Do you wear glasses?

Do you wear glasses?

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I tried out contacts but my eyes feel all dry and horrible
I look better with glasses anyway and they're easier
Yes, I wear glasses, but I used to be so adamant about not wearing them until recently (to be fair my mom chose my first pair of glasses and I didn't like the frames). It is annoying to have to take them off and deal with blurry vision especially since I'm a swimmer, but can't really do anything about it now. At least I'm happy with my current pair :)
I want / probably need glasses, but I literally don't have the time to make an appointment for another 3 months
Nah, but I haven't gone for an eye test since I was a lot younger and I feel like my eyesight has deteriorated since then so I wouldn't be surprised if I needed glasses :/
Heck yes. Nerd4lyfe.

In all seriousness, I love the look of glasses, both on myself and others. I could have gotten vision correction surgery or contacts ages ago, but prefer to wear my glasses and feel as though they're part of my identity at this point.
Heck yes. Nerd4lyfe.

In all seriousness, I love the look of glasses, both on myself and others. I could have gotten vision correction surgery or contacts ages ago, but prefer to wear my glasses and feel as though they're part of my identity at this point.

I love the look of glasses too, frames being my favourites because of how stylish and nice looking they are. They make me appreciate my lack of vision.
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Usually I wear contacts, but I do have glasses I wear occasionally. The only reason I don't wear them more is because I don't want my makeup rubbing off from my nose onto them. So far I haven't found a way to keep that from happening:(
i wear glasses for class and if i'm watching a film or something but generally i don't wear them, i feel like because i was a lot older when i got prescribed them i can't feel comfortable with them resting on my face which is a shame cause i bought myself really expensive cute ones oh well
Yuppers, I'm pretty close sighted so I don't really need them for anything up close, but anything more than about half a foot away from my face I need to put on my glasses for!

I don't really mind wearing glasses, I just with I had nicer looking frames for them. All I have is 1 pair of bland black rectangle frames that I hate, and I've been needing a new prescription anyway. I've been saving a bunch of pictures of the kind of frames that I want, mostly ones with neat shapes like hearts and butterfly wings!
I don't have a choice, without them i just see blurriness. But they do feel uncomfortable sometimes and i'm always terrified at theme parks because every time i get on a roller coaster, i think they'll fall off so i take them off and i can't see any of the views or enjoy the scenery. ;-;.
Yep. I wear them to help me see when I'm out and about, but I don't wear them at home, unless I'm gonna play a video game on my TV.
I've been wearing glasses since I was 14 and I regret the time I stayed awake for 36 hours straight to play harvest moon on rom because the stupid thing couldn't be saved. but apparently I never learn because my eyesight just got worse and worse every year. maybe I'll get a lasik so I can finally wear eye makeup.
I wear glasses, 'cause I can only see something clearly if it's like 3 inches away from my face. Glasses are better than contacts imo, 'cause I'm always too lazy to spend time putting contacts in and taking them out.

It'd be nice if I could see clearly without my glasses, 'cause then I wouldn't suffer so much when it's raining or if its cold out lol