How I feel about TBT right now

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At the risk of getting flamed, yes, I do see what you mean. There are times when I've read a post and thought, wow, that is something you would never dare say to another person in real life. It's too blunt, too direct, and sometimes, just plain rude. There are definitely cliques here. And sometimes (as in real life), they will all gather around and shout until the one dissenting voice is silenced.

Having said all that, there are more nicer people then rude, more helpful people then hurtful. Just keep perspective. I value the few friends I have made here, experienced some random acts of kindness.... Negative stuff that goes on, you have to learn to let it roll off. :)

I am sorry you have experienced negativity here recently. I hope it gets better from now on.
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To be honest, I get your point. And I kinda feel the same way too to be honest. There was a time in TBT where the whole community felt depressing and alot of people actually kept arguing (from my memory at least). That kinda led me to a temporary depressed state in which I cannot be nice for some reason. Anyway, I think it's over now. I see that the community has pretty much improved since then, and I hope it stays that way.
I get what you mean and where you're coming from so don't feel bad. :)
I kind of just avoid anyone negative by just PMing my friends or lurking the same threads.
But I've gotten a few unnecessary comments on threads before so I know what you mean.

I hope you have a great day.
Don't be so hard on yourself.
I don't think we've had the chance to talk, but I think you're lovey.
I get the feeling, I left for schools start and because my great grandma passed and now a bunch of rather unkind people have come onto the forum. Others are just acting as if taking time off the forum is a sin and now I am a evil son of a gun. I won't quite TBT but in general people have just been a tad nastier in these past few weeks, at least to me they have been. Blunt honesty is a blessing and a curse and that is something that is meant to help but usually being blunt is taken as an attack because it seems so awkward and unreal at first. I love TBT, it is my first forum site that actually has a good following and is enjoyable all together, but there are people who shall not be named that I have blocked or just skip over now because they have made certain areas of TBT a battle ground of pure trollness. I hope it clears out soon and I hope you do have a good day :3
For one moment you think justice exists but then you see the kind of posts that are allowed on this forum and you just nope, justice does not exist.
Unfortunately, I have no idea who might be referred to in the opening post. Perhaps I simply do not participate enough in discussions here, or am just clueless (likely the latter, I know).
In a site open to users of all ages, there's going to be problems. People can get all high and mighty on the internet because they don't have to see the consequences of any of their actions IRL.

I do hope you can avoid the people that are bothering you and still be able to enjoy the time you spend on here. But there will always be bad apples even in the best of orchards.
tbh I don't think it's that bad. People disagree in real life, and people disagree on forums. Sure people might be a bit blunt sometimes, but I'd rather that than try and sugarcoat things. And generally the internet is a LOT more negative and mean than on TBT.
tbh I don't think it's that bad. People disagree in real life, and people disagree on forums. Sure people might be a bit blunt sometimes, but I'd rather that than try and sugarcoat things. And generally the internet is a LOT more negative and mean than on TBT.

Agreed. I'm glad you've made TBT you're 'happy place' on the internet, for lack of a better term. However each person has their own idea of whats funny, what makes them angry and etc. You're entitled to your opinion but keep in mind that in most cases it might be best to let things go that bother you, from time to time, or you'll find yourself closed off from the world.
Honestly though...
this is one of the most well-behaved forums I've ever been on, and I've been frequenting forums online for. a while. we'll say "a while".

Anyway, really the base level of "mean" here is pretty standard for most other forums, besides I mean, like websites that are really ONLY for children.

I'm not saying "stop being sensitive" because that's silly, but I am saying that out of all the forums I've seen that have had little kids + adults, this is one of the most civil places....
I think that bluntness is actually something that comes more naturally on here because you feel like you can open up to people easier.

Another thing is that rudeness is perceived differently by everyone on the internet because it's hard to properly display our emotions on here. There are things that I can say to some people that could offend them but say the same thing to another person and they would realize that I'm joking or just wouldn't find it offensive.
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I can't even count all of the times some people on here have taken my blunt honesty as an attack or trolling. If you really can't handle an opinion or someone pointing out a flaw in your reasoning/opinion so you resort to playing the victim or calling the person a troll, you clearly aren't mature enough to be using the internet.
Like all communities that are big, some people aren't going to be nice. Big communities attract trolls, haters and so on.
You'll just have to ignore them and move on.
Yes, the internet is large, and therefore open to all types of people, so unless you love everyone, obviously you're going to have to deal with people you just don't like.

Pretty simple, it's not as if the internet is real life, so if you can't deal with it, it's pretty easy to walk away.
Reddit isn't that bad IMO, a big subreddit like /r/funny or /r/pics might be a little bit hectic but in a good sized community like /r/wiiu or /r/ebola is where the site really shines
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