Just being nitpicky


Senior Member
Sep 4, 2013
I know it's not finished and all we saw was a beta. But in that beta and trailer, were there any little details that stirred you up a little bit. Doesn't have to be huge. Something like the way you walk or how the green the grass is or something. Anything like that?

For me, it would be the name of the game. I see how New Horizons fit, but it just doesn't really flow. I don't know... just something about it doesn't say Animal Crossing. Here's where it gets really nitpicky... They used the word "New" again. First "New" Leaf and now "New" Horizons. Re-using stuff like that is like they are running out of ideas or something. I know that's not the case, but I feel like they could've came up with something better. Sheesh, I'd like it a little more if it was just Animal Crossing Horizons. Lmao. But yeah I'm just nitpicking.
I agree about the name tbh. It sounds like a real life travel agency, which might be what they were going for. But I would have preferred something more... adorable? Rather than sounding like a business. But I'll have to get used to it. After all, it's just a name. I'll forget about it once I'm playing the game :)

As far as what else was shown, the first thing I noticed was how bright and washed out and simplistic the art design was and I was convinced it was a desert island escape type of spin off game and not the real mainline game, until they showed the title. I also didn't like the crafting..

But as I've rewatched the trailer and treehouse 20 billion times, it grew on me and I'm just super excited. I'm sure they'll improve on it a lot but honestly if it doesn't change *that* much in terms of art style, I think I'll be okay :)
I'm hoping the art style will get a little better. It's crazy to me how the villager's hair seems so shiny and detailed and then the rest of the town just looks like simple color blocks. But wasn't there something similar with the art style in New Leaf? Like all the promo stuff before they were finished had trees that looked a lot different than what we got. Maybe they'll put finishing touches on it and it will look a lot more cohesive and finished in terms of style and color.
I just hope the water and sand have more texture, and the grass is more patterned, as currently the triangles etc are only on sections.

Basically incorporate classing animal crossing textures more. Other than that I'm just flipping excited
I don’t really like the way Animalese sounds now- I personally thought New Leaf perfected it ^^; I’m sure I’ll get used to it, though
I don’t really like the way Animalese sounds now- I personally thought New Leaf perfected it ^^; I’m sure I’ll get used to it, though

I agree, I like it too, I just hope there’s an option in-game to change how it sounds (like the older titles did, can’t remember which one, only ww is the one that comes to mind)
I agree, I like it too, I just hope there’s an option in-game to change how it sounds (like the older titles did, can’t remember which one, only ww is the one that comes to mind)

It was the gamecube version that let you swap it. I think they all sound the same tbh lol.
Ngl when I first saw the trailer I was not sure what to think. I guess I was overwhelmed and I think the trailer would have been better if they showed off aspects of Animal Crossing that we were more familiar with. It jumped right off the bat with crafting and all this stuff that was so new. After watching the trailer a million times and treehouse live and reading the articles, I absolutely love it and I'm excited. Its weird waiting so long for a game and having no idea what it will look like especially because it was going from a 3ds to a switch.

Theres two things that are nitpicky but concern me a little

One is how summer looks, I usually love summer but wow did fall and winter look so much better in comparison. I think the grass, sky, and water need a little bit of updating to look more animal crossing-esque.

Crafting is another thing. While I love the idea of crafting, I'm concerned how far they will take it. While it seems based on interviews that they want to give us the option of crafting or spending bells, I hope that rings true. One of the fun aspects of NL later in the game for me was using bells to buy things through other people on Bell Tree whether that was villagers or flowers. I hope nook miles and crafting don't diminish the value of bells since I highly doubt we would be able to trade miles with other players.
The way the fish looked in the water seemed kind of off to me? It seemed like a fish-shaped desaturated pixely blob. Though I'm sure that there's still a lot of fine-tuning graphics-wise to be done before release.
I’m not too worried about the art or texture stuff, they might change later on. New Leaf was the same way, the trees used to look completely different than the first trailer.
I don’t really like the way Animalese sounds now- I personally thought New Leaf perfected it ^^; I’m sure I’ll get used to it, though

Same. When I heard Fuchsia talk in the trailer, I was like "uhh"

I'm also kind of iffy on the way the sheep look. I don't know which villager it was but I don't really like the new design :p if I end up with one of them, I hope it grows on me
I just wish the grass was fully patterned instead of little patches having the pattern,, also an unpopular opinion but I wish grass deterioration comes back. The grass just looks fake when it's fully covering the island.

Maybe it's just me, but the lighting in the hair and pattern they added to the hair are a tiny bit bothersome to me. The lighting makes it look like the hair is plastic

I think i'm just nitpicking little things at this point though.
I know it's very, very early but everything looks very toy-ish, or plastic to me. It was very jarring to see, but I'm hoping everything gets textured over the next 9 months. The water especially made me concerned.
I didn't enjoy how much it reminded me of CF. But it'll grow on me for sure.

And, I had never even realized that both titles had "New" in them and now I'll never be able to get that out of my head, lol.
I kind of wish the game ran at 60fps. The Treehouse thing being a 60fps feed with 30fps footage kind of confirms the game runs at 30fps (in the E3 build). At least on the surface, it doesn't seem to be a very taxing game, so I hope they can get it up to 60 like many other Nintendo titles. Animal Crossing was 60fps on GameCube and Wii, so it's a shame so far it's not matching that here.
About the "new" in new horizons, do we know if the Japanese version has the same reputation from New Leaf as the English version does? It might just be a lazy localization decision haha
The only thing that is really bothering me right now is the way the grass looks. The solid green grass looks strange. I like the grass having patterns and some texture to it, so I'm really hoping they will bring that back instead of just having a few patches like that. Because the way it is now bothers me.
I'm just a little concerned that there won't be little stars on the ground to dig up this time with gyroids or fossils, just because we didn't see any of them in the game... Though I'm sure that my worries are highly unfounded and htat's just due to the limited area that the characters explored. But still. Hopefully the natural loot found in the town doesn't become so much like a survival mode that they don't bless us with cute gyroids or fossils anymore... It wouldn't feel like AC. But as I said... I'm sure this isn't going to be removed.
I had the same thoughts about the title, "New Horizons" I don't really mind the name itself, it's more-so the fact that they used the word "new" again, like you mentioned. I haven't really been bothered by anything else (at least, that I can think of). Something may come to mind as time goes on though l-lol, I guess we'll see. I'm super stoked we got some news for it though!
I agree with you on the subtitle it's a bit weird. It mainly bugs me that New Leaf also had ''New'' in the title like New Horizons. I saw someone saying in a thread that they could've called it ''Beyond Horizons'' and wow that's honestly 100x better.

But like you said it's a small thing and I'll probably be over it when the game comes out, which is gonna take foreverrrr