Do you work out/go to the gym?

Theres always time!
I did a pretty good job during this semester to dedicate 45 minutes throughout the week to just run or do other cardio exercises, even on exam nights

I did an hour cardio today. I feel good :3

I'm going to do more for sure in these upcoming months, since I'll be much less busy this coming semester. :)
yes i do workout exercises at home , not that it really does much but yeah
i am going to try to go to a gym in the new year
I primarily do cardio. Well, did. And will. Do was probably the worst word lol. There's way too much snow and even when it's not snowing, it's too cold to go outside now. I've been trying to find workouts to do inside, but ugh they all suck, I prefer running. There aren't any gyms near me besides the local high school gym, and I don't live alone so a treadmill isn't really an option.
I don't go to the gym, but I do get some exercise. Every day I try to walk/run 3 miles. I basically start off by walking, then after a quarter mile start running, then after another quarter mile walk, etc.
I don't really have time to go to the gym, so this works out well. Also, I don't really care about having big muscles, I'm cool with being skinny. My goal is to just not be overweight.
there's one really close to where i live and i'm considering joining when i finish up my gcses. i'm just extremely unfit so it'd be nice if i could have fun working out and not ache for days afterwards, and i think it would have lots of mental and physical benefits.
no, i always try to workout, but i usually give up because i'm such a lazy person. my new years resolution is to start doing so though, so hope for the best for me
I really want to start going to a gym, but social anxiety will be the death of me. I hate the idea of people watching me. my bf always tells me that everyone is there to do their own thing and no one will be paying attention to me but yeah ok haha. Plus I don't really want to run into anyone I know because I'm dumb lmao.
Yes it's a drag at first but now I feel incomplete if I dont go to the gym at least 3 times a week
Yes! Yoga, Pilates and Zumba. Group workouts
I love "chill" workouts, where you don't lose your breath that fast as if you were running, haha