Is it worth it??


The Fun Has Arrived!
Dec 26, 2015
Red Lily
White Lily
Yellow Lily
Red Rose
Red Pansy
White Pansy
Yellow Pansy
When you have multiple towns is it worth it to get a second or even a third 3DS? I was talking to a girl the other day and she had 4 3ds's and said they each have two corresponding animal crossing towns. I think she's a little too addicted. lol I was just wondering if anyone else did this, or do you use just one?
It all depends on what you think. If you want multiple DSes and have the cash, I'm all for it! Personally, I don't have the money to buy another (but my brother has one I can steal so I'm lucky hehe). It also depends if you think you'll get the most use out it, really.
I'd say that it's worth it because then you can use the other 3ds for transmitting items, villagers, and other stuff to your main town. I want one at some point. :)
If you chose to buy cartridges instead of going for digital copies, you'd only need two 3DSs because you could just swap the cartridges out when you wanted to trade between your towns. And you could just write the name of each town on the cartridge so you don't get them confused.
I can see the benefit of having more than one, but think it should be considered a luxury and not a necessity. Between my partner and I, we have 4 3DS's. Two New 3D XL, a regular 3DS XL, and a 2DS with a capture card. To be honest, it gets to be a little much at times, but they all serve a function. I think if it's just for playing and having more than one town, it's unnecessary. Just get more cartridges instead of throwing down all that cash on a new system. The reason we have so many is that the New XL's are our personal devices, the 2DS has the capture device and we only use it for streaming/filming, and the regular 3DS XL was mine that I kept and we use it for hacking. It's totally unnecessary to go out of your way to buy more, honestly. I hope this makes sense!
Yeah I would consider only having two and then buying the actual game instead of the digital copies. I just thought it was crazy that she had 4. lol
She probably got those DSes off of eBay or something, but cool for her! Some people collect themed DSes
I wish I could afford to buy themed DS's and collect them. Some of them are pretty awesome looking!
Well, I currently have three towns and three 3DSes...but that's because my hub's usually buys me limited edition systems as gifts so yeah.

I know I'm considered obsessed and whatnot, but I love this game and I can't bring myself to just reset my town over and over like some people do. I grow attached to my villagers and yeah.

Having multiple towns and systems comes in very handy, though. I can just trade with myself for everything and between mine and my husband's towns, I have all the native fruits.
Haha wish my boyfriend did that for me lol. But I do agree, having more systems is easier if you're really into the game. I really want the AC themed DSes
I have three towns but only 1 DS. I think if I had a lot of money, maybe I'd buy another since having a second one is really useful, but for now I'll just stick to using my roommate's lol
The only special one I really want is the Disney Magical World one. Can't afford that right now though. lol Being an adult and having bills is crap! lol
I have 3 3DS. The third one was the NEW 3DSXL and it was a gift from my adult children.
Having an extras comes in handy for streetpasses for the badge. Right now I'm tagging 3 towns twice a day to get the main town mayor her gold badge. Helps with petition, getting rid of Katie and host/travel numbers.

One town I just bought I grew weeds so the players could get their badges. Bonus they got weeding day items or hybrid bags when I left one weed.
It would be nice to have a few 3DSs and it's fine if you get addicted lol the game is fun, it might also be handy to use another 3DS for convenience for going to one another's town c:
When you have multiple towns is it worth it to get a second or even a third 3DS? I was talking to a girl the other day and she had 4 3ds's and said they each have two corresponding animal crossing towns. I think she's a little too addicted. lol I was just wondering if anyone else did this, or do you use just one?

Be real careful. I got a new 3DS since my old one isn't functioning correctly but when I played my towns in the new 3DS the game somehow thought I skipped a year
I have a New 3DS, which is the main one I use, and an old 3DS my aunt gave to me because she didn't want it anymore. It's definitely handy having two consoles, but I wouldn't buy a second one just for AC. I like being able to trade with myself, and move things (and villagers) between towns, but I've also done silly stuff like picking up an unwanted voided villager from one town in the other (looking at you, Annalisa...).
I think having two 3DS is enough as I can't think of what other uses would you do with a third 3DS
Hmmm, I'm not sure, maybe if I owned an extra 3DS or two, I could say...

clearly, I think it's worth it!
I totes have a second DS for my second town .__.

I think it's worth it! I can trade more easily and if I get bored of one town, I can play another... gives you the chance to have more cute dreamy villagers too!! Ten really isn't enough!