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Wish we did not have to share an island.

For you guys saying it's a cash grab... I think it's okay if it is. They aren't just going to give free switches to every citizen of the world, as awesome as that would be. They are a business afterall. I happen to be pleased with the products and services they are selling, so I'm fine to pay money to get those things. You guys say "cash grab" like it's a bad thing for businesses to try to make money. Do you do this at the supermarkets too when they try to charge you to buy food?

I usually mostly agree with what you say but I am having difficulties with his one...
First of all, there's a HUGE difference between "giving away switches" (absolutely no one said they should do that? That's nowhere near the point) and allowing you, like almost EVERY OTHER GAME, to have different saves for different profiles...
And of course it's a business so it makes sense they would do that, I'm personally not denying it, just deploring it, because in lots of situations it significantly lessens the experience.

As for your supermarket metaphor... WHAT?!
No one is complaining they have to pay for the game.
We're complaining that when we paid for the bread, if I want a member of my family to have a bite of my bread that's not slightly stale and wet with my own saliva, I have to buy a whole new bread.
For you guys saying it's a cash grab... I think it's okay if it is. They aren't just going to give free switches to every citizen of the world, as awesome as that would be. They are a business afterall. I happen to be pleased with the products and services they are selling, so I'm fine to pay money to get those things. You guys say "cash grab" like it's a bad thing for businesses to try to make money.
I dunno... I do feel like this is over-simplifying it a bit. I like Nintendo as much as the next guy, but this is pretty scummy of them. We literally have people (clearly from a place of privilege if they can say this with a straight face) telling people in this thread to "just save up to buy a second Switch." - this is insane - especially for a home console (which ironically is also used as the defence for the decision, as if "home console" can't just mean that multiple people in one household use it). Can you imagine the absolute disaster this same scenario would be for Sony and their PS4? Microsoft and the Xbox? It would be an absolute publicity nightmare. They'd be getting shredded to bits by media and owners alike. I'd encourage people to think about it from that angle.

I said in a previous message but...I really don't see a fault with the logic so I'll re-iterate. Imagine I buy a PS4 game for the home PS4 console. Then, my roommate, loving the game, also wants to play. Now imagine if they had to go out and buy their own PS4 and their own copy of the game - just so they could enjoy the game themselves, and play how they want to play, and have just as much control over the game as I have. It's honestly just mind-blowing to me that people can defend this kind of practice, just because it's Nintendo.

Do you do this at the supermarkets too when they try to charge you to buy food?
This isn't the same thing. I wouldn't complain about Nintendo being "cash-grabby" because I had to buy Animal Crossing and a Nintendo Switch in the same way I wouldn't complain about a supermarket selling me some spaghetti and a pan. However, if I was buying two packets of spaghetti and the supermarket told me "oh hey just so you know, you can only use this pan to cook one packet of spaghetti. Most of our other shoppers suggest you just save up and buy another pan to cook the other packet" - well, you get the point...
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A lot of people in here with stockholm syndrome.
You should never excuse a company for being scummy, even if you otherwise like their products.
It's fine to not care, it's fine to accept it as it is, but don't encourage, or excuse it.

Personally it doesn't affect me, as I live by myself, and even if I didn't I'd have no financial problem buying multiple consoles, but that's not the point, it's the fact that they went out of their way to make the experience frustrating for people who share consoles to make them buy multiple, and then hid it behind the guise of "awesome new co op" that's the worst co op I've ever seen, they half baked it, probably on purpose too, you cannot transfer the save data to a new console, so if a couple splits, or one of the kids move away from home, now they lost it all.
And Nintendo went out of their way to make that the case, and it's gross.
I'm with being able to have a second island :/ I want to make a cycling island but I'm not gonna buy another switch, but I have a question, if I get another game cartridge then can I have a second island?
I'm with being able to have a second island :/ I want to make a cycling island but I'm not gonna buy another switch, but I have a question, if I get another game cartridge then can I have a second island?
No you need a new console, Nintendo decided that for New Horizons they'd do something they've never done before, and link the save data to the console itself rather than your profile.
Also cartidges on switch have never had sava data stored on them, you can only read from them, like a DVD.
It almost feels like when the people at the top of Nintendo stepped down to retire the chair was taken up by scummy business ideas.

And I know I sound like a broken record, but I mentioned several times here and elsewhere, that despite the Switch being where the save files are placed as opposed to the gamecarts like previous systems, they could had found a way. Green is the language for all companies.

They could had found a way to program multiple island slots that you have to pay for to get unlocked. And each time you want to buy an additional one it's treated like buying an entirely new game. $59.99 each time or whatever. That is better than expecting someone to dish out $399.99 or whatever amount a Switch is currently.
60.00 still a lot of money though, should have made it free, sorry if I sound like somebody who wants everything free
It almost feels like when the people at the top of Nintendo stepped down to retire the chair was taken up by scummy business ideas.

And I know I sound like a broken record, but I mentioned several times here and elsewhere, that despite the Switch being where the save files are placed as opposed to the gamecarts like previous systems, they could had found a way. Green is the language for all companies.

They could had found a way to program multiple island slots that you have to pay for to get unlocked. And each time you want to buy an additional one it's treated like buying an entirely new game. $59.99 each time or whatever. That is better than expecting someone to dish out $399.99 or whatever amount a Switch is currently.
That would make it too obvious though, and they'd have recieved more backlash than pokemon sword and shield.
They did it under the table instead, and disguised it as a feature.
A lot of people in here with stockholm syndrome.
You should never excuse a company for being scummy, even if you otherwise like their products.
It's fine to not care, it's fine to accept it as it is, but don't encourage, or excuse it.

Personally it doesn't affect me, as I live by myself, and even if I didn't I'd have no financial problem buying multiple consoles, but that's not the point, it's the fact that they went out of their way to make the experience frustrating for people who share consoles to make them buy multiple, and then hid it behind the guise of "awesome new co op" that's the worst co op I've ever seen, they half baked it, probably on purpose too, you cannot transfer the save data to a new console, so if a couple splits, or one of the kids move away from home, now they lost it all.
And Nintendo went out of their way to make that the case, and it's gross.
It's true I was expecting something totally different and better in regards to the multiplayer on this game. (But I wouldn't say I have stolkholm syndrome just because me and my husband bought another switch for this game, and did it out of excitement rather than dread =( )
This alone is the reason I've found myself playing New Leaf more often over New Horizons. My boyfriend and I share NH and have very clashing ideas on how we want the island to look etc. Additionally, he ends up playing on my character 90% of the time as his own privileges are restricted due to being player 2. If it was saved to each game cartridge I absolutely would not mind buying a 2nd copy to play my way, but it is honestly grotesque on Nintendo's part to push buying an additional game system for this purpose. I can only imagine the chaos this game must bring into a home with multiple children lol
It's true I was expecting something totally different and better in regards to the multiplayer on this game. (But I wouldn't say I have stolkholm syndrome just because me and my husband bought another switch for this game, and did it out of excitement rather than dread =( )

That's not what I meant, sorry if you took it that way, nothing wrong with buying multiple switches, I was refering to people excusing Nintendo for these decisions, and treating it like a good thing.
That would make it too obvious though, and they'd have recieved more backlash than pokemon sword and shield.
They did it under the table instead, and disguised it as a feature.
How would they get backlash? You didn't get NewLeaf for free. You needed to buy multiple carts for multiple saves.
How would they get backlash? You didn't get NewLeaf for free. You needed to buy multiple carts for multiple saves.
I think the backlash would have been because of how all the other switch games behave. For example I didn't have to pay an extra 60$ to have my own save of FE3H on my wife's switch (I have a second profile on her system). Charging per profile would have really really stood out.
How would they get backlash? You didn't get NewLeaf for free. You needed to buy multiple carts for multiple saves.

Because if that was the case you'd be paying 60$ for the privilege of being able to have a second save, rather than a physical game.
It's basically 60$ microtransactions for a 60$ game that gives you nothing other than a thumbs up from Nintendo.
I can already imagine the headlines, would definitely have been a PR nightmare.
Yeah but Animal Crossing never worked that way. You needed more than one memory card for PG. Only one save slot per card. Wild World and NL were one cart only. It's just the way it always has been. It's not a new practice. Yeah they could had ended that practice this time, but I suggested something that was at least better than what they actually did do.

Anyway I was'nt trying to start an argument. I thought what I suggested was a good idea. If it's not that's fine.
Yeah but Animal Crossing never worked that way. You needed more than one memory card for PG. Only one save slot per card. Wild World and NL were one cart only. It's just the way it always has been. It's not a new practice. Yeah they could had ended that practice this time, but I suggested something that was at least better than what they actually did do.

Anyway I was'nt trying to start an argument. I thought what I suggested was a good idea. If it's not that's fine.
I think the issue is that you can't buy another copy and have your own island with how it's set up; you are forced to buy a whole new switch which has never been the norm.
I'm with you on this, I am fortunate enough to have my own switch but it's a bummer that there can only be one island per switch. In the past, I had multiple cartridges for multiple towns, and that'd be nice.

On the plus side, just about everyone in my family has a switch now, so it worked out ok, but I can definitely understand not wanting to or being able to do that.
Dude i totally get you here.. like i was very excited to share a file with my lil sis at first but her play style is legitamelty soooo unfun i think i might just gave the game to her at this point but that's just being a bit unnecessary
She treats it as if it where some uh competition of sorts? She's always complaining abt being behind she really only cares about making bells and that's it she even sells bugs fishes and fossils we don't have in the museum bcuz she says she doesn't care about the museum or something which is fine in all play how you want but wish she wouldn't rub it in my face all the time when she does it lmao

Don't particularly care what she does with the layout n all that jazz we share about the same ideas and im not sure on how to be super festive with it so she can do it honestly

It's the villagers that we seeem to just fall apart with! We've recently obtained marina and octavian via island hopping and we decided while we liked them we would sell them and share our profit with whoever found the best deal with them but when i found a deal that i liked ( 300k and katt a villager I've been wanting for awhile for marina) she git uh... Super mad i even told her she could have all the bells but she wasn't having it becuz apparently marina can sell for "hundred millions" which i genunly don't want to believe ANYBODY would want to spend that much on a cartoon animal then she decided it would be super funny and charming to try and ruin another deal with a person i was doing with for like no reason id wish she could just have own switch at this point we simply have drawn different play styles which is fine but they don't collide well sadly!