Giveaway 1 Year Anniversary 800 TBT Raffle! *WINNERS POSTED*

Thank you so much for all the entries so far! There's still much time to enter!
Thank you for doing this! I joined this site in May of last year after I got Animal Crossing New Horizons. I was trying to find other people to play animal crossing with and came across this site and fell in love!
Thank you so much for doing this! I joined because i play animal crossing and I wanted to meet some people who also do. It overwhelmed me how many generous and kind people there are in the world. Thank you to everyone who has supported me and helped me and been kind to me. I love all of you ♥️
Thanks for hosting this raffle!

I joined TBT because I was looking at landscape inspiration for my ACNL town. I ended up here through a Google search. :)
At first I was just stalking and whatnot, but then I saw the threads with people selling flowers and clovers and mushrooms and I was like OMG NEED and decided to join so I could try and get some of the cool landscaping stuff I never had.
Thanks to this forum, I actually got to decorate my town for once and it looked halfway decent (I'm not the best designer lmao)! But yes eternally grateful to this site for giving me the tools to get those items, especially in such a friendly and chill way. Sites like Nookazon with competitive offers and Discord only communication stress me the heck out (not ragging, just saying).
I’d love to enter 🥰 I joined TBT a while ago when I was still playing New Leaf regularly. I was looking for a forum to trade on and found TBT but I wasn’t very active until this year! I revived my account during the New Horizons release and I’ve been fairly active ever since 🥰

TBT is definitely one of the kinder (maybe even the kindest) online community I’ve been a part of!
I think this is a fantastic idea, you’re very kind :) I’d love to join! This site’s great and I think the bells in forum are very useful for trading purposes in acnl/acnh, so that who doesn’t need anything more in game can still participate and help others!
this is such a cute idea! Thank you so much for your generosity.
I joined tbt for absolutely no reason but i’m so glad i did because i’m constantly surrounded by so many amazing and kind people.
I would like to enter, please.

I initially joined the forums so that I could acquire villagers and furniture, clothing, etc. in New Leaf. Acquiring in-game items for Animal Crossing and maybe sometimes Pokémon or Pokémon items has remained my primary objective and reason for sticking around. I'm not really one for socializing. That said, while I initially didn't care about collectibles in the first few months I was around, I kind of fell into the trap of collecting them within that first year, so that became a second reason to stick around. I figured if I'm going to be posting, I might as well have neat lineups.

Thanks for running this giveaway and best of luck to everyone participating.
Hi I would like to enter!
I joined a while back when I first started playing new leaf. I used to search a lot of questions while doing game play, and google would always redirect me here. After lurking a bit for a while, I decided it was time to join :)

Less than 4 more hours to enter!
Thank you SO much for 45 entries!
id like to enter please! (tbt already sent)
i joined the forums because i was looking for villagers i wanted, lolly to be exact, and i saw this forum recommended on google!! im so glad i joined bc ive met so many kind people here ^^
happy one year and thank you for the giveaway!

i first joined because i was looking for a community to trade in game items and such, and it seemed really nice here so i stuck around :)
Thank you all SO, SO much for taking the time out of your life to notice this thread and enter! It means a lot that the community here is so kind. This has been one very hectic year, and I'm happy to say that TBT has made my year a lot less unfortunate. I've made many friendships, and I couldn't be more thankful. But anyhow, on to the winners!​

Our third place, winning 100 TBT is...

Congrats! Please send me a PM so I can make sure you're still active and such. :)
Our second place, winning 200 TBT is...

Congratulations!! Make sure to send me a PM that way I can send in the TBT!! :D
And I present you, our FIRST place, winning 500 TBT...
Congrats! Please be sure to send me a DM!

♡ Please know I used a random number generator to choose the winners, that way it was fair. Again, thank you all so very much for entering! I really enjoyed doing this, so be on the lookout for another one soon! ♡