So It's Pancake Day.


Retired Staff
Nov 4, 2008
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It's pancake day in the UK today, otherwise known as Shrove Tuesday (if you don't know what it is, google/wikipedia it)

Anyone else made pancakes? I'm eating one right now :3
I've had some for breakfast, yet I was completely unaware of this fantastic sounding holiday.
malesretmit12 said:
I've had some for breakfast, yet I was completely unaware of this fantastic sounding holiday.
Haha, it is amazing. Gotta love having a day dedicated to pancakes.

I is eating apple pancakes, nomnom.
Tom said:
You'd think us Americans would be celebrating this too.

But we're not.
Well it's not technically about the pancakes, as I said, if you google/wikipedia it you'll get more information.
I know someone that's celebrating Pancake Day.

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I dont eat pancakes. .-. My family is too asian. Rice 24/7 for meals.
We had it in the school cafeteria, for free. They were so crappy though because there was no flavor and they were the size of the palm of your hand.
Jas0n said:
sakura said:
I dont eat pancakes. .-. My family is too asian. Rice 24/7 for meals.
Have some pancakes with rice on them :3
Wow, I googled it..

Thai rice pancakes XD

They look kinda horrible though :X
Jas0n said:
It's pancake day in the UK today, otherwise known as Shrove Tuesday (if you don't know what it is, google/wikipedia it)

Anyone else made pancakes? I'm eating one right now :3
Meh, we have pancakes often at my house.

And.... I forgot today.