How much bread do you eat a day?

Not too much bread on my own, but I fiend for it when placed on a table at restaurants. I also avidly enjoy butter.
Nonserious answer: Yes.

Serious answer: A sandwich, a bagel (usually just on the weekends), and 1 piece of miscellaneous bread, per day.
i eat a slice of a baguette a day (nothing on it). i only like one variety of bread, i am not a person of the loaf 😔
i'm not a fan of your typical "loaf" mostly bc i live alone and i can never finish it before it expires so generally i can go days and days without eating bread HOWEVER i looooove bagels and sourdough baguette sm so i'll usually have one as a weekend treat
I normally eat about two to four slices per day, although I try to eat less bread to reduce my starch consumption. Generally speaking, I tend to eat whole wheat the most since it's healthy, though my favorites are pita and sourdough. I also adore homemade bread cuz the dough is so chewy when it's fresh out of the oven.
When I have bread, I usually have 1 or 2 slices depending on what else is on the table! When it's just bread, I like 2 slices toasted with salted european-style butter.
I used to eat a lot more bread when I used to eat breakfast, but nowadays it’s usually around 2 pieces a day max but not every day. Only if I have a sandwich for lunch or toast for brunch.
i don't care for bread much and i don't like sandwiches, but on the weekend if my boyfriend cooks up some breakfast, ill have a piece of toast each day. rye toast is the best