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Which seat do you prefer? Window or Aisle?

Which seat do you prefer?

  • Window

    Votes: 78 75.0%
  • Aisle

    Votes: 22 21.2%
  • Middle

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No preference

    Votes: 4 3.8%

  • Total voters


Sep 20, 2013
When you’re on an airplane or somewhere else where this is relevant, which seat do you prefer?

I prefer the aisle, if I’m being honest. You don’t have to ask anyone to get up if you need to use the restroom. It’s also easier to get off afterwards when you’re not waiting for your seat mates to grab their bags.

I will grab the window seat on the train or bus considering they do stop every few hours. Everyone usually gets off for those stops anyway, so you can just use the restroom then. On the train, I’m usually seated by myself anyway.

I’m just curious what others prefer. Window or Aisle?
I prefer the aisle seat as well for the same reason. Also, I hate being near the window because I already don't like being on airplanes, and when the airplane turns or when there's turbulence, the window seat is the worst place to be. Lmao.
Just being on a plane makes me happy, so I don’t really have a preference. I’ve been on all three and each has their pros and cons. The window seat has the best view, the middle seat is the comfiest, and the aisle seat is the most convenient.
when I rode the bus to and from school I always liked sitting next to the window, but I also didn't share a seat with anyone (for the most part). if I did I usually got to sit next to the aisle bc I don't like feeling trapped lol.
Window seat without a doubt. I care more about the views than anything, even on local routes with relatively boring scenery I still love watching out the window during the trip. I can do aisle seats if I have to (if it's a very short trip I'll usually go for one of those instead), but I absolutely hate middle seats for many reasons, not the least of which is being sandwiched between two people on either side of me which I am not fond of in the slightest.
The window seat for sure. Both travelling and being around a bunch of people make me nervous, but looking out the window gives me something else to focus on to keep my anxiety at bay. I never travel alone so I don't mind asking the people I'm with to move if I need to get to the aisle.

I've only been on a plane twice. Heading to our destination I had the window seat and it was nice. On the return flight I had the aisle seat and it was much less pleasant. My husband offered to switch with me but he had the middle seat and there was a stranger in the window seat, so I stayed next to the aisle.

I've been on plenty of buses and always choose a window seat if I can.
As it pertains to airplanes, I've only flown to and from one place so far when visiting a friend a few years ago; granted, it was four flights altogether due to connecting flights. I feel like I'd need to fly a few more times to determine whether I have a real solid preference. I will say that while I'm not "scared" of flying per se, peering out the window during one of the day flights did make me feel a bit uneasy just due to it making me confront the idea of being so high up. I had another window seat on a night flight and I loved the view with all the lights below, so I guess it might depend a bit on the view and is probably also something I'd acclimate to with more experience. I can see the appeal expressed about aisle seats allowing you to get your luggage and disembark faster, but I'm pretty patient so I can go either way on that. No experience with a middle seat as of yet. If I absolutely had to pick one based on the limited experience so far, I guess it would be window, but again I think I'd want to fly a few more times to see.

As for a bus, I always went for the window seat. Haven't been on a bus since high school though.

Never been on a train, so can't speak to that. Maybe someday.
If possible, the window every time and that includes other public transport such as buses, coaches and trains. I find looking out the window helps the journey pass a bit quicker and I'm not the kind of the person to get up mid journey and use the bathroom so I'm more than happy to have a stranger sit next to me and box me in for a few hours.
Definitely window, especially on public transport. I don’t like aisle seats on the bus or plane as it feels like I’ve never got enough room. I’m not small by any means, so I feel like I have to suck in and shrink in aisle seats. Window seats seem to have more room and you can lean against the window sill for more room. Also you can gaze out the window rather than look at strangers lol
I love sitting near the window. When I rode the bus to school, it was a peaceful to distract myself in the mornings. It still is preferable, as I can see all sorts of things…trees, buildings, fields, churches, cemeteries, funny cloud shapes…and it helps pass the time.
Window seat, but because I have motion sickness. I have to lean somewhere so I won’t get dizzy, and an aisle seat just isn’t the best place to set up a comfortable headrest. I do like watching the scenes by the window from time to time, but even watching the sites makes me dizzy so I end up closing my eyes.
I don't really use buses or trains, but on planes, always window! I can see outside, and I can lean my head against the side of the plane. I also don't need to worry about anyone having to move past me to get to the aisle. Once I'm on the plane, I generally won't leave my seat. 😊✈️
It depends on the length of the flight! If it's longer than 3-4 hours, I prefer Aisle seat so I have easy access to the bathroom. I do really love looking out the window though.

Edit: I see it's not just planes. Trains are a definite window seat!!
When traveling alone, I prefer the aisle, especially on planes. I hate having to ask the aisle seat person to please move so I can go use the bathroom, so I try to always book an aisle seat. If I'm booking a flight with a friend or with family, then I'll try to book the window seat so I can look outside and see the clouds. I feel less bad about asking my mom or best friend to move their legs a bit so I can squeeze myself out of the seat to go to the bathroom/ stretch my legs with a brief walk.

I don't really care on buses and will always sit as far to the back and close to the window as possible so people don't have to ask me to move first.
I can definitely see the benefit of a window seat, as well. If I’m seated by myself, I will honestly sit by the window. If I’m next to someone, however, I 100% prefer the aisle seat. I guess it just depends for me. I find it easier to get some sleep on the bus and the train if I have both seats to myself; I can just lay down.

On my most recent flight, I did have an aisle seat and I’m super thankful for that. That flight was delayed and it would have sucked being closed in all that time. I hate flights as it is. I find train rides so much more enjoyable.
window because i like looking at cars as they drive by when at restaurants or when in a moving vehicle
When I'm riding the local public transportation (bus) I always sit next to the window, I just prefer being able to see places, and also I get nervous and afraid I'll miss my stop if I'm not constantly checking to see where the bus is at
I mostly ride by bus or train and I defo prefer the window (unless it's super jammed with people in the morning). I just hate having to get up and move every single stop just cause people bring large as **** bags and stuff you don't want aisle seat by then lol
WINDOW. surprisingly window is the only way to STOP me from getting motion sick.
Aisle. I don't like being closed in from past experiences, and I like the benefit of being able to get up and go.

While I do enjoy the view from the sky during take-off/landing, I typically close my eyes during flights or am focused on something else like a book.