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The Official Alcohol Thread

What's your drink of choice?

  • Total voters

I just bought this today it's so sweet and I'm dying I could down the whole bottle in a day if I wanted to
51 other people voted "I don't drink" as well. I'm quite happy to see that, actually, because I am so sick and tired of people going "OMG you don't drink alcohol?! The HORROR!"
There's a lot of non drinkers :O Lots of minors I guess?

Kinky vodka is amazing.

I'm slightly tipsy and I keep wanting to sing loudly. I wish I could end up having a weekend to myself sometime.
Vodka! :cool:
Beer is pretty nice too^^

Also I'm 16 and it's legal for me to buy beer but no vodka *sniff*
I'm glad that I'm going to be an adult with 18 and not 21 though.
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gin + tonic is my new fave thing, i dunnno, it tastes so fresh? also usually they give you that little tonic water bottle to pour in yourself which makes me feel so mature

i don't really drink vodka but there's this new stuff over here with flavours like 'cut grass' and 'salted popcorn' which sounds pretty good~

eugh and if we're talking about cocktails mango bellini's are my on true love, i could drink them all day, everyday (wouldn't live long but man, they're good)

also like beer but mostly just bud, corona or coors

i come from scotland but i can't bring myself to drink whiskey yet

edit; it's called oddka, anyone heard of it?
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If you enjoyed a gin and tonic, you should try mixing one with cheerwine. Sure you may have to order the cheerwine online since it's pretty much just a southern states thing but it is so very worth it. Outside of gin buckets, that's the only way I usually take gin.

In terms of whiskey I highly doubt you'll want to start drinking it dry. I always suggest starting out with cocktails when trying to get into whiskey. Go for whiskey sours to start with and if you start to appreciate the whiskey aspect more try the classic manhattan, onto the old fashioned. Eventually you can go with on ice or simply dry. Regardless, you definitely don't want bottom shelf whiskey dry... or even on ice for that matter. No thanks.
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i'm like 6 shots of New Amsterddam's peach vodka into this night

it's good.

seriously it's good.

i don't want to stand up i'm araid i'll fall over
Plenty old enough to drink, but I just can't stand alcohol. I even tried strawberry wine coolers, which my sister-in-law thought I'd love, but I can't seem to ingest any amount of alcohol without feeling like retching. It's not a late reaction either---it's almost instantaneous.

I did have my orange juice spiked with vodka a few times without my knowing back in high school (and subsequently feeling sick for the rest of the day), so perhaps that ruined me in later years for being able to drink alcohol. Or sips of that nasty, dry wine back when I was stuck going to church every Sunday as a kid up through senior year of high school. I don't really know. Just can't handle it, though. I thought I'd like the fruity ones, but not even those can fix my aversion to alcohol itself.

In a way, I'm glad for not being able to stand it, thoguh. At least I know that alcohol poisoning or doing something stupid while drunk will never be a part of my life or a problem to my health.
Plenty old enough to drink, but I just can't stand alcohol. I even tried strawberry wine coolers, which my sister-in-law thought I'd love, but I can't seem to ingest any amount of alcohol without feeling like retching. It's not a late reaction either---it's almost instantaneous.

I did have my orange juice spiked with vodka a few times without my knowing back in high school (and subsequently feeling sick for the rest of the day), so perhaps that ruined me in later years for being able to drink alcohol. Or sips of that nasty, dry wine back when I was stuck going to church every Sunday as a kid up through senior year of high school. I don't really know. Just can't handle it, though. I thought I'd like the fruity ones, but not even those can fix my aversion to alcohol itself.

In a way, I'm glad for not being able to stand it, thoguh. At least I know that alcohol poisoning or doing something stupid while drunk will never be a part of my life or a problem to my health.

tgat kind asucks but i afreee like i;m lad you dontgave to worry abotu ddoing omething stupid while drunk

ngl though orang juice aan vodka is DEICIOUS
Vodka is amazing. haven't had in so long tho >: i had some strawberry smirnoff somewhere but idk where it is, been craving for a while now
i also really like wine coolers but they do nothing to me lol. i just love anything fruity.
wine is alright depending on the brand but i'm not a huge fan. i usually dislike beer. whiskey is too much for me.
I don't drink. Too many bad experiences. Plus I have one kidney, if I drink I end up in pain in bed for days recovering.

When I did, I loved kahluah (the coffee stuff), vodka and cider. Or scotch.
I had coconut rum once at a party and that was pretty tasty. :) I also really like the taste of whiskey, even if it burns my throat. There was an ice cream place near my uni that sometimes sold whiskey ice cream and that was good. :3 I also really like rum cake.
But now I don't drink because my husband doesn't and I don't want him to feel left out. Most social drinkers drink wine and beer anyways which I don't like at all.
My favourite drinks are vodka and coke(or red bull) and those skittles drinks, yum.
I don't mind beer, just that warm beer makes me gag.
I love Dr. Pepper and whipped cream Vodka. Soooo good.
And since I'm a girl, of course I love Malibu's coconut rum with pineapple soda.

I really shouldn't drink though, I always feel so bad the next day. And talking with my family members, that runs in the family and just gets worse with age :/

Might as well party hardy before I'm old then.
I don't mind beer, just that warm beer makes me gag.
I love Dr. Pepper and whipped cream Vodka. Soooo good.
And since I'm a girl, of course I love Malibu's coconut rum with pineapple soda.

I really shouldn't drink though, I always feel so bad the next day. And talking with my family members, that runs in the family and just gets worse with age :/

Might as well party hardy before I'm old then.


Lots of stuff sounfs good but I'm not a coconut fan
I dont drink very much but I like cider, vodka mixed with something(I really want to try flavored vodkas Ive never had them) some beer, moscato/riesling for wine and coconut rum and wine coolers/alcopops whatever they're called. Im kinda picky when it comes to alcohol and even then I usually dont like drinking much and I dont ever drink enough to be drunk and have a hangover. Every once in a while a drink or two is fine. My favorite mixed drink is Gin and Tonic or Vodka and Tonic, thats ok, I'd like to try more drinks though, but I dont really know how to make anything else and drinks at bars are expensive.