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Do you still use ladder and vaulting pole?

I try not to use them and built my bridges and inclines in the places I naturally walk through the most, but if I'm in a rush (eg chasing a bug) then I'll use them. I use the ladder more often because my house and my two favourite villagers houses' are on the top cliff, so I constantly need to get up there and am not always near the inclines.
i use the ladder all the time since my island is in sections and im too lazy to run all the way to one side ^^
I use the vaulting pole from time to time when chasing bugs, but I never really use the ladder anymore.
Also requires that you didn't start with an island between two branches of one river.

Yeah, my river only has one source, so even if it didn't branch, come back together, and re-branch like it does, I still would have to cross the river in order to access parts of my island.
I pretty much designed my island so that I wouldn't have to use the ladder or vaulting pole! My island is definitely not very terraformed compared to others but I like how I can easily move around.
Mostly not, but only ladder if I need to. My rivers have fences on them or furniture right beside it so there's no way I can use the pole
Ladder? Yes.
Vaulting pole? Only when my villagers are being a dick and blocking the way to get over the river >.>
Only my ladder is still in use, because I have one place that is inaccessible without one. The pole on the other hand, I don't use except for island tours. I have bridges (and stepping stones as shortcuts) to get around and over rivers.
I haven't found myself using the ladder and pole for the past few weeks... until today. Because I suddenly had the urge to redesign half of my island.
I personally dislike those urges. Because then I tell myself —“all the work that must be done!” But to some, it’s worth it.
I always do, the inclines and bridges I put are solely for my villagers to access certain areas that they wouldn't be able to otherwise lol
I use them on Nook mystery islands...but never on my own island (because I've developed the land in a way that I never need them). Well...that's not entirely true. I left one or two little plateaus that I planted flowers on. I don't really go up there...but if I need to change the flowers for any reason, then I would need the ladder to do that.
I use the ladder 50-11 times a day, but rarely use the vaulting pole except on tours.
I pretty much stopped using the pole due to how much I love to walk in my town. I rather do some extra walking instead of changing my current tool. On the other hand, I do use my ladder a lot because I don’t have incline everywhere and some of my trees and rocks are only accessible through climbing.
I love using the ladder and vaulting pole. They're actually the first items I have on my tools ring.
I only use them when I'm at a mystery island, if I happen to end up with an island that requires them. My island is flat with bridges and inclines because I hate having to climb and jump everywhere.
only when im visiting nook mile mystery islands i have inclines and make shift bridges everywhere
I'm mostly asking to people that have finished the terraforming process and have everything settled in.

At the beginning I was planning to get a map that allowed me to don't use the ladder or the vaulting pole, but even if I built a bunch of bridges and inclines, I still use them as shortcuts.
Was wondering if someone built a map that can be completely visited quickly and don't use these items anymore?
Yes because the only fish I seem to be able to catch are zebra turkeyfish and sea bass.. even with fish bait. So only one ramp in town still.
Nah, I designed my island so I wouldn't have to use them. I often forget to bring one to mystery islands lol
haha, i still do use my ladder and vaulting pole even before i restarted my island. there were just some shortcuts that not even bridges or inclines could make faster! i am still using ladder & vaulting pope mainly because i restarted my island and i am waiting till i get terra forming to finesse my island so i never have to use them again hopefully ><