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What will you do when ACNH arrives?


Pro Herp Derper
Jul 12, 2013
Silver Mailbox
Personally Imma be sad when I have to leave my old town to make a new living on a island :(
Imma miss all my villagers and my hard to get items from back in the day.
I will still keep the game ofcourse but its still gonna feel like a bitter sweet end for NL :(
I deleted my town over a year ago, and already ordered NH, so I'll be starting new. (And amiibo in my favorites whenever possible.)
i dont understand...why do you have to stop playing your NL town just because a new game came out? thats silly and i dont get how theyre mutually exclusive lol. ill still be playing my NL game
Some people may not have the time to play two games and maintain two towns.
i dont understand...why do you have to stop playing your NL town just because a new game came out? thats silly and i dont get how theyre mutually exclusive lol. ill still be playing my NL game

Well people usually just move on to the newest thing.
Its like people who enjoy a series... they move on to the next one.
Like pokemon or even call of duty.
Do you see people still actively playing older call of duties now compared to the new installment?
I havent played WW when i got new leaf. I havent played pokemon X-Y / Sun moon since i got shield.

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I deleted my town over a year ago, and already ordered NH, so I'll be starting new. (And amiibo in my favorites whenever possible.)
I lost my OG 3DS so i lost all my friends but still kept my old town.

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I agree with this
i will still play it occasionally, which i've been doing for a few years. I still play city folk regularly tho as its my fave and tbh i barley touch wildworld now as it got boring for me.
I'll be playing both NL and NH, although i'll be more active on NH obviously
Honestly, it won't change anything for me. I won't be getting New Horizons, at least not right away, so I'll continue playing New Leaf. I'm still working on designing and landscaping my second town so that will keep me busy for quite a while.

I do understand how sad it will be when I finally have to leave my New Leaf towns behind, though. It's a struggle right now keeping up with the two of them and eventually I'm going to either move on to New Horizons or pick up another game. At that point, I'll probably have to let New Leaf go, but I'll note the last date I played on each of my towns just in case I ever do want to pick them back up and check on my villagers without the repercussions of jumping ahead too far in time.
I'll still be playing New Leaf for a while due to the fact I don't have money and have to wait longer.
I’ll wait till I have enough to buy it, then I’ll get it probably at GAME.

I’ll still play acnl, my town is beautiful~
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I don't have school that friday so I'm going to wake up at like 4:30 or whatever time my body decides to wake me up, eat food, check into my mobile games, then spend all day playing, maybe playing some PMDX or RF4S if I get bored at any time.
What will I do when Animal Crossing:New Horizons arrives?First of all,I'll open the box or envelope it was shipped in.Then,I'll remove the plastic wrap from the game's box.....

Nah,I'll play my AC:NH town along with my existing New Leaf towns.I bought a Switch Lite with that in mind so playing New Horizons on the Switch Lite would be similar to playing New Leaf on the 3DS if that makes any sense.My gut feeling is that I won't get into New Horizons as much as New Leaf but I sort of hope I'm wrong about that.
I'll retire my New Leaf town(s), at least for a while, once New Horizons is out. I'll be busy with the new game, but I'll still go back to my old town for nostalgia if nothing else.
I will be continuing to play NL. I love my new town, and I'm enjoying the challenges I've set up for myself. I'm 100% satisfied. I have no interest in NH whatsoever or the Switch whatsoever.

And if I did get another gaming console I would definitely go for an Xbox over a Switch any day! I want to play the Master Chief Collection so badly.

So there's that!
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i will probably continue playing new leaf!
i have a feeling a lot of other people will do the same- considering people still play wild world and city folk (and those games aren't even as complex as new leaf!)
only time will tell, i guess.
I won't play New Leaf again for a long time. It'll be nice to visit my town again eventually and relive all the memories I had of playing it.
Still play New Leaf. Still enjoying the game, so I likely will not stop playing it at least until there is no Wi-Fi.

Well people usually just move on to the newest thing.
Its like people who enjoy a series... they move on to the next one.
I havent played WW when i got new leaf. I havent played pokemon X-Y / Sun moon since i got shield.

And previous Animal Crossing games have discontinued Wi-Fi, that are also older titles that provide something different.
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i got rid of my copies of new leaf a while ago, so i?ll be starting over completely; i?m not too upset about it though, i?m excited for the new features that acnh will bring :)