How many ponds are in your town?

My town has three. I don't mind the ponds as much as I mind the rocks though. Right now I'm really irritated with the rock that decided to station itself next to the plaza. I didn't notice this while map planning :(
I noticed now when I was landscaping.
I believe I only have one in both of my towns, both near the retail shop. Ponds take up space and are just annoying to me. One is all that is needed.
I have a grand total of five ponds. I wish I had a more reasonable number, but I've gotten used to it.
I have a trend of getting towns I love with maps I love - and they have the Town Hall pond.

At least Four of my towns in the last two years have the Town Hall pond.

I have never kept a town with the Train Station pond.

The most ponds I have ever had is four. Pixel has four and they are all out of the way - they have never bothered me and I like them quite a lot. The southern most pond has just enough space for an alternate character - I've had a few in that space over the years. I've since opened up that area so the pond is more of a natural feature.

If I am going to have an extra pond I'd most prefer the Town Hall pond.
two ponds. i dunno, they dont do much for me except get in the way, as theyre each up north by my train station and the recycle shop...
Houston has 3, The one Italicized 8 one behind the town hall is kind of in the way of things, but nevertheless it will have to do! I kind of wish that there didn't HAVE to be a pond next to Re-Tail, it'd make Re-Tail a little more free to customize the area.

Though I know why they programmed it the way they did, so everyone could have a pond to catch the hand full of fish in them, but maybe in the Switch version things will be different!!
Three. It's kind of a pain, it limits the amount of places I can make public works projects!
Three, if I remember correctly. All of them are on the left side of town, I just realized... weird.
I just looked at my newest town.

I don't have 4 ponds....I have 5.

And I really like this town. What have I done?!
I've had this town for 6 months and always thought I had four.

I think the ponds are breeding. :blush: