How many copies of acnl do you have?


*~Rude intolerance here~*
May 26, 2014

Do you have multiple towns? What do you use them for? Are they both on one ds or two? And do you have two cartridges, or a digital copy, too? I've been considering getting a new copy of acnl for cycling purposes, but I'm not sure how to do it exactly. I'd need another DS entirely, it seems.

Currently two and, after telling myself I'd never get a third, just ordered a third last night. o____o

My main is digital and the other two are/will be physical. The second copy was originally going to be my second town, but eventually became just a TT/cycle town, and so the third copy is going to be my actual Second Town, which I'm pretty excited about but also kinda feel like I'm going crazy having so many towns, lol.

You don't really need another 3DS (I only have one) unless you plan to transfer villagers/items between towns. But even then you could probably find someone trustworthy on the boards to help you with that aspect. :) Just keep in mind that you can only have one digital copy per 3DS, but you can have as many physicals as you want.
I just got a new copy today so I could have a 3rd town!
My first copy is my main town, my second is my cycling, and my 3rd is going to be an all white town (white villagers, white houses, white flowers, all that kind of stuff.)
I have 2 physical and I decided to get a digital today~
Just one, though my brother also has a copy and I'm probably going to ask for it if he doesn't plan on playing anymore.
one. I'm amazed that people find the time to have multiple towns. I'd get sick of the game.
I have 2 towns, currently both are semi-cycle towns, one hard copy and one digital with only 1 3DS. My first town (hard copy) was my main. I cycled for my dreamies, until I accidentally voided Coco :( </3 I got 6 villagers into the 16 villager cycle but I voided Sterling, Agent S, and Tipper back to back, thus restarting my cycle. I didnt want to go through that again (because I had 6 more dreamies I couldnt bare to lose). I decided it would be productive to buy a digital copy for I am planning on getting the New 3DS. I cycled a little in my new town but I am finished for now! I am currently PWP farming in it so I can regain my once bountiful lists of PWPs! You do need another 3DS to have multiple copies, but it would be easier because if you time travel, it is easier to not have to memorize dates! c: Hope this helped! :)
I only have one, I don't feel I have the time to maintain more than that, though I have considered buying a second one a couple of times.
I have 2 towns both physical copies, I did buy a second 3ds for my second town so I could use streetpass and stuff.

Huh. So do you guys think it's beneficial to have 2 copies of acnl when you only have one 3ds?
It really depends on what you want to use the second copy for, if it's purely going to be a supplement to the first, like to acquire villagers/items and transfer them over, then it might be a hassle with only one 3DS. Personally, I never planned to have my two copies interact in any way, so it doesn't really make a difference for me.
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I have one copy. However, I really want to buy another copy just to take all of my things over to this new town and reset my main one, and then use the second copy as my "random-whatever I want to do" copy.
Currently two and, after telling myself I'd never get a third, just ordered a third last night. o____o

^ Same here: I have 3 3DS XL and 3 physical copies now.
Should have pre-ordered the ACNL Special Limited Edition, BUT I DIDN'T -
*still smacking self for not doing that* and too cheap to dish out $450+ to get a new one on eBay. ; A ;

I love how I have the freedom to transfer villagers/items between towns,
and do not have to bother with switching cartridges.
Or even Train station upgrade, if I ever wanted to do that.

The pink/white one is my main town, Callobee.
The 1st cycle town is Tamago, in a blue/black unit,
while the 2nd cycle town, Mori, is in a red/black unit, and is about to be reset for a better map and PEARS.
The game probably knows that I *wanted* pears, so it decided to never give me any decent towns with pears in it.

It's fun to turn both towns on, and see how fast I can cycle two at the same time, without screwing things up XD
I can tell you guys it's very well worth it to buy 2 copies, especially if you buy a second DS because then you can wifi and streetpass and stuff.
i have a cartridge and a digital copy on the same ds, simply so i could have 2 towns.. they don't benefit from each other at all and i'm ok with that.