Just being nitpicky

I know it's not finished and all we saw was a beta. But in that beta and trailer, were there any little details that stirred you up a little bit. Doesn't have to be huge. Something like the way you walk or how the green the grass is or something. Anything like that?

For me, it would be the name of the game. I see how New Horizons fit, but it just doesn't really flow. I don't know... just something about it doesn't say Animal Crossing. Here's where it gets really nitpicky... They used the word "New" again. First "New" Leaf and now "New" Horizons. Re-using stuff like that is like they are running out of ideas or something. I know that's not the case, but I feel like they could've came up with something better. Sheesh, I'd like it a little more if it was just Animal Crossing Horizons. Lmao. But yeah I'm just nitpicking.

Creating paths.

I came across that you, the No. 1 player, can approve where a villager moves.

This has me thinking, even if No. 1 is not officially a mayor he/she is the de facto mayor.

I always wanted zoning control.

The reason is because of the personal use one has for his/her town. A player likes to have a good time navigating his/her town. It isn?t whether one is making an art out of that town. It is one?s personal use.

So, any thought ?Animal Crossing: New Horizons? puts into this?with the creating the path?is really good.
I'm hoping the art style will get a little better. It's crazy to me how the villager's hair seems so shiny and detailed and then the rest of the town just looks like simple color blocks. But wasn't there something similar with the art style in New Leaf? Like all the promo stuff before they were finished had trees that looked a lot different than what we got. Maybe they'll put finishing touches on it and it will look a lot more cohesive and finished in terms of style and color.

new leaf was super ugly at e3 so i hope it's the same with this, that it changes before release. i think a lot of things just look off.
The cliffs arent tall enough in my opinion.

I'm happy multi-leveled towns are back but like they look like we can just climb the wall. So short.
Sure game is in development but you can bet your money on it that the game won't change in any major way. It's nearing completion and they're probably just testing for bugs and all.

During Nintendo Treehouse they implied that they're all playing the game a lot in the office already, which is how Nintendo play tests their games (aside from professional testers).
The cliffs arent tall enough in my opinion.

I'm happy multi-leveled towns are back but like they look like we can just climb the wall. So short.

I kinda like it. We can see a bit of what's over the cliff. Would look pretty if the upper level is landscaped nicely.
I agree with the name. Lol. I love what they've given us so far though! Nothing to really point out for me. :)
I also kinda hope they slightly change the textures. In new leaf, it?s not like things were outlined, but the new trailer looked kind of glossy or plain or something? I can?t really tell exactly what?s bothering me so much though. I also don?t like the block green grass or the idea of crafting, just seems like more grinding and appears too similar to acpc, which I wasn?t the biggest fan of...
I?m sure it will grow on me, and, like many other people have said, it might change later.
I've noticed a LOT of people complaining about the grass, I have good news!!! the grass IS textured you just don't notice it Untitled.jpg I think what their doing is replacing the dirt clumps with the patterned grass. so It's not continuous throughout the island. and by looking at the trailer it seems on the patches of patterned grass is where weeds will naturally grow as well.
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I don?t really like the way Animalese sounds now- I personally thought New Leaf perfected it ^^; I?m sure I?ll get used to it, though

this bothers me so much. it sounds like a mix of pocket camp and new leaf animalese. hopefully they touch it up a lot because it currently sounds really bad

another thing that bothered me was the bangs of the ponytail hair. i get it's supposed to be realistic, but i don't care much for the gaps in the bangs. i'd prefer the bangs to be perfectly straight rather than gaps in between
I don?t really like the way Animalese sounds now- I personally thought New Leaf perfected it ^^; I?m sure I?ll get used to it, though

Oh, I didn't even realized it sounded different. Honestly, at some point, I stopped to paying attention
about the noises the villagers/NPCs are making, guess I have to check this out again.