• Thanks for playing! The closing ceremony for TBT World Championship 2024 has been posted. Congratulations to the winning team, Squirtle Squad! Update: The Master Ball raffle winners have now been announced and rewards have been distributed. Time to spend your Arcade Tokens!

Giveaway WINNERS ANOUNCED 1000TBT Give away! In the spirit of the 5 years of new leaf!

Enter Me
Thank you, so, so, much for doing this!

Once upon a time there was a 12 year old girl. She really, really, wanted to have a new town. However this 12 year old girl was unaware that selling her town was an option. So, she asked somebody to hold her items, the thousands of items, for her, while she reset. She was offering 50 TBT to the person kind enough to let her drop off all her things, which ended up taking up around one fourth of their town, and hold them for a few hours while she map reset. One such user replied to her request not even two minutes after it was posted. He said something along the lines of this to the girl. Hello! I see you are resetting your town! I would be more than happy to hold your items for you! I don't mind if it'll take up some room, it's for a good cause! LMK when you are available, I'll help you whenever! The young girl had specified that it would take up a lot of space, and that she may take a long time map resetting. He assured her that it was fine, and that no, he really didn't want any TBT or IGB for it. And s he let the girl frop off all of her items, bells, and hybrids, which in itself took around an hour for her. The user was nice, and chatted and joked with her while she worked.
When she was done, he wished her luck on her map resetting, and told her to take as long as she needed. She ended up falling asleep before choosing a town, and felt really bad in the morning. The user replied jokingly, saying I mean, I did tell you to take as long as you needed. Keep looking, and good luck, again! So she looked, and looked, and after a few hours she had settled into her new town. When she went to collect her items, nothing was missing, and he had taken the time to organize them. The literal thousands of items. After she had filled up her storage with them, he told her that he had a surprise. He led her off to a corner of his beautiful town, where he had laid many DLC sets she had told him she adored. She broke down in tears, not that he could see. She smiled and thanked him a million times over. Now the girls town is going good, and they meet regularly to hang, and to chat at each other's towns. He is her best friend on the whole internet. And by now, I am sure you know who the lucky girl is. I am proud to say it is me. The end.

Okay, sorry for the novel, lol. I just got really into it, and writing it brought back so many memories! Hope I didn't bore you! Again, thanks for doing this, and congratulations in advance to the winner. I've read all of the stories people have posted, and they are all amazing.
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I remember when New Leaf came out back in that fatedul July of '13... I was hopeful, determined, excited for a new future! I put the new game into my trusty 3DS and I was amazed! I was mayor! After the hectic inaguration, I explored the town I was in control of. I spotted a perculiar looking peach. It looked just the same, except golden yellow instead of the classic pink. I shook the tree and picked it up. "Perfect peach", it read. Perfect peach? I've never seen this before... So instead of thinking, I gobbled it down... I was so clueless...
I had a fantastic evening on Club Tortimer last year with a japanese girl. She spoke excellent english and we had a wonderful conversation together. We found that we shared the same taste in music and both loved Disney!
Just the fact that this game helped me to connect to someone on the complete opposite side of the world who I never would have spoken to or known otherwise is pretty amazing to me and something I'm thankful for about this wonderful game. :)
Here a funny story

I was in my room playing acnl but i need some thing to eat so i went up stairs for like a few mins ,And so i left my 3ds open i did't know what was going to happen next ,,When i came back my cat was sitting in my 3ds ,,at that moment my villagers ask to give me a nick name ..my Cat who was sitting on the 3ds...type sfjkmalsf lol i will never forgot that ..thank god it did't save the nick name
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One day, as a 10 year old, I went to Target with my mom and brother. As we were shopping, I went to the 3ds games. I saw AC, thought, "Huh, this looks cute. I'll buy"
The day I got it, I named it after my dog. Hey, I was 10. I got to my town... and fell in love with it. I loved my villagers, and decorating my house, and just fishing/bughunting.
I still remember, we went swimming that day. I played it at the lake, and the rest of the day. My little brother wanted in, so we shared the game. At night, I was allowed to stay up a whopping 20 minutes after bedtime. I enjoyed it by catching fireflies. The next day, Molly moved out because I time traveled. I didn't really care though. My little brother also got his game that day.
Well, I got addicted, and spent the summer obsessively playing with my little brother. We had so much fun. We went on island tours, tweeter glitched, ran around each other's towns, got accused of doing bad things to each other's towns, and time traveled. We time traveled a lot. Of course, two months after I got my town, Olivia moved away. She was my favorite.
Over time, my little brother played less and less. I however, was still obsessed, and lonely. I met a friend at school, we played together for a year, but started to hate me for some reason. We lost touch, and I was lonely again.
Fast forward to fall of this year. My new best friend came over, and we played AC using my spare town and 3ds. I was excited to learn she had always wanted ACNL, but her family was too poor for a 3ds. My parents found out, and decided to get my little brother's old 3ds fixed for her so I could have a friend. It took about a month, but I finally got it to her. Every day, she updated me on what happened in Emo Town. Last weekend, she came over, and we had so much fun. It makes me really happy to have someone to play with, because I live in the middle of nowhere with no other kids, AND I'm shy. Sad as it is, she's my only real friend besides my dogs.
I just love this game so much because there's no way I would've been able to stand the boredom and loneliness through middle school.
Enter me
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Oooh this is FUN!!! I gotta go with how this all started. I’ve been playing since game cube days. A few years ago, I got my kids into wild world. They never really got into city folk, but my oh my when we found out in nov 2012, that new leaf was coming out, we spent days looking up as many trailers as we could find. I told them then and there, that we would all get new leaf. (In 7 months when it released here).

In March, I used my bday money to reserve all 4 copies. Here’s where my fun story begins... on release, I went and picked up our games. I also got a guide book. We were going on vacation 9 days after that so I made the decision to NOT give them the games yet. We had an 11 hour drive to make when we left for vacation and I figured this would keep us all busy for a bit. So we spent the week looking through the book and deciding on town names, and mayor names, and then double checked which face we all wanted.

The morning of vacation started at 4:30 AM while hubs and I got all the kids up and the car packed. I assumed everyone would go bk to sleep for at least a bit, but OH NO. We didn’t even make it to the highway before they all asked about the games. Sooooo I started tossing them behind me and we all started our journey.

My daughter, Paris who adores pandas and even named her town Pandakid, got Chow as a starter!!! My oldest, Gavin went with true originality and named his town new leaf. His fav animal has always been the penguin, and low abs behold, Sprinkle was one of his starters. Caleb named his town Corsim and his fav animals are hippos and wolves though Nibbles was his fav villager from his wild world town. He started out with Nibbles, and Stitches (one of my top 3 favs) and Kyle moved in the very next day!!! We had such a great trip.

We eventually got my youngest, Jacob ACNL as well once he learned to read. While only Jacob and I play regularly now, the other 3 still play with us occasionally.
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so here's something that just happened to me

so i was at the island and some random girl named kitty gave me 1,600,000 bells, and some time after i put them in the ABD an error occured, i spawn back home and i'm like, darn i hope my bells are still there , their whent , i still had the 800,000 bells i had in the beginning :(
This giveaway is so cute, I love seeing everyone's stories Thanks for hosting it!

So my story, is kinda both ac and about my friend Amy. So me and Amy have been friends since kindergarten and we were both HUGE gamers and we bought everything together! So of course we both bought a copy of ACNL when it came out (well actually a few years after when it was cheep lol) And our mayors, like us, were the best of friends, we did everything in the game together. And we shared everything, items, qr codes, bells, you name it, it was like having one huge town in a way. Well we played for about a year before Amy had to move for college. I was devastated, my best friend was leaving the state to peruse her dreams and while I was proud of her, I couldn't stand the idea of being so far from her. Before she left we spent one last trip in town, and while we knew we could still play together, it was going to be harder with the time difference, and how busy she (and I) was going be with school. I was kinda heart broken, with her gone and didn't really feel like playing all that much, when she left, but as fate would have it I opened up my game a few days after she left. And I was in for a huge surprise. Amy's favorite villager's are the squirrels. She loves them, and she never lets any of them leave. Well looking at my map I saw I had a new villager move in from the void, into my 10th spot, and lo and behold. It was Marshal. Her FAVORITE villager, he had moved in from our last visit, and his catch phrase was "I miss you" I still have him to this day, and refuse to let him leave,(though I have since changed his catchphrase) and of course, she comes by every now and again to say hello, but it really meant the world to me to have him with me, cause when I see him, I think of her. He is by far my most cherished villager. :blush:
This is a cool giveaway, thanks! Here is my entry.

I have always played AC, but I didn't know there was a forum for it until a friend I was trading with mentioned it. I have been on other gaming forums before, so I thought I'd try it. I joined tbt a bit after I got New Leaf. This forum has made New Leaf my favorite AC game. It is so much fun to trade with people and visit new towns. It even helped me get my favorite villager Static from the villager trading board. I gave away all of my in game bells for him, but it was worth it. I only had him once before in City Folk, but he ninja moved away after only a couple of days in town. He is still in my AC town today. I love how nice and helpful people on this forum are. It is a really nice community and I have made several friends here that I like to play games with.
Here's my new leaf story. I guess it counts as both happy and sad.

I originally picked up the game when I was looking for something to help with my anxiety and calm me down. It ended up working wonders and now I have three copies of the game. I don't have any friends to speak of, so my villagers became like my friends, and it warms my heart when they miss me when I've been gone, or say nice things to me. It's like being able to lay down in bed and visit my little world of animal friends and make me happy again. When I find myself feeling really depressed and bummed out, they're there waiting for me.
one time, i had a group of friends over in my town. now one of my friends and i tend to play around with our tools, like hit each other with the net/axe, or try and dig our shovel over the cliff to make it look like we're jumping off. well we were doing that last one together and then ended up deciding to start hitting each other with the shovels. then, at some point, i'd moved or they'd missed me or something when hitting me with the shovel and dug a hole. but then somehow i managed to fall INTO the hole like a pitfall! like, the game did that thing where when you're playing w internet it'll lag and then a villager just jumps to another location or something? or you spin your shovel a bit before you dig because it lags? well SOMETHING like that happened and they dug right underneath me and i FELL! it was so funny :rolleyes:

thanks for the giveaway!
I bought New Leaf the same day it was released in Canada, June 9 2013, and it instantly became my summer obsession. At that time I had five years of Animal Crossing experience under my belt and was excited to explore the new and relive the old. This game only deepened my love for the series that I'd always turned to for comfort. I brought it everywhere with me and spent every chance I could in town. Like many others, New Leaf became my escape.

I quickly grew to love the new island and passed a lot of time there. Eventually I got a Club Tortimer membership and started to explore the regional islands.

Soon I met Glyndra and Shanon, two girls around my age from Quebec (a province in Canada). They conversed in French, which I’d been learning for nine years by then and loved a lot. I’ve always been very shy, but especially when speaking in a foreign language, though I was well versed in it. I tried to put my anxiety aside and ventured into the conversation. I was very appreciative that they were so welcoming and excited to talk to me.

Every day when I came home from summer school, we played late into the night, going to K.K. shows, doing island tours, and just fooling around. I appreciated so much being able to practice and learn more about the language from them. Being able to successfully communicate with these kind girls truly boosted my confidence. They never judged me for any mistakes I made and I looked forward to getting online with them.

I hope they’re doing well today, nearly five years later. Companionship, despite being virtual, meant a lot to me then and still does.

123.JPGGood night.JPG

Merci, Glyndra et Shanon, vous me manquez et je me souviens de votre gentillesse.


Thank you, whatnamenow, for hosting this giveaway - enter me :) Happy New Leaf Anniversary!
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Well my story is quite a sad one actually.

A while ago I used to only play by myself, checking in daily, chatting with my villagers and all that what not. When I grew tired of playing by myself I figured I?d start to make some friends so I wasn?t lonely all the time. I tried making friends on the island but that was soo tedious, having to share friend codes through a message, screenshot them and then enter them by closing the game. This wasn?t my preferred method of friend making so I tried Instagram. Yeah, there were hundreds of animal crossing players who had Instagram accounts, so I figured why not become friends with one so then we can message outside the game as well. Well that?s what I did, I became good friends with a guy called William. It was great cause we had so many games in common, not just Animal Crossing.

Well we played for maybe 4-5 months, visiting each other?s towns and going to the island together. We would do the tours most the time and hang out on the island for hours, having heaps of fun. When we weren?t there we were back in someone?s town, running around, glitching into the train track and the river sometimes just for fun. We had so much fun together. We?d also play Pok?mon and Mario Kart together, he?d always win though haha.

Things were great until one day we suddenly stopped talking to eachother. I guess he had school or something cause we just eventually slowed down our messaging and never got around to playing together. We maybe had a break from animal crossing for a 4-5 months. But eventually I picked up the game again. When I came back to it I just played by myself for a while cause my internet was trash and I couldn?t connect online. But when we got the internet fixed I figured I?d message William again. Unfortunately his Instagram account was inactive and I couldn?t contact him. I tried contacting other friends of ours and they had not heard from him in ages as well. One day when I was coming back from school I received a message from his account, just a simple hey...

It was his sister, she didn?t play with me nor did I know he had one but when she messaged she told me he had passed away as a result of a brain tumor. I wasn?t even aware that he had one, and I was sad for days after hearing this. He was such a good, funny guy who never swore or did anything bad. I?ve never had a friend like him since.

Well thanks for the giveaway man, hope this story wasn?t too sad.
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When I was the mayor of my 3rd town, Skyfall, I had Freckles as a villager. We were great friends. But then one day she pinged me asking, “I have an extra old sewing machine if you’re interested, say about 256 bells.” (She said it something like that) and I replied no. “Alright, sorry for my sales pitches.” She responded. The next day, Freckles was trying to offer the same item for the same amount of bells and once again I said no. She did this about 3 more times only it wasn’t in a row, it was every few days. But I think one day she finally realized I didn’t need it after 5 times of me saying no because I saw it in Retail shortly after. So being the most savage mayor alive, I bought the old sewing machine and wrote a letter saying exactly what she would ask me every time she offered me the item and gave her the old sewing machine as a present and Pete gave it to her the next day... She moved 2 weeks later.

Enter me!
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I'm in!
So when I first got the game I was really young and i remember I was playing with the axe for the first time and almost cried because I was far enough away from Ketchup so when I pressed A it wouldn't bring up a conversation with her, and the axe passed right through her head. She walked away after that and when I found her later, she was doing the little angry dance. I thought I had lost a villager, lol.
I?m in and here is my story ... it?s a nice one and funny at the same time: (this it?s a wonderful idea for a giveaway! ❤️ thank you)
It is very difficult to choose just one, but I believe one of my nicest Animal Crossing New Leaf stories revolves around a fish, and my excitement and pleasure when I finally caught it. (thereby completing my fish encyclopedia and museum contributions)
I had just one last fish to catch and I had been trying for days, it seemed, to catch it ... It was Barred Knife jaw, you know the one ... the black-and-white striped ocean fish! I literally squealed with delight as it came up out of the water and as I proudly showed it off, I realized something ... I looked pretty damn fine holding that fish aloft!
I snapped a screen shot to mark the occasion ... I was wearing my Gracie Grace zebra striped ensemble with the white shades and the big floppy hat, and as I held up my prize, I thought to myself, ?Self, this is a good look for you!? ... and that, my friends, is how Mayor Penelope?s signature look began.
(There is indeed something fishy about her) ;)
I shared it with one of the members here on Belltree Forums and she did my first avatar art, all from the inspiration of a fish. ... so that is my happy/nice/funny story, going back to the summer of 2013 and my early days on Animal Crossing New Leaf and Belltree Forums.
here is my story!

I was about 8 or 7 when I got my first copy of Animal Crossing: New Leaf. My Town Name was Sapphire. One Day, A villager named Teddy moved in. He was actually one of the first jocks that moved in. I had a jock but I didn't talk to him. I talked to him a lot, i sent him gifts, gave him the birthday present he wanted and even visited his house! But, I didn't get his picture. One Day, while I was talking to him, he asked me to bury a time capsule. I buried it behind my home. a few days later, I TTed way too far and Teddy ended up moving. I actually cried. He sent me a letter with his picture. I started to cry more. In his letter, he said how he arrived in his new town, and how he wants me to still work out. He also wanted me to dig up the time capsule. So, I found the time capsule and instead of throwing it away, i saved it in my mail pouch. There was a shirt along with it too so, i wore it. I think if I go on, the letter will still be there.

Sorry, that was long.
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Thanks for such a generous giveaway!!! This is kind of a sad story but it has a happy ending lol. So I've been into animal crossing since I was a kid. My brother, sister, and I have been playing animal crossing since Wild World, and we've always been really into playing with each other and trading and whatnot. Fast forward to New Leaf--each of us got the game right away. My older brother was soooooo excited for it. He pre-ordered it as soon as he could and was really excited to play. My younger sister didn't even know there was a new game coming out when I asked her if she was getting it, but she was excited nonetheless.

They both ended up playing for maybe a month. They never wanted to play together, never wanted to trade, and just didn't really get into the game. It didn't bother me too much since I really enjoy New Leaf, but it was still disappointing that I didn't have anyone to play with. Then a couple of years ago my game just stopped working. It would boot up and be technically "playable," but it would do this thing where it would glitch pretty much continuously, so anytime I would play it would just freeze when I was running, opening my inventory or mail, talking to villagers, etc. It really wasn't something I could play anymore because it would be frozen for long periods of time before it fixed itself. I was pretty upset obviously; I had the same town since release and I didn't want to start over, and it would be pretty much impossible to transfer my stuff to a new town due to the glitch.

However, when I went home for Thanksgiving after it had happened, I was telling my younger sister what had happened to my game and how I was going to have to buy a new copy and that I would lose everything. She went straight to her bedroom, got her game, and just gave it to me. She said that she didn't really play it anymore and that if she ever wanted to play again she would just buy a new copy. I was so happy I cried a little, it was nice just having a small victory that I wouldn't have to spend another $40 or whatever on a new cartridge. Eventually I fixed my game and it's playable again, so I gave my extra town to my gf (since my sister didn't want it back) and I finally have someone to play with.

Thanks again for doing this, and please enter me for the 2nd-5th prizes too! :)
I really love Skye. Like she's stayed since basically the start of my town, and she's so sweet. So was Flurry, but she moved ;-; None of the villagers are like Skye though, she's one of a kind :') So basically, Skye warms my heart every time lol
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