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Time Travel Was Almost A Reality!


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2015
Time travel is in fact, almost proven. Back in ww2, the nazi scientists were trying to create a device/machine that can warp the particles around and create a worm hole. This machine was named "Die Gloche" that's German for the bell (cause I take German) it's really fascinating. They made this machine to go back in time, in case they lost the war, to change the past and win the war.

The cool part was the machine dissapeared one night and no one knew what happened in Germany. A few years ago, when people were walking in he woods, a machine out of no where, crash landed on the ground. The poeple went over and inspected it. It looked like a bell. Unfortunately, by the time they got someone to see it, it was gone. People suspect it was "Die Gloche"
If time travel was possible, would you do it?
What would you change?
For me I would go back and tell myself to not be a complete idiot and embarrass myself in school
What if the nazis did change ww2 and they won? What would happen? Imagine today.....
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Yeah I would definitely do it. I would probably want to restart my life over again--!
Also if they did won eventually they would have to be taken down because there are still some people who think it's wrong.
if there are no risks involved (getting into a paradox, etc;;) why not? i would probably change a lot of things that were embarrassing to me. also for your last question i agree with @shina
Yeah I would definitely do it. I would probably want to restart my life over again--!
Also if they did won eventually they would have to be taken down because there are still some people who think it's wrong.

Yeah, my past self did act stupid. I don't know about my whole life though. Maybe back to age 6 or 7 and stay that way forever.

But wait.... When you go back in time. You yourself doesn't actually change. So there will be 2 of you. One younger, and urself (the older one) So how would can you restart ur life again!? Ugh time travel is confusing.
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A few years ago, when people were walking in he woods, a machine out of no where, crash landed on the ground. The powple went over and inspected it. It looked like a bell. Unfortunately, by the time they got someone to see it, it was gone.

Well, I see absolutely no reason why I shouldn't believe this highly convincing eye witness report.

What if the nazis did change ww2 and they won? What would happen? Imagine today.....

It's called Wolfenstein. Hitler has a mech suit.

Heil mech Hitler!
I love time travel and the whole concept, and I'd love to go back/forward in time just to experience different time periods. but since changing almost anything in your own life could cause a major paradox, I don't know if I'd do it. even if it was risk-free, I'm not so sure.

and thinking of the nazis having power like that in their hands is really scary tbh. I can't imagine what things might be like if they went back and changed the outcome of the war, or anything else in the past.
if i could time travel, i'd travel back in time and stop Die Glocke from falling into the wrong hands

(which btw is a conspiracy theory - don't believe those, especially not ones where nazis are involved)
Time travel is so cool. I remember reading an article once that explained how time travel (to the future, at least) is totally possible and as much as I love learning about the concept of it, it's hard for me to imagine that it could actually be a reality. I just can't wrap my head around the thought of going forward or back in time.

If I was given the ability, I'd be tempted but I wouldn't wanna use it because of all the consequences it could bring about. I'd kind of like to go back in time and see what would happen if I fixed some of the things that I regret now, but the thought that changing even the smallest detail about my life could change the entire outcome of my future scares me and I wouldn't wanna mess with it. Sometimes I think maybe I'd go back and just redo my whole life because that seems like a great opportunity at times haha, but I know I'd miss all of the friends and relationships I've made, and for all I know making all of the mistakes I've made may end up being a good thing in the long run, so I wouldn't bother.

It wasn't the source I was concerned about, it's the Terminator style 'perfect cover story' of there being no way to prove what they claimed didn't happen because it conveniently happened in a way that leaves no viable evidence that it was or wasn't there.

"It's gone without a trace now, but we totally saw it. Take our word for it. I'm not lying, ask me mam!".

Plus, I don't trust a website that's freely available to be edited by anybody when it comes to subjects that are already highly debatable on matters that don't have hard factual evidence to support the articles...I can believe the German's were trying to develop time travel during WW2 since legitimate historical documents could easily exist to prove that (plus it's believable. They did some weird stuff), I can't however believe that a couple of random hicks (I assume) genuinely witnessed a time traveling machine crash land and miraculously disappear.
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Time travel is so cool. I remember reading an article once that explained how time travel (to the future, at least) is totally possible and as much as I love learning about the concept of it, it's hard for me to imagine that it could actually be a reality. I just can't wrap my head around the thought of going forward or back in time.

If I was given the ability, I'd be tempted but I wouldn't wanna use it because of all the consequences it could bring about. I'd kind of like to go back in time and see what would happen if I fixed some of the things that I regret now, but the thought that changing even the smallest detail about my life could change the entire outcome of my future scares me and I wouldn't wanna mess with it. Sometimes I think maybe I'd go back and just redo my whole life because that seems like a great opportunity at times haha, but I know I'd miss all of the friends and relationships I've made, and for all I know making all of the mistakes I've made may end up being a good thing in the long run, so I wouldn't bother.
Same, I just can't get my mind around it. I know it's possible and it makes sense, but I still feel like it's impossible.
sure id try time traveling. dunno what I'd change about my own life.

btw the doctor who theme is playing in my mind as I read through this thread
It wasn't the source I was concerned about, it's the Terminator style 'perfect cover story' of there being no way to prove what they claimed didn't happen because it conveniently happened in a way that leaves no viable evidence that it was or wasn't there.

"It's gone without a trace now, but we totally saw it. Take our word for it. I'm not lying, ask me mam!".

I see what ur saying ;)
I've heard stories of this, and I've always found it really fascinating. As for myself time-traveling, I don't think I would. I'm happy with my past with how it is, because otherwise I wouldn't be wanting to change it in the first place and I wouldn't be who I am now. Time travel would be way too dangerous anyways, not to mention the implications of actually traveling through time.
I've heard stories of this, and I've always found it really fascinating. As for myself time-traveling, I don't think I would. I'm happy with my past with how it is, because otherwise I wouldn't be wanting to change it in the first place and I wouldn't be who I am now. Time travel would be way too dangerous anyways, not to mention the implications of actually traveling through time.

And if u get stuck in the past. It's to complicated for human minds
One thing I don't understand is how time travel doesn't already exist. Millions of years into the future, time travel must become possible at some stage, and if time travellers exist, how do we know they don't come and go from here and change things dramatically for us? We would never know, because our memories of that reality would just erase. Every moment, things could be changing. That's really peculiar to me.
i'd go back in time and like. lose the ultimate sperm race. or something.
I wouldn't mess with it.

I believe everything happens for a reason so I'll let everything play out naturally without altering things I disliked. it was apart of growing up for me that had some painful parts but made me who I am today and I'm okay with it now.