Life Then {Role Play} {Sequel to Life Now} ALWAYS EXEPTING

"It's wrong!" He yelled, staring at the collar. "Remember when I tried to read it and you thought I did stuff to your neck...? I'm not your master! It didn't say that before!" He said, bloody tears dripping down his face.
"It has to be this way, Satoshi. And until you truly learn to accept this, it will be this way." I muttered, staring at the ground.
"I'm sorry... I don't have a choice. But if you really don't want this fate... You can always kill me..." I continued to stare at the ground.
"I won't kill kill you! I..." He sobbed, staring at the collar, pressing his face against it. It's not real... It's so cold...
"It's okay... You can forget about this... Pretend it never happened..." I softly murmured, still stroking his back, dispite the blood.