Gaming Pet Peeves

When you hit someone square in the face but it doesn't count due to lag.

"They were never really there" bs. Yet when they throw something my way it's always a direct hit.
Way too steep difficulty curved.. like the 3 and 4 on Civ are just what why did you have this many
When my friends kick me out of their New Leaf town just for running. Not near the flowers, I know not to run through them, but just running through the grass. If Nintendo coded a run button then why are you not allowed to use it?
When my friends kick me out of their New Leaf town just for running. Not near the flowers, I know not to run through them, but just running through the grass. If Nintendo coded a run button then why are you not allowed to use it?

because users makes up their own rules and anyone not following them will be kicked out everywhere. well yeah i can understand people wanting to keep the flowers nice and such but tbh this grass wear i never cared about.
When my friends kick me out of their New Leaf town just for running. Not near the flowers, I know not to run through them, but just running through the grass. If Nintendo coded a run button then why are you not allowed to use it?

Because while Nintendo coded a run button, Nintendo also coded a feature where flowers and grass would die wherever it was used. Although to be fair, a good town designer would work around this, making proper town paths where players can run, be it made from patterns (grass doesn't wear out under patterns) (oops) or just worn grass itself.

Although yes. The grass wear system? That's a whole new Gaming Pet Peeve in itself.
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be it made from patterns (grass doesn't wear out under patterns) or just worn grass itself.

Actually, paths don't prevent grass wear in ACNL.

It takes longer than it did in previous games, but all paths will do is cover it up and keep the kids off your lawn.
Actually, paths don't prevent grass wear in ACNL.

^This. But who cares? If it's covered by a path you won't ever see what's underneath.

I love when the grass wears out under my paths because then it actually sounds like I'm stepping on a path.
^This. But who cares? If it's covered by a path you won't ever see what's underneath.

I love when the grass wears out under my paths because then it actually sounds like I'm stepping on a path.

Yeah, exactly. I have 2-thick pattern paths in my town, although to be fair I kind of WANT the grass underneath to decay, just so I can then take the patterns away and have rather cool looking dirt paths around town.
Yeah, exactly. I have 2-thick pattern paths in my town, although to be fair I kind of WANT the grass underneath to decay, just so I can then take the patterns away and have rather cool looking dirt paths around town.

Yeah that looked really cool actually. I saw it when I had to rearrange some paths for new move-ins and it looked way better than actual paths lol.

Except when spring comes around the grass grows back and you'll have to lay paths again. .-.
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While I love playing Pokemon Shuffle it kinda grinds my gear only having 5 hearts, and you can't increase the capacity by leveling up or using the diamond/gem thing.
It depends on the game, but one major pet peeve I have is if I was almost finished with a mission or something, then I die or mess up, causing the ENTIRE process being started over (not the game, but the part I was on). When I'm not forced to restart, but if there is an achievement that requires not taking damage, then I'll just restart if I take damage. This is extremely frustrating, especially on long and hard levels/missions.

I'm also kinda irritated by limited lives and opportunity cost. Unlimited lives in a video game is a cool advantage, but it shows that the developers are sort of lazy. The limited lives mechanic may be frustrating, but at least it's not as lazy.
Boss invincible modes. Oh you wanna hurt me you say? Spend your points on turning into your (data) form! >>
When you're playing a hard platformer game and when you die, it doesn't automatically restart the level quickly. Instead if makes you go all the way back through the menus to select the level again and wait for it to load. It makes the experience more frustrating than it has to be and then I have to quick because now I'm super salty and tired of navigating the dumb menus.
When games have those cameras that feel like an actual cameraman is following you. You know the sort where the camera gets stuck on the scenery or the camera 'hits a wall' stopping it from moving. The camera isn't supposed to be an actual physical thing that follows you, it shouldn't get stuck on friggin' walls n shiz, it's pretty much supposed to be a 'ghost', I'm not supposed to feel like an actual guy is following me around with a camera.

I mean, Mario 64 literally had a physical cameraman following you for the entire game (Lakitu) and they still pretty much got it right. If Mario 64 got it right in 1996, why am I still running into this problem 19 years later in 2015?
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When games have those cameras that feel like an actual cameraman is following you. You know the sort where the camera gets stuck on the scenery or the camera 'hits a wall' stopping it from moving. The camera isn't supposed to be an actual physical thing that follows you, it shouldn't get stuck on friggin' walls n shiz, it's pretty much supposed to be a 'ghost', I'm not supposed to feel like an actual guy is following me around with a camera.

I mean, Mario 64 literally had a physical cameraman following you for the entire game (Lakitu) and they still pretty much got it right. If Mario 64 got it right in 1996, why am I still running into this problem 19 years later in 2015?

Because they are.. idk but yeah it's annoying when it gets stuck or when it moves around like crazy unless you play
When games have those cameras that feel like an actual cameraman is following you. You know the sort where the camera gets stuck on the scenery or the camera 'hits a wall' stopping it from moving. The camera isn't supposed to be an actual physical thing that follows you, it shouldn't get stuck on friggin' walls n shiz, it's pretty much supposed to be a 'ghost', I'm not supposed to feel like an actual guy is following me around with a camera.

I mean, Mario 64 literally had a physical cameraman following you for the entire game (Lakitu) and they still pretty much got it right. If Mario 64 got it right in 1996, why am I still running into this problem 19 years later in 2015?

Because they are.. idk but yeah it's annoying when it gets stuck or when it moves around like crazy unless you play
because they are stupid and/or lazy.
Or "no camera options."

I cannot tell you how many Indie 3D platformers had no way for you to change the ****ing camera angle. Who honestly thought that was a good idea?

Because indie want to be so edgy and not included I guess mango.