things you didn't know when you first started playing


Senior Member
Nov 24, 2017
i don't know if there's already a thread for this, but i looked and couldn't find one ~

basically, what things did you not understand or just completely miss out on when you first started playing AC?

i got new leaf about two years ago. i didn't know about making all those bells from the island forEVER. i was relying on fossils to fund paying off my loans and pwps. basically it took forever. and related to that, i didn't know u could sneak up on the bugs, so it's safe to say catching golden stags was rough. i also didn't know anything about crazy redd and how to not get scammed. aaaand, for some reason, i TT'ed like crazy. i just thought it was cool that i COULD. my hair was a constant mess (considering how long it took me to figure out how to unlock shampoodle's.)

oh, and i had only heard about dream addresses vaguely, and so thought that the dream suite was a magical place where u could design whatever kind of town u wanted easily, and choose whichever villagers u wanted to move in. little me was very disappointed 2 find out the opposite. i'm sure there was a lot more, but thankfully that time in my life is past, so idr.

anyway uh ,share urs? :)
..i didn't know you could catch the bees with your net when you knock a beehive out of the tree until last month

i've had new leaf since launch and i don't know how i missed that
that the WA update existed (I got the game, with pre-update knowledge in my head which was 9 months ago)

Young me: Why are my paths still intact? Why can't I go to this dream address? What do MEOW coupons even do? Why can't I glitch on top of buildings? (rip bug net glitch/tweeter glitch)

Current me: How did I not know about this? The title screen literally says Welcome Amiibo on it and I saw the update in the eShop.
I didn't know that you couldn't take stuff home from dreams and I was really disappointed when all the perfect oranges I had taken were gone. Also one time I had a Jacobs ladder in my hair and my friend asked me why I was wearing turnips
I didn't know about the museum's second floor and the Roost. I thought donating to the museum was pointless..
That's exactly what I thought the dream suite was :,D I also didn't know you could stack fruit until one of my villagers told me, and I didn't know you could sell multiple things at once, so I was at Re-Tail selling one fruit at a time... yikes XD I also didn't know what the "new save file" option did, so my sister and I shared the same character for a while...
Up until today, I didn't know my 8-bit Link amiibo could be used to scan in Ganon. I got really happy when I figured it out.
Same with the fruit stacking, it took me forever to find it out on accident when rearranging my items... I also didn't know about perfect fruit because when I started I was like, "I should eat this cause it's perfect, it will give me some special ability' (it was my first animal crossing game) and so I ate it and did the yummy animation and stuff and I was like... "Why's nothing happening?" so it took forever for another one to show up and I sold it and found out it was worth more... and still didn't know about planting them for a good while thereafter... -_-
I was so happy to learn that you could sneak with your net after so many failed attempts at catching beetles, etc. LOL! Ah, past me, good times...
when i first start playing, i though i would be able to change my eyes shape but then i realise i can only change the colour (;v; )
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I went into ACNL cold and learned by trial and error. I made all the mistakes that previous posters made and was unaware of almost everything. Then, I discovered Thonky....then this forum...and, after almost two years, some stuff still comes as a surprise.That's what makes ACNL so great. Also,I had no experience with earlier versions of AC so, when I read posts referring to missing some facets of the older games, I have to do a lot of research to see why. BTW, I do own Wild World and City Folk but, after playing New Leaf first, they seem so crude and clunky and I can't get very enthused about playing them. My new Switch sits awaiting the next iteration of AC. Hope it's not going to be a long wait. (At least I don't have a cat to pee on it.)
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I didn't know about any of the new villagers because I went into the game blind like I did with Wild World and Let's go to the city/City Folk.

After a month or two of playing I decided that I would give into the temptation and I looked up if there were any new villagers, after I went into a villager page I died of happiness/surprise after I scrolled down further each time lol.

Ever since I could remember I always wanted a Flamingo villager to be in one of these games and ta-da I got Flora, who is everything I ever wanted.

Villagers like:

THE OCTOPUSES - I didn't know they even existed.
Cranston and so on also took me by surprise because of how unique they were.
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I didn't know you could hit balloon presents with a bug net if you're close to a cliff.
I didn't know that pine trees will only grow in the northern half of the town. I didn't know because I ALWAYS plant my pines on the southern haha
i didnt know what you said to rover on the train determined what face you would have, i thought it was always random

so the first face i had was quite....unfortunate looking lol
i didn't know that 1. you could store patterns with mabel, and 2. store letters at the post office. i don't even really use the second one though bc i dont really have a reason to.

I didn't know that pine trees will only grow in the northern half of the town. I didn't know because I ALWAYS plant my pines on the southern haha

sameeee omg, it took me so long to figure this out. i really wish i could plant them everywhere.
I didn't know our house location was permanent. Since Isabelle leaves the choice between erasing the town and demolishing the house, I thought you can always change your mind later but they both lead to the same thing.

And you guys just learned me about the pine trees LOL !!
I've been playing Animal Crossing since GameCube so not a lot came as a surprise to me, but the one thing I can say that really threw me for a loop was when I found out that you couldn't plant Perfect Fruits other than your town's native one and expect a Perfect Fruit tree to grow from it. That, and the fact that you could only find certain items in the Island Shop when you went online and played with other people -3- and you'd best hope they weren't the people you heard about in those Island Horror Stories!

Also, was quite the transition when I had to start selling my stuff to Retail rather than Nook's.
Apparently locked rvs are a thing! I just had it happen when I was offering rv visits :0

If you don't meet wisp with a character (whether your mayor or side character) you can't visit any rvs?? (or at least the amiibo ones) It just say's its locked, and the same goes for any guest you have in your town with that character too. It makes sense but wow that was odd haha