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not really unique?? but I always thought Oliver was a cute name for a dog :)
his nickname could be Olive/Ollie lol
That puppy is adorable!

I always said I would name my dog King if I got the chance.
OK, here is my idea. You said he is a Labradoodle/Goldendoodle. How about you take the first syllable of those 2 and join them? it would give you the name Lago, which is short, catchy, and a name that fits a boy, and the best part is that it means "lake" in spanish (Spanish is my mother language) and lakes are "calm" and "chilly", just like your pup! You would have an original name with a story about it. hope you like it! :D

these are both Russian names, since you said he was adopted from Russia

hope you find a name for your little baby soon
How about some names that mean 'golden', since he is a goldendoodle and he has goldenish fur, plus gold is classy. XD
Aureliano/Aurelius both mean golden-haired. 'aurum' being the latin word for gold.

Or, you could give him a really long fancy name and then just call him by a shortened version

ex. Sir Maximilian Aurelius Stephano Alexander Eugene III (the Third) AKA. "Max" or "Aury"

But idk you could use whatever names you like. I got this idea from my brother's dog whose name is "Chubberton McDaniels III" or "Chubs"
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