I know this may sound ridiculous


Junior Member
Mar 18, 2014
But do you ever find solace when you're playing AC? Like, after a long day at school, or perhaps work, where you're treated poorly, or are generally alone, to come home and received nice letters from cute animals, and water plants, and interact with characters who seem happy, whom which enjoy your company? I think that's what has kept me coming back to each and every AC game since receiving my first one on my Gamecube. I'm not sure if this is in the proper forum division, I am but a newbie. However, I just thought I'd share... :blush:
Haha, this might be a little depressing but I tend to play animal crossing for long, long periods of time when I feel er not-so-good. I remember kind of fading into this bad fog when I was a bit younger and animal crossing being one of the few things I really enjoyed. Even now, ACNL is just one of those things I sometimes use to get a bit of space.

Personal stuff aside, ACNL is a very feel-good game! It's escapism in a sense (though that has a bad connotation, I think a lot of times its the little break some people need). I've seen some interesting discussions on the basis of the game developer's intentions in creating such a relaxing and sweet game, but everyone here obviously enjoys it quite a bit in any case.
I commute by bus and it really helps me spend my time without being bored.

I love how relaxing ACNL is, but playing it while in bed is definitely the best~
I played Animal Crossing: Population Growing as a kid and it really helped escape a lot of what was going on. I had a very rough childhood.

I play Animal Crossing: New Leaf, and while I don't have nearly as bad of a home life situation, it's a nice little/long break from reality.
Yeah I like playing AC to escape my problems basically lol. It's just a nice to play for a bit before bed or in the morning and not worry about anything else. I used to get really carried away and play it for hours non stop but I'm getting better at managing my time I guess. I don't TT as much either and I've been enjoying playing it in real time. I also like that most of my IRL friends don't play since I enjoyed making friends online through the game.
Haha, this might be a little depressing but I tend to play animal crossing for long, long periods of time when I feel er not-so-good. I remember kind of fading into this bad fog when I was a bit younger and animal crossing being one of the few things I really enjoyed. Even now, ACNL is just one of those things I sometimes use to get a bit of space.

Personal stuff aside, ACNL is a very feel-good game! It's escapism in a sense (though that has a bad connotation, I think a lot of times its the little break some people need). I've seen some interesting discussions on the basis of the game developer's intentions in creating such a relaxing and sweet game, but everyone here obviously enjoys it quite a bit in any case.

I couldn't have said it better myself. I lose myself in my game for hours at a time... My boyfriend purposely got me a 3DS and games for my depression/anxiety. I took to ACNL within a day and I take it with me everywhere. When I feel a panic attack coming on or when my headspace gets really bad, I can just turn my game on and be greeted by 10 cuties that think I'm the bees' knees. The letters they write, even though they're generic and programmed, make me smile... Like getting real mail. It's just a really comforting game for me.
Yes,this game helps me when real life throws it's bad days at me.
A good game to take the mind off the stress which surrounds us every day. :)
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This is why I love Animal Crossing so much. I can just forget about all the problems that have happened that day and just get lost in my town with villagers that like me and are happy to see me. This treasure has gotten me through a lot of bad days. I feel sorry for others who would benefit from playing ACNL, but won't give it a chance. I'm just glad I have this escape from the real world.
It helps deal with the rough, ghetto people in my transport to College.
I play to play really it's a stress relief thing for me just like you described I come home from school it's nice to converse with my favorite villagers see what they need or after work it really is a very calming game the music is calming arranging your rooms just right getting furniture sending fruit to villagers. It is a very calming game and I often find myself at peace while playing hours fly by and before I know it I'm to tired to play anymore. There have been many times where I've fallen asleep with the game in my hands.
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I find it quite comforting. Whenever I have a crap day, feel depressed or stressed, I play it and I feel a bit better nearly immediately. I can (and have) easily lose myself in my town for hours at a time.
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