Anyone playing Among Us?

I bought it, but I find chatting with like 5 people very awkward... I wish the groups could be bigger. 😬
i wanna get it! watching vanoss' crew play is so funny! but i think i might wait to see if it comes out on console since the developers are talking about it
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Been playing a lot with different friend groups, I feel like I’ve gotten pretty good at it. I love being imposter and closing doors to mess with people.
I feel like the only person who hasn't played it yet or seen any gameplays of it yet either 0-0

However, a lot of my friends have been talking about it though but idk if I'll ever play with them since I usually am busy or somehow get left out but it's fine tho
I played it for the first time today, actually! We had a group of ten, I think, and it was a lot of fun.

I had seen gameplay and memes of it before so I kinda knew what to do, ended up being the impostor my first round, I decided to try the "Hey guys how do I go in the vent like blue I don't know how to do that" tactic, blue got lynched immediately and it was fantastic.

None of my friends trust me anymore. 10/10 game.
I’ve played a few times with friends and it’s been fun! I do suck at the game (people find out I’m the imposter so fast lol) but it’s still fun haha

sorry to all my friends and future random teammates who’ll end up playing with me 😅 I’ll get better soon!
I’ve just started playing but I’m already addicted! In fact I just stopped to check TBT instead lol. I’ve never played with anyone I know but randos online have been... interesting. I could do without some of the childish humor and rudeness lol but I’ll keep playing!
So many of my friends play this game at the moment so I plan on downloading it and giving it a go. I haven’t heard or seen anything about it so I have no idea what it’s in for but hopefully it’ll be fun.
I’ve seen memes of this cropping up lately and I have no idea what it’s about, but it looks like fun! I kind of want to try and get my sister in law to play with me, but first I need to get her playing Animal Crossing lol
Really fun game! I ended up getting to be imposter on my first game and ended up winning after I accidently killed the other imposter towards the end of the game! XD

Also while were at the subject... I saw this funny comment on YouTube about the game:

Screenshot 2020-09-29 at 5.09.10 PM.png
played a few games, always with friends and randoms mixed -- really enjoying it! lying is my strong point it seems...
play with mostly randos and i've been having a lot of fun :eek: unless they're trolls/under 13 which... is a lot of players i've come across lol
I've been playing it quite a bit lately. I mostly play with randoms and it can either be really fun or incredibly frustrating. Lately I start my own lobbies and just ban anyone being toxic/thinking stuff like racism is humor. I find it makes the game more fun without them lol.
I have played with IRL friends a few times, and while it is more fun, it's kind of hard to get enough people together since my circle of friends who also play video games isn't very big. I've thought about joining a discord for Among Us and playing with randoms over voice chat, but I'm too scared to do that haha. I’ve never used the tbt discord before, but are people playing it on there?

I want to try it, but I’d also like to have people to play with, and I’m wondering if I could join a group there or something.
Oh my god I'm legit addicted to this game lol. I play a lot with my brother, and sometimes with his friends over discord. It's super fun! I like being able to solve the mystery more than anything. The only downside is finding good lobbies of randoms, as some people are very toxic/immature/rude. I've had some really good lobbies though and can't wait for them to add a friendlist. I can't wait to see what they'll add! I’ve never used the tbt discord before, but are people playing it on there?

I want to try it, but I’d also like to have people to play with, and I’m wondering if I could join a group there or something.
bro I'd be so keen for this! 🙌
I played a couple more rounds and it's growing on me. The enjoyment really heavily depends on who you're playing with.
If you like social deduction games, then may i suggest trying out mafia in our cellar?
