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Amiibos: Do you keep them in the box or take them out? What amiibos are your favorites?

Do you keep the amiibos in the box they came in or do you take them out?

  • I keep them in the box.

  • I like to display them outside of the box.

  • I keep some in their boxes and others I have taken out.

  • Other

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I am Ferdinand von Aegir!
May 26, 2015
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I keep my amiibos in their boxes except for one that I have two of; one was a gift from a friend and another was from my family. I have my amiibo cards in a binder (in a protective sleeve page). I keep debating opening some since NL days like particularly the villager since scanning him in NH let’s you order his poster. I just ordered some Splatoon amiibos and now am again wondering if I should keep them in the box or would they be worth opening for the in game perks?

My favorite amiibos:
I haven’t played Monster Hunter but when I saw the cat on amazon, I had to get it even though it was more expensive than what the amiibos normally cost.

The villager was a hard one to find which is part of the reason why it is my favorite; I got it as a christmas gift!

Robin and I think maybe Corrin too was a Christmas gift from a friend (two different years I think). An earlier year, a friend got me one of the Able sisters’ amiibo (my mom got me the same one at Christmas).

Byleth is a favorite since Three Houses is my favorite Fire Emblem and I love Byleth; initially I was indifferent but as I looked at fan art, talked to artists about their fan art, and talked to other fans, I grew to appreciate Byleth tremendously 🙂.

Once my new amiibos arrive, I’ll be adding Joker, Small Fry, the Inklings, Snake to my favorite list 🙂, maybe Kazuya too.

Of my amiibo cards (I keep them in a binder in protective sleeves, my favorites are the three amiibo festival cards; I got them on ebay for a reasonable price (forgot how much since it has been a long time since I got them).
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I have Splatoon amiibos, Animal Crossing amiibo figures, and some Smash Bros. but I used them for unlocking the gear so I displayed these amiibos outside the box and in the shelf for easy access and a nice way to display the amiibos.

The Animal Crossing villager amiibo cards are stored in those card album books I have however.
I have all of my figurine amiibos out of their packaging since I don't have a lot of room on my shelves and want to be able to use them. I also keep my amiibo cards sleeved and in a deck box.
I have mine all out of their boxes. I do like the packaging but like Zinnia said, it takes up a lot of room. I only keep figures and nendroids in their boxes , mainly for reselling purposes but also cause I like their boxes
I keep my cards in card binders!
I have amiibo figures as well as Animal Crossing amiibo cards.

Most of the amiibo figures I own thus far are from the Super Smash Bros. line; I have Byleth, Ike, Lucas, Lucina, Marth, Ness, Robin, Roy, Shiek and Zelda from the Super Smash Bros. line. I also have the Alm & Celica amiibo figures from Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia as well as the Tiki amiibo that they released to coincide with the release of the first Fire Emblem Warriors.

Of the ones I own, I guess my favorite would probably be Ike since his games, Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, are my favorite video games and I like having a piece of merchandise to represent that. Maybe I ought to get one of those more expensive figures that companies sell sometimes, but eh, the prices of such figures tends to keep me away. Can't beat, what were amiibos back in 2017, like $12 or something? That said, the Alm, Celica and Tiki ones are cool too since it was kind of surprising to see a random game (Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia) get amiibo, and as a fan of the older Fire Emblem games I liked that they and Tiki got some recognition.

There are a few that I don't own that I might like to get someday but haven't ever gotten around to since I kind of fell off the amiibo bandwagon years ago. These ones I might still be interested in getting are Blathers, Boo, Celeste, Chrom, Peach and Waluigi. Blathers and Celeste because birds are my favorite animals, owls are cool and I like these two. Boo because I like spooky stuff, Boo's a fun design and because the amiibo glows in the dark. Chrom to add to my Fire Emblem amiibo collection. Peach I'd either like to get the Super Mario one or the Wedding one. Finally, of course, Waluigi because Waluigi Numbah WAH-ne!

I feel like if I get Chrom then I ought to get Corrin just to completely round out the full set of Fire Emblem amiibo available, but I really dislike Fire Emblem Fates and Corrin themself, so...eh.

While I'm small texting here, random tangent: I wish female Byleth and female Robin amiibo were available instead of the males since I always play females in games when given the option, but alas.

I've kept all of the figures in their boxes and have just have them all together in a bag. I cut the plastic of the boxes enough to be able to take the figures out and to be able to scan them into games. I dunno, I wasn't originally going to keep the boxes but I kind of liked how they looked and decided to keep them. I'll probably display the figurines themselves, out of their boxes, on a shelf at some point though. As for the amiibo cards, I just keep them together in a small box.
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I have my cards in a binder but my amiibos stand freely by themselves. I think I have more figures than cards too. 🙃
(I really need to buy more cards but getting all of them is too much of a commitment but my binder is quite empty.)
I have a bunch of amiibos and have used all of them with various games. They're kept on a shelf when not in use. I threw out all the boxes long ago because I simply don't have the room and I'm not planning to sell them.
i like having my amiibos in-box just because they’re easier to clean that way. but i couldn’t miss out on the in game perks they gave! so i used to do some operations on the box:
and when standing upright you cannot tell that anything as been done to it

my favourites is the splatoon series and over time i collected a double of all of them so i can keep 1 inbox and 1OOB so i didn't have to do this too much. and the newer amiibos don't have the foil bit that prevents scanning in the box anymore so this is no longer necessary, thank god.

I also have an assortment of other amiibos that are a mix of in and OOB just cause i got them second hand and i didn't care too much at the time, but like i said, they're harder to clean, so i have definitely looked for in box ones since.
I take them out to use and to display. I’m not going to resell them and I prefer unboxing because why else would Nintendo make them do things in certain games and make them 3D if they were supposed to be kept in the packaging? My personal favorites that I have are Sephiroth, Sora, Player 1 Cloud, Player 1 Bayonetta, Cat Suit Peach, Bowser Jr, Link in the Link’s Awakening HD design, Zelda and Loftwing, TotK Ganon, Champion Urbossa, the Wedding Amiibo from Mario Odyssey, Game and Watch, and Banjo-Kazooie.
I own exactly six amiibo. Skyward Sword Zelda amiibo, Tears of the Kingdom Zelda amiibo, the Pyra and Mythra amiibo, and the Noah and Mio amiibo. I've taken out Zelda's, Pyra's and Mythra's because I think they look cool and make a nice spot on my desk with all of my other collectibles. I have Noah and Mio on a bookshelf unopened simply because they're from my favorite video game and I think it'd be cool to have them like that.
I take them out of the box because I want to use them.
My favorites are the Callie and Marie ones. They're my favorite characters, so... Yeah.
I forgot that I also have Callie and Marie and Marina and Pearl and I do like how well detailed they are, I also have the original Inkling 3 pack and a light blue Yarn Yoshi. I managed to find a loose Toad Amiibo and completed that Mini Mario game that was on the 3DS that used Amiibo for the levels.
I keep them outside the box. Keeping them in the box takes up far too much room, and I can't use them if they are in the box. I'm also not one that feels the need to keep them in their box unless I plan on selling them in like 30 years... I dunno if I'd be able to keep them in mint condition in that time from though lmao

I love collecting Smash Bros amiibos, characters I main or otherwise like to play as. I also collect other series collectables as well, like Mario Party or Splatoon. I also love collecting non amiibo items like pokemon figurines.

This is pretty much what the top of my dresser drawer looks like at this point:
I take them out so I can actually use them. I don’t have that many, but I’ve thrown away the boxes on the ones I do have.
I opened a dozen or so. Most of the ones I have are Smash amiibo I still have boxed, i.e. I have all the Smash amiibos and I never made a display for them. So ngl, they’re tucked away until I find a way to sell them off. The ones I opened were characters or toys I really cared about like the squishy Metroid. I’ll probably keep the yarn ones as well.

They’ve evolved so much since the original janky human faces and colored leg supports lol. Can’t tell you my precise favorites but that quality for that RRP was a steal. Even the QA seemed better than the other toys to life stuff, I obsessively collected Skylanders and can’t tell you how many misprints I saw.
The only Amiibo I have that I plan on semi-customizing is one of the Game and Watch inserts with a color prints out of Paper Mario taped over the figure. I’m thinking of using the one where Game and Watch is standing on one foot as it is close to how Paper Mario poses when in shock. Only problem is I don’t have a color printer.
Mine are just stored to take up the least amount of space 😂
The boxes are all folded up and some are in their plastic packaging, depending on how delicate each of them are. I just have the animal crossing amiibo figures and a few others. I think my favourite might be yarn yoshi
I only have three amiibos, Peach, Daisy and Rosalina and they are staying in their box and hung on my wall in a stair like manner.
I also have a custom made Kabuki clay figure with an amiibo chip in him which is displayed without a box because he didn't have any. :V