Are you a light sleeper, or a heavy sleeper?


AroAce, ASD, and Proud ^^
Oct 31, 2015
Toy Duck Plush
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I consider myself a pretty light sleeper. I usually wake up to the slightly noises and even changes of light. There have been a lot of times where the TV would shut off and I would wake up. (yes I wake up to it getting darker too) - even text messages wake me up, though it is kinda rare for me to get them while I'm asleep. I wonder if insomniacs are generally lighter sleepers. I consider myself an insomniac and am generally a pretty light sleeper. It would make since, considering it is hard for insomniacs to fall and stay asleep.

My dad is also a light sleeper, probably even moreso than I am. If he is taking a nap in the livingroom, or is even sleeping in his bedroom, it is pretty much impossible for me to not wake him. He's even come out asked me about whatever the heck is going on, when I am just getting food or whatever. I can remember living in our old house, and I would as quietly as possible put down the remote to the point where it would barely make any noise, and it would still wake him. I probably get it from him. I find it shocking that he is just a light sleeper, considering how tired he can be. I could be wrong, but if someone is tired, I think they generally sleep deeper/heavier.

My brother, on the other hand, I would consider him a heavy sleeper. I cannot count the number of times where he would sleep through HIS alarm, but it would wake ME up. That definitely says something about me being a light sleeper and him being a heavy sleeper. (our rooms are right next to each other, but still)

Now, there are times where I do sleep through stuff. Back in November, I meant to go with my dad to the store, to Pizza Hut, and to Wendy's, but I didn't wake up when he called my name. What's funny though, I DID hear him call my name. However, I was actually dreaming. It was one of those dreams where actual noises are also happening in your dream. Have any of you ever experienced that? I was also actually waking up in said dream, which is called a "false awakening" to my knowledge, but I digress. I may make another topic about different types of dreams.

But yeah, I'm curious to find out how lightly/heavily you guys sleep.
I’m definitely a heavy sleeper. I’m surprised I’m able to wake up to alarms. I have an easier time now than when I was younger.
unfortunately im a light sleeper :( but as a trade off, it is super easy for me to fall asleep and i fall asleep really quick. like 2-3 minutes after hitting the pillow im out.
I'm a heavy sleeper, which can be a problem since I have to wake up early. Good thing about being a heavy sleeper is that I sleep great through noises like loud music and thunder. Bad thing is that I sleep through my alarms...
My insomnia is pretty bad. I have extreme difficulty just getting to sleep, and when I do finally doze off, my body will quickly jolt awake if I hear someone in the next room blinking too loudly.

So you can imagine how miserable it is for someone like me to live directly adjacent to a busy motorway.
Depends. I'm a heavy sleeper when there's someone else in the house, because I subconsciously know that if something happens they'll wake me up, but I'm a light sleeper when I'm on my own. c':
I'm a light sleeper, but it takes awhile for me to fall asleep, usually around 30 minutes to an hour.
Heavy sleeper, but it takes a few hours for me to knock out. The only exception to this is when I sleep in the same room with my nephew. I wake up whenever he looks for for his pacifier. Sometimes I'm jolted awake just to check if he's still breathing, even though he's well past the SID age.
I have a hard time falling asleep, but I'm a heavy sleeper once I pass out. I sleep through my alarms all the time. I would get up and walk all the way across the room to turn it off, then lay back down without ever waking up. I had to start setting my alarm 30 mins earlier and train myself to hit snooze instead of turn it off. Usually I will wake up at least once during those 30 mins.

I can also have conversations in my sleep. People say my eyes are open and everything, but I have no memory of them when I wake up.

I think my problem is that I hit REM sleep around the time I need to be getting up for work. I'm in such a deep sleep that I work the sounds in with my dreams. The alarm becomes a vehicle backing up or a siren or something. I never dream at night, or at least none that I remember. I only dream in the mornings.
I'd say I'm a bit of both. I need as much silence as possible to fall asleep and any loud noise can wake me up quite easily. However if I'm exceptionally tired I can pretty much sleep through anything (noise wise) and have a night where I don't wake up until the morning.
I'm a very heavy sleeper, but it takes me forever to actually get to sleep. Once I'm out though I'll sleep through anything.
i think i’m a combination of both. i used to be more of a heavy sleeper, but it doesn’t take much to wake me up anymore; someone opening my door, my parents talking outside my door, yelling, the fire alarm going off, someone texting/calling me etc is all enough to wake me, when i used to be able to sleep through those things. i can’t tell you how many fire alarm tests i slept through when i was a kid lol. but of course i still sleep through alarms i set no matter what i do or how close my phone is to me, so someone has to come and physically wake me or else i won’t wake up 💀

if i’m tired enough though, i’m dead to the world once i’m asleep no matter what goes on lmao
Heavy sleeper in terms of noise etc., but prone to waking up randomly and insomniac. Very attuned to my cat meowing to wake me up tho.
I'm the lightest sleeper and it's a big problem. I'll wake at any sudden noise or movement and have great hearing. It makes sleeping with other people a big challenge. I've gotten a headband that has bluetooth and have been playing wave sounds loudly in my ears every night and that's helped with any noise from outside sources (barking dogs, traffic, tools) or internal sources (snoring partner, meowing cats). It's not perfect but I couldn't possibly sleep without it. I recently purchased the Bose Sleepbuds so they go right in your ear so we'll see how comfortable they are. The headband is great like I said, but it shifts a lot when I sleep so it'll come off and therefore noises will wake me up in the middle of the night.
Not only am I a light sleeper, I have trouble going to sleep and staying asleep. It takes me 30mins-2hrs to go to sleep (sometimes my mind is just going 10k miles a minute) and I'll randomly wake up around 2, 3, 4 and 8am. It's really annoying combined with the issues, staying and going to sleep. I need '10hrs' of sleep but in reality I'm sleeping less than that.

One thing that had helped me is sleeping when my body wants to, which is typically from 4am-11am, and that's because I make myself go to bed after that point, I'm not always tired. However it's not practical for real world situations like a job. I can get away with doing it because I don't have a job atm, but eventually I'll have to force myself to a schedule.

I think one or the sleeping issue I have is delayed circadian rhythm. The basics of it fit me well; have trouble waking up early and falling asleep. I'm very much a night person, I can easily stay awake and alert all night, I don't get drowsy. Waking up early in the morning however, different story. If I let my body do what it wants, I'd practically be nocturnal.
Luckily I'm a pretty heavy sleeper. Not heavy to the point of not being able to hear an emergency, but heavy enough that I can sleep through small sounds. If the dogs bark, I wake up, but if they're licking themselves..I thankfully don't LOL. I also only need one alarm and I'm usually wide awake afterwards.
I’m a very light sleeper and exhausted. I get to sleep quite easily then wake after an hour or two and find it very hard to get back to sleep.

It’s so hard falling back to sleep at about 4am when you need to get up at 6 🥺