Do you like a lot of rooms in your house?


Senior Member
Sep 20, 2022
I am kinda ocd in a way where I like my rooms limited in new leaf I feel as if it’s kinda difficult to get some furniture needed for the rooms .. what do you think ??
I don't feel like I've 'completed' the game if I don't max out my rooms on my main character, at least. On the rare occasions where I create alternate characters, I'm fine with leaving their houses small if it makes sense for the story I've created for them. But mostly I prefer to have all the rooms fully expanded and I often still have room ideas that won't fit in my house.
My only problem with the rooms is how there are gaping holes on each wall where the rooms are, and it’s hard to build around that. I always have trouble interior designing for the main room. I always put a bathroom in the left room. It’s easier to design a room when there aren’t other rooms forcing you to work around them.
I fully expanded all of my houses in New Leaf. It took some thinking for me to figure out how I wanted to decorate all of the rooms, but I had a lot of furniture that I wanted to use somehow anyway. Ultimately I'm glad I did because I'm really happy with how they turned out, but I've also seen a lot of smaller houses that I think were done very effectively. ^^ I think only having certain rooms in a house does give it a unique touch.
i've fully expanded all my rooms, and i'm fairly happy with most. my main entrance room is a bit lame and odd, but still sort of cozy.

none of my have a proper "theme", but they look lived in i guess. i think my kitchen looks the best. it's just got a color scheme i really like and i love cluttering with food, hehe.

i also have the room "in the back" (north room) that's like, a more "fancy" room with loads of cakes, fancy furniture, etc.
I completely expanded and got every single room so no debt at all on my main character! I do this mainly because I love how large the rooms can get and the design opportunities, plus it was so fun and rewarding after YEARS of playing to finally "finish" the main goal of the game. I still have plenty to do but for my other characters I am very selective. I have chosen for certain rooms to be smaller rather than larger just because they feel "cozier." In Kaito's house I made the upstairs bedroom quite small but its still big enough to walk around in and has some chairs, a table, a bed and gives cozy vibes! I like the upgraded houses but sometimes the smaller ones lead to more design ideas and are cuter!
I mainly just wish you could shrink the size of your rooms after. Bedrooms and kitchens usually benefit from the largest possible sizes, while bathrooms don't necessarily need to be huge.
Not necessarily, the number and size of rooms depends on what I've got in mind for a house.
I have a bit of a furniture hoarding problem so more rooms and storage is always great for me when playing an AC game.
Also god bless the Welcome Amiibo update for the secret storeroom, amazing addition for weirdos like me.
All of my rooms are fully expanded, so I'm quite satisfied about the amount of space my house has. I customized my house to match my personality, and although interior decor isn't my thing, I find that decorating my house is a lot easier than in NH. Also, I agree that the storage space is convenient in case I want to redecorate my rooms.
I think the furniture in this game is awesome, my house isn't full expanded yet but I will be taking advantage of all the rooms at their biggest size!
I always try to have the maximum amount of rooms in the houses so I always fully expand. Like irl, having enough space is always appreciated
I do like having a lot of rooms. I like making each room have a specific theme. In NH I have a living room for having tea and relaxation, a Japanese/kimono room, a kitchen, a bedroom, and the basement I’m turning into a musical performance practice and playing center with various instruments in the room. The bedroom I’m thinking of making it Hello Kitty themed with a few more pieces of furniture and decorations that won’t clash horribly with the theme.
Yes! I like having many rooms so I can decorate each one with different furniture sets. I’m currently collecting the mermaid set, and the cabana set from tortimer’s island.
I absolutely love having as many rooms as possible that are as fully expanded as possible regardless of if it's in New Leaf or any of the other Animal Crossing games. The main draw of the Animal Crossing games for me is the interior decorating, so having more rooms means there are more outlets for my creativity. Designing cool rooms is fun and satisfying.

This is one of the many aspects that I prefer about New Leaf and the older games as compared to New Horizons. In New Horizons, interior decorating seemed to take a backseat to the exterior decorating possibilities presented via the introduction of terraforming and being able to place furniture outside. While that's great and all and I enjoy it too, the fully expanded rooms in New Horizons are cramped, confining, and have ruined a few room concepts I came up with. The Happy Home Paradise DLC alleviated this somewhat and allows me to express my creativity as I've grown accustomed to over all these years in big 10x10 rooms, but I still feel disappointed that the rooms of the player homes are so awkward in comparison.
In the main house yes. I feel like part of 'beating' the game is unlocking the full house, so I need to max out the main house. My side characters do not get that sort of priority though, and I usually would make some kid of plan for a fully incomplete home.
I need Dat Space for interior decorating, and one house is never enough so I max out my alt characters (which are named after my birbs, bc how could I not bring them with me?) as well. I do like the aesthetic of the smaller, "unfinished" homes and wish we could somehow have both options lmao.
^ They should 100% make it so when you finish the final loan you can adjust room sizes to be smaller or even turn your house into a tent. They already have that mechanic in HHP so it especially bothers me in NH but I’d be lying if I said I don’t want smaller rooms in general sometimes

At least in NL you can choose expansion order if you have a plan, which IIRC isn’t the case for every game
i only hate having so many rooms because i don't know how to decorate them o_O
it took me an embarassingly long time to finally be alright with my house, and i still find myself redecorating every now and then
I like most of the rooms in my NL house, particularly the bathroom and bedrooms - think they have a nice set up. Main room needs a bit of work though.