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Why is it so difficult?


Jan 15, 2014
3 Envelopes
To get PWP requests...I mean good ones. I do the swim with pockets full of flowers and I get PWP requests they are just crappy ones. Are there any tips to getting better ones? or is it all just chance??
Maybe check what PWPs you want, and what personality gives them? Different personalities give different PWPs. It also just basically depends on luck, seeing as although the Police Station can be requested by all villager types, I've heard of people who've had the game since release and only recently had it requested.
I found the more PWP I built, the more they suggested. I even built some small lamps & stuff with plans to tear them down later, just to get villagers to suggest better stuff.
It's just random. Assuming you know that certain villager types will request certain PWPs, that can narrow it down quite a bit, but it's still by chance which one you get. If there's a PWP I wanted, I used to trap a villager of the personality that suggests it (by digging holes around them), then go diving until they pinged me about it, and reset until I got the one I wanted.
Yes it's difficult, but it's pretty random. When I tried to get PWP suggestions my villagers never pinged me for that reason. When I stopped, I didn't get a ping about one for weeks. Now it seems like each one of my villagers ping me at least once a day, and the last four days I've played I've gotten a suggestion every day. They'll ping for one eventually.
I've been playing solidly for four months and haven't had the police station suggested. I think it's random tbh, each personality randomly picks one of their PWPs to suggest!