Miiverse Service ends on November 7th 2017 at 10pm PST


Senior Member
Nov 13, 2009
Black Hybrid Rose
Black Famous Mushroom
New Horizons Token
New Leaf Token
Poptart Easter Egg
Winter Mittens
Yes, you read that title right. Miiverse, the service that allowed players to communicate with each other about games, will be discontinued. November 7th at 10pm PST, to be exact.

After that, you won't be able to access it anymore regardless of the device of your choice. Fortunately, if you linked your Nintendo Network ID to your Nintendo Account, you can request an archive of all of your posts (excluding posts that are found violating Miiverse Code of Conduct, comments and messages) and pictures saved in your album. It'll be sent to your e-mail address a bit after the service ended.

Some games that used Miiverse will be affected to a varying degree as well. For example, Super Mario Maker will disable comments, but you're still able to upload your levels. For more information about which titles are affected, check this link out. If you want to know how some of those games will behave when Miiverse kicked the bucket, take a look in this page.

Source: http://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/27324
Wow, finally. That thing was even more **** than that letterbox thing to be honest. I never used SMM as a game and idk they made it bad to include that on comments to be honest.
It's too soon for this to happen... And it was fairly new on the 3DS.
Shoot i dont wanna use social media for posting animal crossing pictures...
Well now. This effing sucks...

Miiverse was my method of saving and sharing my New Leaf screenshots.

Thanks ever so, Nintendo. >.<
Ughh.. Miiverse was the best way to get high quality screenshots imported though. ;-;

Good thing I already have a private twitter for posting screenshots.. I suggest everyone else to do the same, it's pretty useful.
The screenshots are low quality, but you can use http://waifu2x.udp.jp/ to fix that.

I wonder why they're discontinuing it. It isn't that old, is it? Maybe they plan on releasing something better soon.
that's sad, i just requested my post history, didn't know i could do that. it was fun while it lasted but it's clear that they wanna focus on the switch and let up on the support for older consoles. this is a bit odd considering that nintendo did say they wanted to continue support for the 3ds family of systems despite the switch's existence.
I'm glad I installed Homebrew. Miiverse was the only way I uploaded screenshots at the time.

It won't be missed.
This is great from my point of view, I hardly ever use it to upload photos and it obviously means they wanna focus on the Switch, hopefully making an AC switch more likely.
This is great from my point of view, I hardly ever use it to upload photos and it obviously means they wanna focus on the Switch, hopefully making an AC switch more likely.

i didn't consider that, but i think the odds are good! miiverse is a feature for just 3ds and wii u, and since getting rid of it means the 3ds is losing support, that might also mean that nintendo could want to make a new animal crossing because their most recent one is on an "old" console.
You guys are essentially trashing on ACNL, RIP!
i didn't consider that, but i think the odds are good! miiverse is a feature for just 3ds and wii u, and since getting rid of it means the 3ds is losing support, that might also mean that nintendo could want to make a new animal crossing because their most recent one is on an "old" console.
And, sadly, people who can't get the newer consoles (like me) become dead in the community.
I really really hope the new animal crossing game is for mobile. It will be easier to get since more people have mobile devices than switches, but since Nintendo is always making games for their consoles maybe not :(

- - - Post Merge - - -

You guys are essentially trashing on ACNL, RIP!

I'm not trashing new leaf! No! Never! New leaf is life!
Good riddance, Miiverse became trash once they added 3DS compatibility. I'll miss screenshots, but it's a sacrifice I'm comfortable with.
I'll miss the lazy screenshots, but it's pretty easy to take screenshots in ACNL to begin with, then spruce them up.
Oh well. There goes all my cringy posts from me as a youngin'. Not too fussed, tbh.