Star Wars vs. Star Trek

Star Trek vs. Star Wars?

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Dec 16, 2012
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How do you feel about these two series? Which do you prefer?

I'm of the mind that the worst of Star Trek is better than anything of Star Wars.
I've seen Episodes 1-6 of Star Wars as well as some of The Clone Wars and Rebels series. That said, I haven't watched any of the modern movies and would only be interested in checking out some of the shows.

On the flipside, I've never watched any of the various iterations of Star Trek that have come out throughout the decades. I've seen bits of episodes of the original series, seen like an episode or so of the animated series on a bad movie stream I used to watch, and know a few general things like Captain Kirk, Spock, "Live long and prosper" and the associated hand gesture, "Beam me up, Scotty!", "KHAN!", Captain Jean-Luc Picard, The Borg, The Enterprise, Klingons, and some of the alien species like the Gorn.

Star Wars wins by default due to me actually having substantial experience with it. I am interested in checking out at least the first two series of Star Trek and the associated movies at some point in the future, so my opinions might change eventually.
I've seen Episodes 1-6 of Star Wars as well as some of The Clone Wars and Rebels series. That said, I haven't watched any of the modern movies and would only be interested in checking out some of the shows.

On the flipside, I've never watched any of the various iterations of Star Trek that have come out throughout the decades. I've seen bits of episodes of the original series, seen like an episode or so of the animated series on a bad movie stream I used to watch, and know a few general things like Captain Kirk, Spock, "Live long and prosper" and the associated hand gesture, "Beam me up, Scotty!", "KHAN!", Captain Jean-Luc Picard, The Borg, The Enterprise, Klingons, and some of the alien species like the Gorn.

Star Wars wins by default due to me actually having substantial experience with it. I am interested in checking out at least the first two series of Star Trek and the associated movies at some point in the future, so my opinions might change eventually.

Fun fact, "Beam me up Scotty" is never actually said in the series!

I would exercise caution with watching TOS and TNG, especially TOS. It is a show of the 60s and the mindsets definitely show.
i can't really judge because i've only seen two star trek movies (into darkness, beyond) but i didn't really like them. i've seen all the star wars movies, i have a brother who is a star wars fanatic so i tend to hear about it a lot. i like the older movies better than the newer ones though.
from what I’ve seen the themes of Trek resonate with me more, but I actually have little experience with either of them
I prefer Star Trek. I don't hate Star Wars and even enjoy a few of the films, but I do think it's overrated.

Getting real tired of seeing that Baby Yoda everywhere too tbh. Elderly Yoda is so much cooler. Can't really say I've grown annoyed at anyone from Star Trek (yet).
I’ve never watched Star Trek, but I’ve been exposed to it through The Simpsons and especially Futurama to think that it might beat out Star Wars sometimes. So I picked the second to last option, because I prefer Star Wars a lot of the time.
I've seen some of both over the years, but I'm not a fan of either franchise. 🚀

I've watched Star Wars and found them okay and I've seen bits of Star Trek but never seen the appeal in the show (or films) that everyone else sees. Overall I'm just not a fan of shows and movies set in space.
I’ve never watched Star Trek, but I’ve been exposed to it through The Simpsons and especially Futurama to think that it might beat out Star Wars sometimes. So I picked the second to last option, because I prefer Star Wars a lot of the time.
Hmm, Simpsons vs Futurama.
I think for what Star Trek was trying to do culturally, it is the better of the two series. Star Wars was kind of the first "fandom" culture with mainstream merchandising and started that chain of events, which I don't necessarily think was a good thing. So, we'll go with Star Trek.
I have never seen either but if I had to choose which to watch I would go with Star Trek. My dad is a huge fan and it sounds kinda cool I guess.

Star wars is personally something I don’t ever want to watch. Something about the aesthetic of it is just off putting to me. It’s hard to explain.
I think for what Star Trek was trying to do culturally, it is the better of the two series. Star Wars was kind of the first "fandom" culture with mainstream merchandising and started that chain of events, which I don't necessarily think was a good thing. So, we'll go with Star Trek.
I disagree, since Star Wars was a major part of my childhood.

However, rather than argue about which is better... why don't we decide this with a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock?

I think you have the advantage since you get Spock and I don't get Yoda.
Neither of them are good imo, and this is coming from someone who loves Sci-Fi as a genre when it comes to media and astronomy in general.