Mafia CHATBOT MAFIA...Chapter 5: The Glitch... ENDGAME?

You know, if I had not revealed as mayor, we would have been better off. But I was think there'd be 2 other town...oops!

the ways it would've had to go is:
I don't out frosty so they don't know they can vote together. But this isn't a certainty *without* you outing as mayor and us now having enough votes to tie them and vote first.
You don't out as mayor
keep the original kikotoot part 2 and plan for a no-kill night
claim body guard in kikotoot part 2
either a mayor reveal or no reveal would've worked in this case
and then still keep it ambiguous about if them 3 can work together or not

Another option is if, after the mayor reveal, I was more pushy with you getting the item instead of frosty, but didn't want to blow my cover and legitimately thought there was zero way for you to survive the night at that point in time after bianca's post

without you claiming mayor and us having that d2 celebration, they very well could've wised up to voting together and ending the game then and there
Kiko those are iconic

Also thank you Bianca for such a fun game! I really felt like we all got along nicely and worked well together (y'all were too nice for me to sus😅) and I'm glad there wasn't too much spice. It was overall a really nice setup and game!
Literally I think we did exactly what we had to/should've with our final undoing being:
my lack of mafia knowledge before n2
and dolby not liking us at the end 😤
and also like, we were the ones who had to coordinate in a public place, without any firm knowledge of the game, and without past experiences to hint to each other with, *while* it being a 2 v 3 :p
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We did *fantastically*
and also like, we were the ones who had to coordinate in a public place, without any firm knowledge of the game, and without past experiences to hint to each other with, *while* it being a 2 v 3 :p
Well heck, we did awesome...😅

I did like all the pr though. Reminded me of salmon run, where early role hints/talks could have saved town.

And it would have put pressure on maf d1 to come up with some good fake roles. In salmon run, i was maf, and boy was it hard to try to come up with a pretend pr that fit the theme.. the best I could do was axe the people who knew it was me before they said anything, lol.

I have a totally different view of role fishing and d1 no elim now...🤣
Well heck, we did awesome...😅
I did like all the pr though. Reminded me of salmon run, where early role hints/talks could have saved town.
I loved the chaos 😏 and did try to fish! As in kikotoot part 1, outside of how they acted when you looked at them together, some of the main sussness on dan and frosty came from their uniquely severe reluctance most of the game to put themselves at risk for the town by alluding to prs or taking heat to save townies *with* prs
And it would have put pressure on maf d1 to come up with some good fake roles. In salmon run, i was maf, and boy was it hard to try to come up with a pretend pr that fit the theme.. the best I could do was axe the people who knew it was me before they said anything, lol.
Literally, I had to stay up a few hours extra to come up with a convincing enough power to claim in kikotoot part 2 that would be believable, keep my cover, and force information out of people 😅

Kikotoot part 3 was gonna be just one big post where I rationalize needing to hint to you that I'm the body guard and then *heavily* hinting it's what I am, but decided at the last second it might be more believable to disperse the hints (I still have a draft for kikotoot part 3 in my notes)
I have a totally different view of role fishing and d1 no elim now...🤣
Both games I've been in so far now have benefited from role fishing and a no-elim d1 :p (or would've)
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omg wait, my other mistake: not sending my legacy for n2 in time 😭


I was gonna copy and paste this at the last second so, if there was a maf or sk, they wouldn't be able to change their action in response to this.

If this was out there, maybe dolby would've been willing to take me up on voting out frosty 😅
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Kiko those are iconic
I'm so sorry for gambling with your life n1 🥲
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shouldn't have been playing that whole "The Princess Bride" poisoned cup game
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If I am a player in this game, I would have said, yup he's claiming doctor during kikotoot part 2. giving someone night immunity= doctor
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well in my mind that's just my perception anyways lol
Yeah that was part of why I really wanted to play up the dumb and helplessness thing a bit, didn't want people to think I could make up something so plausible 😅
I do want to say it would’ve been incredibly funny if Dan got the D1 item and it was the death revive since some of us were joking about it
Where's Frosty

Betsy and Kiko, you two really did do your best with what you had. I think the skewed against town really came from having the inactive on your side, it really did just turn the game into 3 v 2 v 1

I think the only real shot you had day 2 was giving the item to Dolby so he would side with you to elim me day 3.

I'm just still in disbelief you didn't call me out on the spot Kiko, I was so sure you weren't medic simply because I thought I would be outed instantly. I was sure we had no medic roles since Tessa died after begging for it to be used on her. 😅 You really had me there,
Tbh since it’s been brought up, I probably would have townsided on D2 if I didn’t get the private convo item D1, or if I choose to use it on anybody but frosty and Dan. Now granted Dan could have started signalling me D2 but I probably would have pushed forward on him and got him voted out

Then it would almost certainly be Frosty out on D3
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Though at the same time a big reason why I didn’t push harder for Raven to not go over and Dan to go instead is bc I kinda wanted to mafside already. I was just reading certain things from Dan as a lack of will on that front
Also on d1 - frosty was being given item votes, but wasn't saying much about it either way, whether it would be useful/not useful.
but Dan and Frosty voting for Frosty would have made it require a real coordinated effort (also another reason why I distrusted frosty but by start of day 2 I truly thought that Dan was alone)

The irony is it was never in the plan to go for the item. I never once asked for it, but you and Tessa was talking about giving it to me so I was like, okay I guess I'll roll with this, I have an excuse not to give it to town....that's why I kept asking Tessa are you sure I think people would be more comfy with you. Lol

But in the end I'm pretty glad that Dolby got it because it did get the Dan campaign to die off instantly.
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I appreciate the maf sympathy Dolby.
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But all in all, good game everyone. It was super fun. Excuse me while I disappear into the depths of anti social for about a month to recoup.
I'm just still in disbelief you didn't call me out on the spot Kiko
Even if I did, it would've just been the same as d3 but with a bit more chaos
dolby would've then known 2 town 2 maf, and the game *still* would've been: "who does dolby want to see win"
Since betsy and I had no means of communicating, it's more likely that you and dan would've been able to decisively make the first call on which of us to to vote out than Betsy or I could on which of you three. And even with her as mayor in that case, we'd tie the vote, but since we'd be deciding what to do second, we'd lose.
It's not 100% that that's how it would've played out, but the most likely chance town had at having a night 2 at all was the way that d2 went.
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Really, unless he would horribly mis-play, dolby was guaranteed victory after n1, and who would win alongside him was in his hands. (unless we pulled off the BG fear strat)
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Excuse me while I disappear into the depths of anti social for about a month to recoup.
I feel, my brain needs a yoga retreat or smthn :p
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I was so sure you weren't medic
also, I *really* needed this to be the case for us to have a chance at winning :p
town's only upperhand at that point in the game was the fact that my doctor role was still hidden enough for me to attempt a no-kill n2 by whatever means (in this case, an attempted bodyguard fear, which I should've outright claimed in the kikotoot part 2)
Will def have more to consider the next time I play now knowing all these particulars with different possible roles 😅
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If I had learned before nightfall, and after betsy's reveal, that mayors were actually possibly protectable, it's possible I'd've tried to move the item over to her
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The irony is it was never in the plan to go for the item. I never once asked for it, but you and Tessa was talking about giving it to me so I was like, okay I guess I'll roll with this, I have an excuse not to give it to town....that's why I kept asking Tessa are you sure I think people would be more comfy with you. Lol

But in the end I'm pretty glad that Dolby got it because it did get the Dan campaign to die off instantly.
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I appreciate the maf sympathy Dolby.
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But all in all, good game everyone. It was super fun. Excuse me while I disappear into the depths of anti social for about a month to recoup.
Frosty you did well! Gg! Maf is super fun but also can be stressful, lol. After a few games, it's less stress and more fun, I think.

I think I might adopt kiko's playstyle more next time. Total chaos!

Frosty you did well! Gg!
This!!! 🥳
my back and forth earlier about you was 100% genuine, and the truest statement I made all game was when I said you're (frosty) an evil genius :p

I think I might adopt kiko's playstyle more next time. Total chaos!
It's fun! Shake the tree and fruit will fall 👍 just gotta make sure it doesn't fall on your head 😅 Oof, I will say though, it gets mentally taxing keeping track of everything and all your goals and all the lies you're using to cover up your goals and how you need to act to make the lies believable. I genuinely would not have been able to come up with all the different parts of kikotoot without staying up a bit late, distancing myself from the game, and reflecting on things while it was quiet around me
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next game I'll probably take more of a back seat and let things happen around me
If we end up together again, I'll follow your lead :p
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