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Do you like fish?

I actually have a huge fear of fish. Not so much little fish, (like goldfish) but definitely bigger ones. I know it sounds kinda ridiculous, and I don't even know how it started, but I just became reallly afraid of them since I turned 6-7.
I love them! I've never been able to understand how somebody could eat one. Very peculiar.
we used to have pet fish but they ate each other and then died., havent had any since. they're cool to look at but i don't really think i would like pet fish at the moment, it seems like a bother and i dont like it THAT much. my mom wants some tho so she has been thinking about getting some. might not happen but yeah
yea they were the only kind of pet my mom would let me get when i was younger...we had about 5 and my sister and i called one "bully" because it ate 2 other fish but when they died we would put them in tea boxes with chrysanthemums and bury them in the backyard
my first fish tank i had a bunch of neon tetras and for some reason i thought it would be a good idea to add a Betta to the mix. eh, i think he was by himself by morning...
when i was small i love keeping goldfishes. sadly they never survive more than 5months.
As a thing to look at and be like "neato" for a few minutes, they're fine.

They're practically just a decoration you have to feed though.
bad moko don't go on that early..

but yea i had pet fishes when i was younger so ya lol
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I've had Ansgar & Evelyn in almost a year soon. Here's a picture of them c:

Aren't they pretty? As fast as I saw them in the shop I was trapped by their beauty. The thing was that I was only supposed to buy 1 new fish, but when I saw them together I KNEW they were inseparable so I had to buy both of them and I do not regret it.
Fidelio - your goldfish are such cuties. <3

This is my betta, Roan. Getting a second, Paris, from a breeder at the end of the month. :)


Those are beautiful fish!

My friend had a fish named Hendrix. He was cool. He danced with me before, and he would do this trick where he'd jump up out of the water to catch his food from my friend's fingers. (He fed the fish like he was supposed to; Hendrix wasn't starving.)
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This is my betta, Roan. Getting a second, Paris, from a breeder at the end of the month. :)

are they uncommon over there? here bettas are almost like goldfish in that you can find them in all the pet stores and sometimes in the pet section of the department stores too.
Immediately when I saw the title I thought "yes I love eating fish." then i read the post and realised what you meant.
But yes I do love fish I have an aquarium at home where i can just sit and stare at the little fishy fish swimming around its very relaxing. But such a pain to clean the tank they poop so much like literally every time I finish cleaning the tank they'll decide it okay to poop again.
are they uncommon over there? here bettas are almost like goldfish in that you can find them in all the pet stores and sometimes in the pet section of the department stores too.

Not rare, but from my experience there isn't much in the way of variety. I envy the selection the US has I see people post their great pet shop finds on another forum I use.
Fish are absolutely beautiful creatures. As a child, there used to be little ponds that would fill up whenever it rained and SOMEHOW they always seemed to end up with guppies. But the water would eventually dry up and they would die. Once I realized this was happening, I would go to the ponds and catch all the guppies I could. I would place each one in a Dixie Cup and set up a fishy lemondade stand for the neighborhood kids. The rest I would bring to school and give out to the classes. Each year everyone had guppies :)