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How Good Are You At Remembering Lyrics?

One time my friend was sleeping over and the song "Boys 'Round Here" was faintly playing in a TV commercial.
When we went to drive her home, it stated playing on the radio and then she screamed, "THIS SONG!!!" She then began to sing the song perfectly. I said to her, "I didn't know you liked country music."
She then said, "Oh, no I don't. This is my second time hearing that song; It was playing on the TV last night."
I'd like to think I'm relatively good at remembering/memorizing lyrics. The way I listen to music is that I usually become obsessed with maybe on or two songs at a time and I'll have them on repeat for days on end. After the first day of having a song playing in the background while I go about my daily business (eating, homework, etc.) I'll have the lyrics down. That's just passively though. I feel like if I sit down and actively try to memorize the lyrics to a song I'd be fast.
I'm pretty bad at it. I can remember the main parts if I listen to the song long enough but even then I have a hard time understanding what the lyrics are in the first place. I tend to misinterpret them and end up singing the wrong thing. :p
Terrible. I mostly just listen to the flow and instrumentation and melodies of the music itself, not necessarily the lyrics. Though, if they're good enough, I'm sure I could.
I don't listen to music for lyrics, I listen to music for instrumentation (and vocals, if it applies). Typically I only ever hear what is being said after having listened to a song many times. Then it's interesting to hear the 'story' of the song of which I have grown to love the sound of. But I never take it upon myself to memorize lyrics.
memorizing song lyrics is something i'm pretty good at, but only if i like the song. if i'm singing along to the song i can memorize it much faster.
you just stabbed the english language seven times and then spit on it
but i am currently trying to study the song "anaconda"

- - - Post Merge - - -

>thinks urbandictionary is reliable for "real" words


i clicked on the first one OOPS
If it's really good and memorable I do, but it's not like I memorize all the 1000s of songs I have on my records lol.
How fast do you memorize song lyrics?

I used to be so fast at memorizing lyrics when I was younger like, I'd just listen to it a few times, check the real lyrics to clear up any misheard lyrics then after that I'd already memorize the whole song.. even the timings and all lol

but now.. well not that much anymore and idk why hahah
It depends on the song:
Good band: Couple tries
A song that will help me education wise: 10-20 (depending on length)
Rubbish band, good song: Couple tries
Rubbish band, bad song: Instantly... They want the song to haunt me for the rest of my life
well i have to memorize the rhythm and the pitches and the dynamics and THEN the lyrics. at least for choir.

other times, i listen to it a couple times and i generally understand what theyre sayin
I'm extraordinary, in addition to mechanics within Pok?mon games, song lyrics are the only things I can memorize clearly over the course of many many years.