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Mafia TBT Mafia General 2.0 - Setups/Bans/Info/Discussion

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Just to be clear, I definitely never agreed to manage mafia game bans or anything like that and I'll just say now that I have no interest in doing so. And I have no doubt that almost anyone who wants me to manage them would instantly change their mind on that as soon as a decision is made they don't agree with. The bans has been largely self-managed by the players for many years now and I think that's been mostly fine. Keep in mind that a staff managed list is basically over-ruling the rights of a host to allow who to play in their game. That all being said, if Tina is willing to manage them that's fine with me and she may want to. I don't though!

I don't really get the sense that many people want mods managing bans anyway considering nobody invited me to this Dad discussion server, even though I was in that game! Which I'm totally fine with by the way, no offence taken! But that doesn't give off the impression at all that mod involvement was even wanted anyway.

For tags, as has been pointed out here, I said in my thread that I was looking for a "fairly unanimous" result because in my opinion completely removing tags is a bit of a nuclear option when the option of simply banning them is an option per host if it's not a fairly unanimous opinion. I definitely didn't look closely enough to count the number of non-mafia players voting though. The result was just barely teetering on the edge of being enough in my opinion, so trusting Daniel's math of 15-6 I have removed the ability for others to place tags. The creator of a thread can still add tags.

I was also considering making a similar follow-up thread on likes, but seeing as a decent amount even disagreed on tags, I scrapped that plan for the time being. I could try but honestly I don't get the sense that there's much agreement on removing those.
I was also considering making a similar follow-up thread on likes, but seeing as a decent amount even disagreed on tags, I scrapped that plan for the time being. I could try but honestly I don't get the sense that there's much agreement on removing those.
On that note, yeah there's an undercurrent of people wanting likes to remain, thanks for removing tags
the creator posting tags is the best compromise and what i wanted tbh, now it gives the hosts more power over their game since they can close/reopen the thread and etc
Like I said before, I agree with Justin on staff involvement. The ban and queue threads are just a general agreement of the people who are most involved in the situation. There's really even no need for these threads when no mods (except Tom years ago) were involved enough in the community to have a full opinion on bans. I've also never seen a dispute over who hosts next (it just ends up being who has the free time to/who shows interest first). So frankly, stickies aren't really needed. Since The Cellar is so different from the rest of the forum, the current host of a game is basically the mod for that time

With that being said, this seems to be a properly resolution to any issue. Dad admitted to his mistakes in the scummies, we generally agree that Dad shouldn't be able to play for two games because of it, we also agree that Antonio still can't play for one more main game (2 game ban minus the scummies), and it's been agreed and confirmed that tags will be disabled

Any other issues at this point are really just personal conflicts that should be dealt with privately. Any actual rule/ban discussions could be talked about on discord and formally addressed here
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Mog and Daniel have been talking to them privately and publicly from what I've seen. We've literally got a response from them, at least according to Punchy

PunchyThyCatLast Saturday at 1:20 PM
he said "no general consensus was reached"

They really don't seem to care what the majority thinks. People have made posts (Dan, multiple times over the past week), and people have PMed and DMed (Mog said that she had at least), they've been prodded, they aren't acting. I don't know who alls been doing what, but I can guarentee that theirs been more

We've kept them out of the loop from your incident specifically, I'll damn admit to that. I had little part in making that decision and the reason that I made this public was because I thought that it was a mistake: It should have been made public post-last game anyway, and people deserved to know about it if Punchy and Vanessa wanted to take action on it

You are literally trying to whitewash the aggressive behavior as the more important factor here when it really isn't. That's what I tried to say at least and I'll stand by that covering up cheating is more important

The poll
Has literally
Been up
For three weeks
With 2/3rds wanting a removal of tags
I don't see why they can't have at least done that by now

- - - Post Merge - - -


I have no intention of playing anymore

Do you seriously think I want to "take over" anyway

This is a laughable smear

- - - Post Merge - - -

If you feel you have to explain your aggressiveness rather than your hiding of rule breaking idk what to tell you but you don't have a grasp of what's the more serious issue

I'm just talking about operating on established rules at the time this game was going on and looking at reasons for banning since you brought it up and that's the one you can actually attribute here. I'm not saying that it's right to have used not reporting a role pm violation as a means to gain towncred and it was part of the act. On a universal standard of mafia it's a failure to report a rule breach, I shrugged it off because it was a meme game and didn't think you'd be so serious about the way I used it, and now I'm learning that the community is less lax about this type of scum engineering in a casual pm-enabled meme game. I acted on an incorrect perception of what I could and couldn't get away with as scum in this type of game. But you came here wanting to discuss a ban on me and I'm simply pointing out what is directly applicable for a ban, the anti-reporting-for-towncred doesn't exactly have a standardized ban. I've already admitted that it was wrong and that you've gotten enough people to WotC me over the anti-reporting moment. At least based on what Punchy PMd me (two games).

And yeah I'm not completely in the loop with who is prodding who over what but you have been directly accusing mods of being incapable of enacting a ban on me for this before even trying just because I gave them moderation on a TBT related server that had direct conflict happening in it already and I'm on an odd schedule due to work. Instead you run with an assumption about the mods and paint it as another case of why mods shouldn't be in control of the subforum and/or aren't doing enough. And I literally have a screenshot of you telling people mods are in my pocket above so you can't say you had no part in that decision.

Given you are acting just like you were when you created that server and how you wanted to be the one who was the OP of a new queue and ban thread when we were making it I have a hard time believing you are completely unattached here. You were PMing me incessantly and calling it a revolution, you were the one who pushed to make it happen, and seemed to have a lot of grandeur about making it happen. Based on how you were acting at the time I doubt you don't want anything to do with TBT mafia. You wouldn't be engaging in this back and forth if you don't want anything to do with TBT mafia.

No, I think you have no intention of playing here anymore until people you hold grudges against are gone, I'm one of them, and you assisted in rallying people against me. That's the vibe I get from you based on prior conversations and your involvement in this and it's what I'm talking about when it comes to why this community has fallen into inactivity.
We're not omniscient. If you don't tell us that there is a problem then we aren't aware of it. This is the first time I'm even hearing about it. Based on these posts my thoughts are:

  • Vanessa and Punchy should have dealt with Dad at the time.
  • Sensai and Dad should both receive bans for knowingly violating the rules.
  • Dolby should have also come forward if he knew this information - or is that exactly what he did do and the reason why he left the game? I feel like I'm missing information here.

Why have I not updated this thread already? Because it needs entirely overhauled and that was something I was delaying until the events of last month had cooled somewhat. But now that this has happened maybe it's better to move that plan along now. The plan was to restart this thread as a hub that better entices and educates newcomers on how to play, an open discussion on rules that allows non-Discord users to participate, and an updated guideline on determining ban length (case by case in private servers is unfair and allows for bias and mob mentality to take over). To bring in new users The Cellar needs to feel more like a welcoming community; not a clubhouse.

The product of what we decide as staff isn't always instant. There's a lot of time and thought put into things and sometimes it's best to let things sit for a while rather than rush to make changes. Maybe in this instance I should have rolled this out last month like I had planned, but after what occurred I had decided to put it on hold.
Dolby left the game because he was mad at Dad for not taking the game or him seriously. He waited for Punchy or Vanessa to bring it up, but they forgot. Later they decide to address the issue. Idk why he didn't wait again since the two were now addressing it, impatient maybe.

Dolby was taking a break from TBT until he was summoned by Punchy and Vanessa, because up to that he was pretty much gone from the community to say anything.
Goodness I didn't know stuff got this out of control.

I don't want to be used as a pawn, agreeing with one side or the other again. Tina's right - let the mods do their job, let the community administer bans and stuff, but private discord making is counterproductive. I ended up agreeing to a Dad ban which makes sense in theory, but was turned into ammunition in a whole different dispute.
Goodness I didn't know stuff got this out of control.

I don't want to be used as a pawn, agreeing with one side or the other again. Tina's right - let the mods do their job, let the community administer bans and stuff, but private discord making is counterproductive. I ended up agreeing to a Dad ban which makes sense in theory, but was turned into ammunition in a whole different dispute.

I think Evan is Using POE. Very scummy
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