Gaming Pet Peeves


dont be such a sour wolf
Aug 3, 2014
Tasty Cake
Famous Mushroom
Bronze Trophy (Third Place)
Rainbow Feather
Pikachu Easter Egg
Tasty Cake
November Birthstone (Topaz)
October Birthstone (Opal)
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
July Birthstone (Ruby)
What are some things you hate about video games? It can be something from games in general, a certain series, or a specific title.

For me it's when you finally complete the game, but afterwards it doesn't act like you've completed it, i.e. you're being told to fight the boss again (*cough cough* Zelda games *cough*). Like seriously, it makes me feel like I didn't finish at all.

How about you guys?
In the Mystery Dungeon games it really angers me that there is like a second half of the game after you beat the main story. If there was more story to add why is it all a separate story then? I understand that the story can get repetitive if you play that the whole game, but I'd like to see more bonuses in the after game then more extremely hard dungeons to get those bonuses.
Steep boss curves. Like the first one(s) are really easy, the next few. nope go grind for another 2 days
Games where you need to grind for no other reason to get more hp are horrible anyways. I don`t mind grinding in monster hunter, because it gives atleast cool weapon bonuses, but in some games you just need to be able to get hit more for less damage to survive the battle. Thats just pointless! Grinding then becomes either a cheap way to extend the amount of hours you get out of a game, or it simply means the game tuned right.

I`m a formidable gamer, so that can`t be it.
Games where selecting a higher difficulty level does nothing other than turn the enemies into bullet sponges and make their attacks overpowered. It's just a cheap and lazy way of raising the difficulty. It doesn't even feel difficult most of the time, it's just tedious to waste an entire clip on one dude and feels cheap when you get one hit killed by a hit in the arse.

Single player focused games with a mulitplayer mode tacked onto it. It's just unnecessary. It also usually ends up with the multiplayer aspect getting a ton of DLC whilst the single player gets nothing.

Though I only really know this happening in two games, when they make you go back through the entire game again in some way. Ghosts and Goblins makes you do the entire game again, Devil May Cry usually makes you go through the game again but in reverse. It's just lazy padding really.

Games that cut out content and 'package' it as day-1 DLC or a pre-order incentive. If it's ready for release, put it in the game, it's really that simple. It infuriates me more when all the pre-order 'incentives' are cut up and given to different stores for different store exclusives. At that point, nobody is going to have the full game.
I never intended to buy it as it never interested me, but Watchdogs was so bad for this that you pretty much needed a friggin' spreadsheet to keep up with what DLC each store had and what you would or wouldn't get if you bought it from x place. That is friggin' disgusting (though it's Ubisoft, so not surprising either).
I'm starting to hate customization in games as far as weapons/classes are concerned. People always find a way to misuse it or create a "best class" combination. I like it where it's nice and simple.
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I....can't stand grinding. Like period. I'm hugely lazy when I play games, I'm mostly driven by plot and character, and grinding is so tedious to me. I always head into bosses severely under-leveled and I struggle and get frustrated and I understand, all I have to do is put effort in, but no, I'd rather furiously barrel through. That is how I do.

As for games I hate, I can honestly say only two titles have ever pissed me off to that degree, and it was Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs, and Alice: Madness Returns, and coincidentally both are sequels, and both are horror, and both are garbage. I have explanations as to why I dog these games so much, but I doubt anyone wants to sit through my novels. 8)
Yeah, it depends on how they made grinding though. If it's done right it can be fun. But if done just for getting way too little credits and no material at all unless you do them 100
I don't necessarily like plot twists that make Shyamalan cry.

I like antagonist characters who are intimidating, but not if they're based off a game of chance.

Looking at you, Legendary Starfy...
Boss(es) with 'rage' or ultimate attack they spam at once killing off your whole them, and you have no chance to separate your characters either..

Looking at you Little Rain and Purple Heart
-Grinding in any way (via job classes, levels, the types for MMOs, etc), especially when you have no other choice because the game suddenly raises the level on you and just playing through the story and encounters isn't enough.

-Making customers pay for a "deluxe edition" or "DLC", when it was content purposely removed from a game (looking at you, ESO, and your Imperial Edition) for the sole purpose of the company getting more money.

-The new "low roll"/"high roll" system in ORAS. It makes running nuzlockes difficult when you try to figure out if you can survive the next attack without having to turn to a damage calculator. I've had two deaths in a recent nuzlocke which I just couldn't figure out unless what I thought was the high-roll was actually a middle-roll.
It's annoying. >.>

-Trolls. Period.

-MMO players who rage-quit after the group wipes just once in a dungeon. Or vice-versa, that terrible player who refuses to leave the group even though they keep pulling a Leeroy Jenkins.

-Spammers in MMOs. The majority of names which go onto my "ignore" list are bots spamming their goldfarming website. I'm not gonna buy your stupid promotion, so shut up and let me play! I might have a legit question, but people are turning their general chats off because of the stupid bots!

-Same as what Astro Cake said...any game which beeps at you when your HP is low (it's even annoying in Pokemon, but it's the most annoying in the Zelda franchise). Dorkly Bits did a short on that called "Link Finds Ganon's Weakness".

-Specific to a game: in Fossil Fighters Frontier, even if you get a fossil excavated past the minimum line you need to achieve to extract it, if a rogue vivosaur attacks, you don't get the fossil.

-Repetitive quests (like found in MMOs) and boring/repetitive dialogue.

-Subscription fees. Yes, typically a necessary evil to avoid cash shops and pay-to-win games, but that doesn't mean I have to like them.

...I'm sure there are many more I'm forgetting over years of platform and PC gaming. Heck, MMOs alone can rack up a good amount of pet peeves. >.>;;
Bosses that heal themselves, required button mashing, When too much or too little grinding is required (I hated how easy x/y was for example), terrible servers, when there isn't a way to avoid/repel random encounters. That's all I can think of right now.
Button mashing.. yes so much especially in Smash games. I am really bad with this, I don't get how people turbo-thumb their way really.

Any annoying dlc/sub fee should go die.
My biggest pet peeve is in Story of Seasons, when you go to pick a certain thing up (Say Stone) If there is something else near it (Twig) Your character picks the twig up instead -_-
My biggest pet peeve is in Story of Seasons, when you go to pick a certain thing up (Say Stone) If there is something else near it (Twig) Your character picks the twig up instead -_-

lolol. This one kinda bothers me, too. I want to pick up all the things, but I want to pick up new and exciting things first. I'm only in Winter, year 1, so some of the ores I find in the safari are still pretty new to me.
And I get so irrationally upset when I see a new ore and I try to pick it up, and she picks up everything around it first. Why did you pick up the scrap ore, it's 4 feet away from you. Pick up the green orb that you're standing on, gdi. It is new and shiny and I want to know what it is.

Savescumming would be a much less tedious process if she would just pick up the things I want her to pick up. Or if standing over things actually told you what it was.
Oh, thought of another one!

Only having one single save file in Pokemon games.

Come on...I want to run nuzlockes, but I can't go back and do other nuzlocke variations, as well as having a permanent file if I want to get into online battling, unless I get both versions of the game (or beg for the other version as a gift).
There are so many other games which have multiple save files...and I'm sorry, but if Final Fantasy could give us three save files on a freak'n SNES cartridge in the 90's, then Gen VI pokemon should have no problems with giving us at LEAST two save files on a 3ds cartridge in the 21st century!