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Planning on resetting for town layout/faces?


Senior Member
Sep 3, 2018
Orange (Fruit)
Pear (Fruit)
Tasty Cake
Blue Hybrid Rose
August Birthstone (Peridot)
Curious about this! We probably won't know much about how to get whatever face (unless it's customisable) or which town maps will be best with the new features, so I'm curious whether you guys are going to reset for something favourable the first time around or go with what you're given!

I've NEVER reset my game for a specific town layout in the past, and although I'd like to have the face customisable, I'm happy to go with whatever I get for truthful answers to the beginning questions.
I would only reset for face customization. I’d like to work with any town layout I’m given! But if I have to look at my ugly character all the time and hate how she looks.. hopefully a guide comes out quickly..
It's possible that they could have the face customization like it is in Pocket Camp, where you just decide what you want to look like. If not then I may reset a few times to get a certain face design.

As for the town layout, I don't like to spend a lot of time trying to find the "perfect" map. In every game I've started, I just went with the first, one one of the first, maps they gave me. So no, I won't worry too much about that.
Like the others, I'm not so concerned with the map layout. I'll look at the options given (assuming there are a few choices), but I can work around limitations.

Character looks are another thing, though. I'm sure eye and hair color will (eventually) be available, so that isn't as important, but I am a bit picky.

The other thing, and I don't know how it'll be handled, but I've always had apples and cherries for town fruits in all my games. I'd like something a little different.
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I kinda wish you would get asked right at the beginning how your character's face should
look like and get the opportunity to choose out of a selection the face you like, it was in
Happy Home Designer, as it would be much easier and also saves time. Otherwise, I would
definitely reset to get the face I like, as it would bother me way to much if I would walk
around with a look that I don't like.

Same with the town: I would reset so long till I find a town layout I like, I don't like to just
pick a random town because it would be too problematic for me to work with it. I already
reseted in New Leaf for good town layouts and I would do it again in the new game too if
This is such a topic for me. I'm *the* resetter. I'm Resetti's archnemesis. XD

Mostly because I can have a serious issue making gaming-related decisions sometimes, especially in games like Animal Crossing where I can't change them later on - without hacking that is, which has been a godsend in that regard. ^^;;
For example, I usually think of the perfect town name... a day after I've just started my new town. Or how when I have to decide between two names I really like, I'll usually pick one only to decide that I like the other one better after all five minutes later.
And it's a similar deal with map layout and faces.

But aside from that I also generally enjoy being able to reset for certain map features that fit my vision of what I want my village to look like. It can be a tedious process sometimes, but it's usually worth it for me.
For example I really like the maps with three tiers instead of two in ACGC, and when starting anew I would always reset until I got one!

When New Leaf came out here in Europe, the game had already been released in the US for a few days and in Japan for months, so there were already face guides abound, as well as charts with all the possible map/river layouts. That meant I had a vague idea of which ones would be nice for me to have.

I'm hoping for an international / simultaneous release for AC Switch, so that would mean the chances of finding guides like that right away would be slim this time.

In that case, yeah, I think for the faces I'll absolutely still reset to make a little chart for myself. While I enjoy how Animal Crossing relies a lot on luck and chance, and while I also think all of the faces are cute in their own way, I've come to like having control over the basic things like that. ^^;;

As for map layout... I'm not so sure this time around.

Realistically, I know it's very likely I'm going to end up resetting for one that fits my visions.
But I'm also a little more hesitant this time around. With NL, I really fussed about it a lot and it made the first two weeks after the release a little... well... stressful almost. I wanted everything to be perfect.
I would like for my AC Switch experience to be a little more natural, like it was in ACGC and Wild World back when I had no idea about how the maps were generated or what was possible to get.

Since it's probable that with the way the Switch works we're going to be able to make multiple towns (one per Switch account) I think that will take some of the (self-made) "pressure" out of it for me, since I'd be able to simply make a new account and a new town to see if I can reset for something "better" without having to give up the one I already have.

TL;DR: Totally resetting for face, and probably also for map layout, though I'll try to not go overboard with it!
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Yep, i'm bracing myself for Map Hell atm. I'm also still resetting on New Leaf. :/

Really really hope Rover gives you more than 4 maps every reset this time, maybe like 8 - 10.

And for faces I'm just gonna look up online which options to select to get the one I feel is right.
I will likely reset for a good layout, yes. I'll probably fool around with faces first, to see if there are any new ones I might like.
aoki's the only town i ever had (at least in new leaf. i've played a tiny bit of both wild world and animal forest on emulators), and i didn't reset for town layout because i knew literally nothing about that stuff. i didn't realize you could have a native fruit other than oranges, and when i was choosing a map i just chose the second map i saw because i was scared about what would happen if i kept rejecting maps. so i might experiment a little more with switch.
although, i think by the time i get it there will have been enough time for a face guide to be available. with the layout though i might just reset til i get cherries haha
I think they'll bring in the face customization from HHD and Pocket Camp, so I'm not too concerned about resetting for that. As for town layout, unless my options are all just really terrible for some reason, I don't think I'll reset on my first go. I think I'll be too excited to dive right in!
I'll reset to get cherries for my town fruit, but I'm not overly fussed about a town layout.
I'll reset for a good face, but like others have said, I think they will add the face customisation from pocket camp. Other than that I'll only reset to avoid peaches. I'm allergic in real life and I just don't want them growing in my town :p
I never realised that people actually take the first random face they are given. I've never actually met anyone who didn't restart for a favourable one (or look at a guide when available). As for town layouts, I'll probably reset it as many times as I can conveniently do until I find one I'm sure of, because with NL, I reset only a few times and then decided it didn't really matter and went with whatever, and it ended up not being the greatest layout down the road.

It's possible that they could have the face customization like it is in Pocket Camp, where you just decide what you want to look like. If not then I may reset a few times to get a certain face design.

You know, they just might do that. I mean, how will a person decide their skin colour otherwise?
Oh, LORDY. If Nintendo omits being able to choose your skin tone this time then there will be outrage. Like, seriously.

I think this should have been implemented a long time ago. I feel like there was enough hype for New Leaf that Nintendo knew it would be in international hit. If it was a Japanese only game, fine, but when you're releasing world-wide, it would be nice to let players make a character that looks like themselves a bit. Happy Home Designer was great because of this. I hope Nintendo keeps this moving forward.
I think they will. I mean, I'll be happy if they remove the tanning feature entirely because of it, honestly. xD
I plan on resetting until I find a layout I really like. One of my biggest mistakes in New Leaf was to go for one of the first maps I found. Once the novelty of a new game wore off, I eventually grew to hate the layout and reset. I am probably going to be playing this town for years, so I want to find one I actually like.
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I think I'm with the majority here. If there's face customization then I won't be too picky with the town map or the starting villagers or the fruit :)
Fruit is a decent point to be fair. I'd like to see more starting native fruits, but if it's just the standard five then I have never really minded which as we usually end up with all of them anyway. For some reason, oranges have always followed me around though. It was my native when I first played Wild World and comes up a weirdly large amount whenever I start a new town on any game.