What Are You Happy About Today?

Had a fantastic end to the week! 😁

- Woke up early and was productive at work. 📊

- Had a therapy appointment and it went well. 💚

- Went to the gym for awhile and did an intense cardio circuit workout. 🏃‍♂️

- Came home and fed my kitties their special food. 🐱

- The Texas Rangers defeated the Houston Astros 12-8! ⚾ 🔥

- Chilling on Twitch with a friend and watching their stream. 🎮

A few small things as not much has happened since I last posted here:

I tried Dr. Pepper Cream Soda. I don't like regular cream soda, likely because I dislike root beer, but the Dr. Pepper version is decent! I've been meaning to try it for a while and one of my coworkers finally urged me to buy one. I'm not sure I would buy it again, but it's a decent drink nonetheless.
There were a few small changes made to my work schedule recently and I prefer it this way.
I did something tonight I've been meaning to do for the past few days. I'm proud of myself for getting it done. It wasn't urgent at all, but it was nice to get out of the way.
I’ve done some more work on my ACNH island! Starting to work on distributing the flowers I’ve had stored on my beach, but also planting trees and some other little tweaks. I also designed a couple more homes in Happy Home Paradise and unlocked more polishing effects!

This was actually a few days ago, but I’ve started over reading Kimi ni Todoke! Back onto the second volume now. I have a dreadful habit of forgetting to continue reading series around the 2/3s or 3/4s mark. Once I’ve actually collected all the volumes, I wind up reading them over again from start to finish because it’s been so long that I’ve forgotten where I was at or what was going on. ;v;

Also played Fashion Dreamer for a while! Mainly focused on clearing out my item box (I got rid of about 2k items despite only being able to delete ten at a time, oof) and trying to use up some more of my bingo ticket backlog, but I did a few lookits for other players and NPCs too! Seeking Zeke made a brief return, so I'm one step closer to the eyes I want 🙏
I'm actually feeling pretty good this morning, first time in over a week. just turned to 7am and I've already been very productive this morning. I think this will be a no-internet kinda day (though I'll still be on Discord if anyone wants to reach out), and I'm hoping to work on my drawing and do some other important stuff today. ☺️💗

edit: omg almost forgot!! yesterday while I was at work I randomly started thinking about moths and looking at pics of moths, and I found two that are absolutely stunning!! the first is called the Glover's Silkmoth, and the second is a Chinese Luna Moth! I love them so much 🥺💓
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My dad and I went to see some bluebells today! I couldn't get any good pictures so these are from a few years ago, but there were even more this year!


I did take pictures of some pretty blossom I saw, as well as a very polite robin that flew up to us and sat still while I took a picture of it (it still turned out blurry though lmao)

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taking myself out to go see the shrek 2 in theatres! i think it’s available to watch in theatres for a week to celebrate its 20th anniversary! it was one of my absolute favourite movies growing up so i’m really glad to have this chance to experience it in theatres!
Today's been a nice day off. :blush:

- Stayed up into the morning and then crashed for a bit, but it's nice I'm able to do this and can just sleep in tomorrow because it will be Sunday. 💤

- Got up and watched the Dallas Stars versus Seattle Kraken hockey game, and they won 3-1!! This means that they've won the NHL Central Division for the first time since 2016! Really excited to see how they do in the playoffs. 🏒 🔥 💚

- Treated myself to Subway as my cheat meal because I've been good about my diet all week. 🥪

- My kitty cuddled next to me on her pillow and was purring. 🐱

found out that the ninth series of inside no. 9 aires in may, definitely getting back into the series. doesn't feel that it's been a long time since the eighth series released (": watched dead line and cold comfort earlier this evening.

found some glow in the dark charms and stickers for buddy simulator 1984 on etsy too :0 also rewatched the apprentice interview episode with my sibling !
Been a quiet, sleepy day for me (am running on less than 4 hours of sleep and my brain is kaput).

𓆑 I received another amazing commission from @/MrBox!! It was such a treat to wake up to this morning! It’s been so wonderful getting to see my persona in different art styles of theirs 💜

𓆑 I stepped out of my comfort zone and shared my Yuki Easter egg in Usagi Shima’s subreddit! I’m really anxious about sharing my art anywhere outside of TBT and with my bf (and even then I’m anxious), but I think my egg is cute and wanted to share! I honestly wasn’t expecting anyone to see it, let alone like it, but I’ve received a few upvotes (I think that’s what they’re called on reddit?
I barely use it LOL)
and a couple of sweet comments!! I’m so happy that others like my egg!!

𓆑 I feel like I haven’t shown Bonk in here in a while, so obviously I have to rectify that immediately !! Silly girl is doing well and has a nail trimming appt scheduled for Wednesday! Those darn things grow so fast…

𓆑 I reached 5 hearts with Francesca in Cozy Grove and found out how she died, and I am SAD! Even greedy Clyde is starting to tug on my heartstrings now and I’m so !! I am very grateful to the game devs again for letting me hug (most of) the bears because lord do we need it. It’s been shockingly emotional watching the bears finally pass on?? I’m so happy that some of them have finally found their peace and that I still get to hug them and do little favours for them, but knowing I’ll never get to interact with them in the same way or learn more about them again is so !!!?
BUT on a less sappy note, I also caught a new mythical critter and earned 2 new badges :3

I disagree!!

𓆑 I’m so excited for the Hybrid Flower Breeding event to start next week, and to find out what the bonus for collectible enthusiasts will be !! I fear I do not need the bonus since I already have 30+ lineups I’m dying to display, but I want the bonus… I wasn’t around for the event in 2019, so I’m excited to finally experience it for myself!! 🪻

𓆑 My dad bought some green and red/purple grapes yesterday, and they look So crisp and juicy… I can’t wait to munch on them
I got Chick-fil-A for lunch, and I’m now going out for dinner.

Additionally, I got my second Animal Crossing figurine. Here are the figurines I have so far:

I don’t think I would order any more figurines, not for my characters at least, but I liked what I got.
My mood isn’t the best but I’m doing okay since Splatoon 3 is keeping me busy and happy while I’m playing 🙂.

I’m happy my locker got upgraded and I found a different color in the shop and more decorations that I like 🙂. Earlier I got the cat badge! Easy badge but I like it because it’s a cat ☺️

I’m happy I haven’t experience any more morion sickness (I have the settings down). Last night when I was stuck on a story stage, I got a bit sick >.<.

I’ve gotten comfortable using one weapon and its special so far 🙂.

I got the ok to get the dlc! 🥳

Jewels was again extra snuggly with me earlier 🥰. She likes to crawl under the blankets and sleep with her paw and head against my legs ☺️. Spanky made me happy too ofc by responding as she does with the cute sounds she makes and she gave me kisses too (she does that all the time too) 🥰. Down in the basement, when she saw me, she plopped down and started rolling 🥺. i love it when she does that.

In Fate Go, I got Morgan’s first ability maxed 🙂. Also got the last copy of the freebie character to get their noble phantasm to 5. just need to get the ascension materials and tokens so still lots of farming to do.
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  • Works been going well. I’ve been I have three more days to work then I get a day off after 7 days in a row of work. I really am looking forward to my day off.
  • The good thing about retail is I’m averaging 13,000 to 23,000 steps per day everyday so I’m hoping it helps me lose weight , coming from a very sedentary lifestyle.
  • I get paid Monday, definitely excited because it’s gonna be a big paycheck because it’s for two weeks since my job pays every other week and its my first full 2 week paycheck.
  • I plan on getting some takeout, I’m thinking Popeyes.
  • I haven’t posted much in the past few days on here because I’ve been super busy with work and whatnot but I am doing well and I love reading what everyone’s happy about :) and my kitties are doing well, I love coming home to be greeted by them :)
Today was a good day!

- I went to bed a bit late last night, but I passed out and got to sleep in this morning. It felt great.
- We had a friend come over and played a trivia game together. It was a lot of fun, plus I won!
- My husband and I tried out a new (to us) restaurant for dinner. I got a veggie calzone and it was delicious. I also had a brownie for dessert. We will be going back again.
Watched an episode of Hunter x Hunter with my parents this morning! I’ve been looking forward to it all week ahaha. We also got to see another episode of SolidarityGaming’s Minecraft SOS series, which was... I don't know how to describe it, except to say that MythicalSausage comes up with ideas that no one else would.

I did some writing today for a few hours straight, and had a lot of fun!

I finally got my last Nook Miles stamp for the Fishing Tourneys today LOL. Not sure if I have all of the ones for the bug-catching contests in the summer... I might have to make a point to grab those too if I still need them. ^^;

Since I didn’t have much more that I wanted to do on my island today, I played Fashion Dreamer while my mom and I watched people on Youtube make fun of cheesy ghost-hunting shows, which was a blast. Also finally got my brand level high enough that I was able to unlock the witch outfit aaaaaaa
I recently commissioned some art of my comfort character. I love this character, had a strong urge to have some art made and it did not disappoint. I previously posted about my love literal obsession for the Total Drama Reboot, but I particularly have strong attachment to MK. Contrary to popular belief, my eyes are actually green. I requested them to be green here for accuracy reasons. I've been feeling a bit lonely/detached recently and seeing this brings a smile to my face. On a brighter note, however, I will be receiving a sticker soon of the artwork. My main struggle will be finding somewhere to put it, lmao.
That quote and picture are from an episode where she says her helmet prevents her from sustaining drain bamage.

Keagan's constant energy makes me happy. He's an old puppy and still so full of energy. I could throw lambchop for hours and he wouldn't get bored of playing fetch. Speaking of lambchops, he'll be getting a new one soon to add to his collection. He still needs birthday lambchop with the party hat, although Keagan's birthday has long passed. He still needs a new lamb friend for his collection, though, and I shall give him one.
I have the next two days off after tomorrow, and I think I need the relaxation time. It was a long day today. I'm not sure if I'm doing much aside from playing video games, maybe watching anime, and sleeping in. I'm also getting paid in a few days, so there's that... Keagan has been good company for my loneliness. I'm just proud of myself for pushing forward. It'll pass in a few days as it always does.
Saturday, April 13, 2024
  • Got less sleep than usual, but still got up early.
  • Filled in some more of my diary.
  • Filed some documents away.
  • Found a tub of rechargeable AA batteries, so in the process of charging them.
  • Played Pilotwings. Was so close again to passing Stage 3, hopefully I will pass soon!
  • My parcel arrived earlier than expected. This is one of my favourite mugs now! Every hot drink now tastes even better than before!

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- I actually had a good day at work yesterday! It wasn't too busy, I was working with people i get along with, and it wasn't stressful 😊 It was still light outside when I left work at 8pm!

- I even got 2 free glasses and a bouquet of flowers from the staffroom to take home 🥛💐

- My amazon package arrived and I'm pretty happy with what I ordered! I got a microfibre towel for future hostel stays lol. And also some clear covers to protect my passport

- It's a lovely sunny day today ☀️
Hope you all are having a lovely day 💚

- The other day, I went to an artist market, at which two of my close friends had set up stalls! Even though I don't have much time atm, it was so nice to quickly pop in, see them, and buy a couple things from them! They're so talented 😊. I also had some nice chats with some other people, and bought a couple pieces of art! I also got one for my partner, which I'll give them next time I see them!!

- This morning, my family went out to a retro games place, and I had a look around at their collection, and played a couple games I don't have. Two I tried pokemon pinball and stadium. I have a gba but wasn't sure if I wanted the game, and I don't have an n64, so it was nice to try!

- Afterwards, we got an afternoon snack, which was okay, except my dad tried coffee lemonade, which almost made him sick 😭

- This evening we went out, sat by the water and ate pizza together. We played some bocce, and then proceeded to do piggyback races and other silly stuff. The lights over the water, the perfect temperature with a light breeze,, it was just a really nice night 😊

- Ended my evening with a sketch and some video games