How much time do you spend playing this game daily?

In the beginning I played about 8-12 hours a day and did that for months because I was out of work. Once I was back at work I was down to maybe 2-4 hours a day and all day on my days off. Now I pick it up sporadically. I was trying to go on daily and get my nook miles, but now I will play a day or two then not touch it for weeks. A friend recently got the game so I go on when she needs something, otherwise I haven't bothered.
Honestly it depends on if I have island design ideas or not? If I don’t it’s usually a quick 10 minute shop check but if I do I can spend hours trying to terraform things xD, also trading can take up many many hours
I used to play a lot too when I was completing my museum but that’s all done now
At the beginning, like most of us, I played all the time 😊 The release couldn’t have been a more perfect time. Like a lot of people I was off work and stuck at home.

I still love the game but sadly don’t have days with totally no commitments anymore so can’t play for endless hours. Still play every day though and am enjoying getting my island ready for Christmas 😂 (sorry if it’s too early, just love the sparkly stuff 😊).
got it in October and already have 120+ hours on it

There's only been one day so far where I haven't been on it and my island is coming along very nicely considering its only around 1month old.

I'd like to say its only 3 or 4 hours a day but its more been I play till I pass out or have it on while doing other things- so thats like at least 7-12 hours on some days, and other where I just hop on to get fossils and check the shops for maybe 30mins.. ha ha ha
Honestly way too much, but then again, I only got the game a little over a month ago, so I suppose I'm trying to catch up to where everyone else is... I'm at a little over 300 hours...
I just got it a few weeks ago (or a month??) or so and I've been playing for around 2+ hours a day, so far I have 35 hours on it!
Right now it's probably about 2-4 hours but if I'm really stressed and need to relax it's more. I have two islands to play with so it's still fun for me. In the earlier days it was pretty much all day every day lol. Pocket camp has been a bit more addicting to me right now since they give a lot of updates for it.
At the very very beginning of New Horizons, I averaged about 2-4 hours on a really good day. I always had the time but never the attention span to go over 4 hours of work. Right now, I would say that I play about 45 minutes - 1 hour. I don't have as much free time as I did in quarantine/summer months, but I still play occasionally. I really wish I could play more, but I have a free day tomorrow so I can just play for a few hours and work on some patterns for a few people. Working on patterns/flags for people has really kept me on and busy in the game, and I'm thankful it does, otherwise I might not be playing for a very long time!
For most days I will play for about an hour. If I am working on a project I will play for maybe around 3 hours. I definitely don't play as much as other people but I am also not in a rush to finish my island so 1 hour a day works for me just fine.
Yesterday I spent 8+ hours on the game, but on school days, I usually play for about 3-4 hours after my classes.
i just did the math and i apparently play on average for about five and a half hours, which is... shocking. like i said, that's just an average, there are days i play for 8 and days i play for 2, but apparently i'm going hard on this game still
I tried not to burn myself out at the beginning, so I usually only played for around 5 hours a day when it came out, and now I play for 1-2 hours, depending on what I'm doing
Since I'm not a morning person, I can only play after I finish work plus any chores. That usually gives me about two hours.
These days, it's usually 30-60 minutes in the afternoon.

It takes longer if I was doing something extra, like making screenshots for a specific purpose, or swimming and diving for a specific sea creature. I do play other games so I have to watch the amount of time I spend on ACNH. (I've already spent over 100 hours in Baldur's Gate 3's early access game and it's only been 4 weeks. :LOL: )