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So What Are You Reading?

It's technically not a book, it's a kinetic visual novel (which means that it runs in a video game engine but basically all you do is read so it's almost like a book), but I started reading Umineko: When Seagulls Cry recently. It's so good, but it's also very long.
I have 1984 and Animal Farm by George Orwell should probably start reading them lol

I love 1984 and Animal Farm, especially Animal Farm. You should definitely give them a try.

Well, I FINALLY finished reading The Portrait of a Lady. It was a long journey, but I made it. It wasn't a bad book, but I wouldn't rave over it either. I'm glad I finally read it because I feel like I accomplished something, though. I see now why I couldn't stay awake during the movie, either. The book is literally nothing but people talking...that's it. They're sitting in one drawing room or another, just talking. Nothing actually happens or if it does, the author doesn't show us, he tells us by having the characters discuss it. I don't know why anyone thought this would make a good movie. It's fine for a book, but definitely not movie material.

Next, I've decided to read Crime and Punishment. It's another book that's been sitting on my shelf for a while, and watching the latest season of Bungo Stray Dogs has inspired me to finally pick it up and see what it's all about.
Catch-22, just finished
picked it up because it was on a school reading list and I've gotta say it's probably my new favorite book, I really enjoy the stark contrast between the seriousness and humor prevalent through the book
I am currently reading "Foundation" by Isaac Asimov. This is the first book in the foundation series.
Finished that One-Dimensional Man and it was interesting what I could grasp from it, but it was very academically written on at least uni level, and probably would have made more sense in such a context in a philosophy class or stuff at some uni.

Started on The Master and Margarita and the little I've read so far I really enjoy. Need me something easier fiction to my head now aha.
Took a break from the above and finished Hippie by Paulo Coelho. Of course it was really good lol, even though it's very typical Coelho and the end was a bit obvious. Never the less anything he wrote is better than his Aleph :|
i recently finished reading ayoade on ayoade: a cinematic odyssey- it came out in 2014 and would recommend if you like richard ayoade! it’s really funny~ :)

he is baby
The Song of the Red Ruby

Eventually found a copy of this earlier and I started on it too, really interesting so far and if you can find it read it!
I'm gonna read "Lassie Come-Home" as soon as my public library gets it sent. Rough collies are partially the reason to why I'll be reading this book.