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Unpopular Opinions Thread

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Jail, yes. Castration is ridiculous though.

See? It's not always a popular opinion flop. Though I do totally respect the opinion against it as oath has. It's kind of a moral debate on at what point is harming another human different than someone else's actions of harming a human.
Raised in Texas by the way if that gives you any notion- lol. Although I'm very open minded, tolerant and accepting of just about everyone else. 9/10 of my friends are some form of homosexual, my sister is now my brother and I have a dad and three grandmas Ha. I can't forgive people who harm children though and was fortunate not to experience any abuse as a child.
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See? It's not always a popular opinion flop. Though I do totally respect the opinion against it as oath has. It's kind of a moral debate on at what point is harming another human different than someone else's actions of harming a human.
Raised in Texas by the way if that gives you any notion- lol. Although I'm very open minded, tolerant and accepting of just about everyone else. 9/10 of my friends are some form of homosexual, my sister is now my brother and I have a dad and three grandmas Ha. I can't forgive people who harm children though and was fortunate not to experience any abuse as a child.

I respect you so much for accepting all your family

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Oh shut the **** up, take your male privilege and shove it up your ass. It's perfectly acceptable for a person, especially a female, to be disturbed by that kind of backwards opinion about rape.

So true!
i basically did a thesis on this for HS (or part of it, at least) - no.


rape isn't taken seriously and honestly its disgusting.

saying "just because a girl went out in a short skirt and flirted with guys means that she wants to have sex with the guy" and then calling it rape IS rape.As long as she didn't consent, its rape. And I've never ever ever seen a girl be like 'lol i feel bad for having sex with you so im gonna say you raped me xo'

"My unpopular opinion is that when girls get 'raped', they should accept the consequences of their actions."
and this is just really dumb IMO. That's just like saying because you chose to walk along a highway you deserve to get hit by a car, or because you left your door unlocked, you deserve to get robbed.

And to say that the girl didn't struggle or bother to say she didn't want to have sex... maybe she felt too intimidated to say anything, and was worried that by saying no, then he would force it upon her, and logically it'd be easier if she just went along with it instead of trying to get out of it, but either way, it's rape.

(no flame sry)

MY UNPOPPY OPINION: disney is overrated

This is disgusting and sad. Why would anyone answer yes to any of these questions? Most of these questions were answered yes very much on by males, and this is why females are better than males. Many males are disgusting, terrible, violent, ignorant, and sexist. Not all, but many.
This is disgusting and sad. Why would anyone answer yes to any of these questions? Most of these questions were answered yes very much on by males, and this is why females are better than males. Many males are disgusting, terrible, violent, ignorant, and sexist. Not all, but many.

And many women are judgemental and *****y from your comment there, if we are working on assumptions
the poll did absolutely sicken me though.. awful how anyone can think that
should be 0% to both
My unpopular opinion is that when girls get 'raped', they should accept the consequences of their actions.
I'm not talking about people who were dragged into an alleyway, brutally beat-up and then raped here by the way.
I mean girls, who get dressed up in their shortest skirts, lowest tops and their sexiest make-up, they go out to clubs and bars and get unbelievably drunk, flirt with some unsuspecting guy who is equally as drunk and 'misinterprets' this as wanting to go home with him and have sex. Then these girls wake up the next day, feel bad and say that because they technically didn't say yes, it was rape.
Even though just twelve hours ago they were moaning and writhing with joy, intoxicated..
Again, I know this is probably very few of the cases, but it annoys me when girls claim they were raped and yet when they tell me their story, they didn't struggle against the man at all or tell him she didn't want to have intercourse.
I laid in bed last night, with your words on the back of my eyelids. I had a full 2 hours of laying there to think of something to write, but I just couldn't! I was trying to think of something to say to convince you how toxic & harmful this opinion is. I didn't want you to feel attacked or defensive, I wanted you to see the light. Please stop blaming the victim. By saying things like this, you're telling rapists you're on their side.

I'm only 20 years old now, but every time one of my friends (5 in total now) came forward saying they were raped, EVERYONE around them listed excuses like this. It was their shirts! It was cause she was drinking! It was her make-up! She led him on! Well she's a slut anyways, she was asking for it! Not one of their rapists got in trouble or took responsibility for their actions. 2 of them were under the age of 10! TEN YEARS OLD. As a man, I can say I am not so animalistic that a short skirt would force me to lose control & rape someone. Then again i'm gay xD But if there was a naked man in the street, my first instinct would not be to forcibly rape him lmao. If you think your opinion is true, then apparently I have every right to assume all straight men are natural rapists.

"Again, I know this is probably very few of the cases, but it annoys me when girls claim they were raped and yet when they tell me their story, they didn't struggle against the man at all or tell him she didn't want to have intercourse."
EXACTLY, IT'S SO RARE. EVERYONE THINKS THERE IS MORE CASES OF FAKE RAPE, WHEN REAL RAPES HAPPEN BY A LANDSLIDE. Just focus your energy on helping rape victims! Male or female! They are heavily silenced & shamed. Do not spend your valuable time trying to make every little excuse for rapists.

I didn't intend to write a paragraph but I couldn't sleep last night, and as soon as I woke up this morning this lovely opinion was dancing in my skull. Your words were very harmful.
I do wonder how i'm going to be treated as i experience living in both roles, and how i will see the benefits males do get hm
I love reading internet fights and drama, and i don't feel a single bit guilty about it.
Nintendo should start making white deluxe Wii U's.

- - - Post Merge - - -

and this is why females are better than males. Many males are disgusting, terrible, violent, ignorant, and sexist. Not all, but many.

Battle of the sexes flame war in 3...2...1.......
I'll guess i will start the war.
That is another ****ed up opinion right there, Chibi Kafu.
Oh my gosh Chibi Kafu, you you... you just.. you just gotta.. Why? Why must you?
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I think that Disney is so full of it's self. Sitting there with its, themepark, radio, tv channel, toys, shirts, and even waffles... Seriously.. like c'mon.. we get it you exist.. and you're the most fun thing on earth, but ya'know..
i basically did a thesis on this for HS (or part of it, at least) - no.


rape isn't taken seriously and honestly its disgusting.

saying "just because a girl went out in a short skirt and flirted with guys means that she wants to have sex with the guy" and then calling it rape IS rape.As long as she didn't consent, its rape. And I've never ever ever seen a girl be like 'lol i feel bad for having sex with you so im gonna say you raped me xo'

"My unpopular opinion is that when girls get 'raped', they should accept the consequences of their actions."
and this is just really dumb IMO. That's just like saying because you chose to walk along a highway you deserve to get hit by a car, or because you left your door unlocked, you deserve to get robbed.

And to say that the girl didn't struggle or bother to say she didn't want to have sex... maybe she felt too intimidated to say anything, and was worried that by saying no, then he would force it upon her, and logically it'd be easier if she just went along with it instead of trying to get out of it, but either way, it's rape.

(no flame sry)

MY UNPOPPY OPINION: disney is overrated

That's really sad. :( In school, us girls were taught to never wear dresses or skirts if we could wear jeans instead, because rapists 'want an easy target.' This has always stuck in my head and I have a hard time leaving the house in clothes that I haven't chosen out of fear of being raped. This also scares me a lot:

That's really sad. :( In school, us girls were taught to never wear dresses or skirts if we could wear jeans instead, because rapists 'want an easy target.' This has always stuck in my head and I have a hard time leaving the house in clothes that I haven't chosen out of fear of being raped. This also scares me a lot:

THANK YOU, this was the perfect picture! People are so focused on the falsely accused, that they forget to think about the rape victims. I never thought a rape post on an animal crossing forum could hurt me so deeply, but it did! That stranger had a big impact on me.
My unpopular opinion is that you should keep your unpopular opinions to yourself, especially if they involve okaying crimes against humanity. This thread is closed. Do not make another one.

End of discussion.
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