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Favorite Tropical Fruit

What's your favorite Island Fruit

  • Total voters


“Assorted” Collector
Yoshi's Islanders
Sep 9, 2014
Green Balloon
Ghostly Kitty Plush
Snowflake Glow Wand
Festive Bell
Friday the 13th Candy
Pink Hybrid Tulip
Disco Ball Easter Egg
Chocolate Cake
Pumpkin Cupcake
Apple (Fruit)
Of the six fruits of the island (which cannot be your local fruit), which one is your favorite one?

My favorite has to be the bananas. Next to that would be the lemons. Least favorite would be lychees.
Of the six fruits of the island (which cannot be your local fruit), which one is your favorite one?

My favorite has to be the bananas. Next to that would be the lemons. Least favorite would be lychees.

Same here. The only one I don't like are the lychees (in game and in real life). The durians also look a little more cartoony than the other fruit but at least they are interesting. And smelly.
I like the bananas, coconuts and the lemon, I haven?t even planted the other tropical fruits in my town.
Durians! I just like the look of them :blush: I love lychee in real life they are the best tasting fruit! but,, in the game they just look really ugly :/
Can't really pick one! I love all of them! I suppose my favorite would be mangoes or coconuts though
idk why but lemons have always appealed to me. (?艸`)
i guess bc the yellow isnt gross or anything and it just screams cute.

from fav to least fav, itd be:
lemon > banana > coconut > durian > mango > lychee

dam didnt realise that persimmon was non-island. i completely forgot about lychee huahaha.
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bananas are awesome to have on the beach. definitely lemons though because I do eat those in real life a lot. x0D
Urgh, I can't decide... For me it's a tie between mangoes and lemons. I consume more lemons in real life, so I guess I'll vote for that...
Lemons, they're so bright and colourful and look nice planted in a grove next to orange trees. The lychees are a close second, they're so juicy looking lol.