015, and i've been going through a switch replay pretty recently so i can explore the extra content i missed my first time around in the switch version. the fandom is.... Certainly Something, but as with everything i've learned it's better to just disengage if you want your media experience to be enjoyable.

as for deltarune, i really liked it and i'm really intrigued by it and how all the pieces connecting the two games are going to come together, but i don't like it as much because there's not as much to like yet. i'm sure once we get more chapters i'll love it just as much as i do undertale -- and i do still like it! -- but atm i definitely prefer undertale because it's more complete.
quoting my own post to comment on / correct it because i replayed ch1 + went through ch2 of deltarune recently and despite only having 2/7 of a full piece i think i now actually like it better than i do undertale lmao. toby fox really set out to make the RPG he initially fell short of creating and really created a masterpiece here.
I liked UT for what it was, but quickly lost interest in it. My husband has a KS character (Ragel the mushroom) in it, so I'll always be a bit fond of it.
Played the first chapter of DR when it dropped and felt more or less the same. I'm not really into the characters or Toby's sense of humor, but it's fine for what it is.
I like Undertale but I prefer Deltarune. I feel like DR has better characters and character development. that and I like the humor more in it.
I bought Undertale years ago on Steam and still haven't played it lol. I will someday! It looks really good. I've learned to separate fandoms from the source. Just because a fandom is wack, doesn't mean the game/show is.
i like them! i think i prefer undertale because i like the characters and story more. i can't say i have a huge attachment to undertale, but i think it really is an awesome game and i'm glad it became so popular. it is very special ~ o .o)~

my favorite character is mettaton and he is still one of my favorite characters ever even though i'm not deeply invested in the actual game
I like Undertale but I prefer Deltarune. I feel like DR has better characters and character development. that and I like the humor more in it.
I definitely think Toby Fox has refined some of the ideas that were first presented in Undertale and is exploring them more thoroughly with Deltarune. I really enjoy that there's an actual party in Deltarune, too, it makes room for some good character interactions.

That's not to undersell Undertale, though. It's still a great game, but there were certain aspects of it that left me wanting more. Since Deltarune Chapter Two dropped I've been thinking of replaying it, but I'm still not sure I'll ever actually do a genocide run.
I avoided Undertale like the plague when it was in the peak of its popularity because the fanbase surrounding it was genuinely off putting. There was a huge amount of crossover with the Five Nights at Freddy's fanbase which unsurprisingly I found to be filled with equally horrendous people.

Two of my friends once picked me up under the guise of doing something and instead drove me to their house and basically gave me nothing to do other than play through Undertale under the blackmail of "you'll love it if you play it, which you'll have to do because you can't drive and it'll take you hours to get home on your own". I hated every second of it and I've not been to their house since.

I picked it up randomly like two years ago because I got it free on Steam and gave it another go since my previous experience had been very situationally off putting. It's fine. I wasn't bored. I do think the soundtrack is great but the game itself is just a very solid "okie dokie". I don't think it's deserving of all the hate it gets but on the other hand, I don't think it's deserving of the ridiculous amount of praise, attention and sheer rabid fanboyism it gets either. It's just an alright game that if it wasn't so popular I would have played, enjoyed and forgotten about a week later.