2008 almost here


TBT Old Timer
Retired Staff
Jul 31, 2005
Chocolate Cake
5 Envelopes
how are you gonna celebrate the new year? and what are you lookin forwards to in 08?

My parents are leaving my friend and I at my house. Were going to stay up till about 3 playing Rock Band and Halo 3. Have some sparkling Apple Cider in wine glasses... That's basically it.

I'm looking forward to leaving every single 7 graders and below. Yay for high school. I get to never see the preppy, annoying, loud, conforming kids at my school and Make better friends.
only_half_evil333 said:
My parents are leaving my friend and I at my house. Were going to stay up till about 3 playing Rock Band and Halo 3. Have some sparkling Apple Cider in wine glasses... That's basically it.

I'm looking forward to leaving every single 7 graders and below. Yay for high school. I get to never see the preppy, annoying, loud, conforming kids at my school and Make better friends.
Just apple cider?
I have no damn clue. :l

Who is gonna get a New Year kiss?
I'll do what I do every year... watch the ball drop with the fam and drink that sparkling apple stuff... nothing special or unique.

what Im looking forward to?

1. Permit.
2. Job.
3. Birthday.
4. Brawl.
5. 2008 sounds cooler than 2007.
6. Uhhhhhhh
7. Hmmmmmm

while Im at it, these are my resolutions xD

1. Overusing my cell phone until everyone goes crazy.
2. Drinking a lot of chocolate milk. Yum.
3. Getting a job and permit.
4. More chocolate milk.
5. Ummmmm
6. Did I mention the chocolate milk?

2008 is gonna be pretty sweet.
only_half_evil333 said:
I'm looking forward to leaving every single 7 graders and below. Yay for high school. I get to never see the preppy, annoying, loud, conforming kids at my school and Make better friends.
High school starts in 8th grade where you live?
I'm going to my friend's New Years party, where my family will not be. Then I'm spending the night at said friend's house, where my family still will not be. We might even play SSB all night. Without my family.

It's gonna be a good New Years.
I'm gonna be at my grandparents house tonight, and my Pop-Pop just got a plasma tv, so it should be fun. He's finally realizing that Windows 98 is out of date I think. :gyroidtongue:
I'm staying home. <_<
There is a huge blizzard tonight which means I won't be able to travel.
Also, it's supposed to snow for the remainder of this week and parts of next week.

OddCrazyMe said:
He's finally realizing that Windows 98 is out of date I think. :gyroidtongue:
Heh, that's what kind of computer I have. My family's shared computer is an XP though.
I was thinking about going out with Kala, but I blew her off and some friends are coming over. I'm looking forward to... new things, my new car, moving on, and the day when I force System of a Down to get back together.
Well today I'm having a party. It's my birthday, believe it or not. So my friends and I will be going bowling and having a big video game party etc, etc, etc. It'll be fun.

In 2008, I'm not really looking forward to anything. Though I do have a new year's resolution. I'm going to start running and working out more so I can make the high school soccer team.


Happy new year to all!
OMG, the more I look at it, the more convinced I am -- New Year's is the best freaking holiday EVER. So much goodness... such a great "homey" feeling I don't get with any other holiday, heck, even my birthday.

Staying up 'till 3AM on New Year's Eve, stuffing yourself with awesome food, and watching Irony of Fate for the upteenth time >>>>>>>> ALL.